Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 55 Captain Bu Xin!

Chapter 55 Captain Bu Xin!

There was silence, and everyone was listening intently. Huahvi wants to tell the whole story. Although some people have been able to roughly figure it out, most of them are still in the dark.

"I shouldn't be talking about this matter. I'm just a professional player and I don't know much about artificial intelligence technology." Huahvi is frank, "But I can understand everyone's eagerness to know now, so I'm here Let me tell you what I know."

"The artificial intelligence system used by 'MSI 2' in "Minecraft: Real Mode" is completely different from the previous AlphaGO and the like. The key lies in a set of special algorithms. It is this algorithm that allows the machine to evolve to The stage of being able to learn independently and use the information received from the outside world independently.”

"This is the same as us humans, who can slowly learn to walk, learn to speak, learn to eat with a knife and fork, etc. But we must know that machines actually learn much faster than humans."

"So if the machine is allowed to learn like this, one day it will surpass humans, which may pose a threat to us. But why does Microsoft still use this technology in this game? In fact, there are two reasons for making this decision. for a reason."

"First, the entities in the game can't last forever. They will be wiped out shortly after birth, and they can't learn enough things, so they can't be smart enough to threaten humans."

"Secondly, there is not a single entity in the game, but many, which means that there will be many intelligent entities with different consciousnesses, and even if they grow to that extent, they can restrain each other."

Huahvi smiled wryly when he said this, and then spread his hands and said: "Obviously, facts speak louder than words. I can tell you something, Huaxia's artificial intelligence-controlled weapon system shows that there are 237 intercontinental missiles facing our mainland. , of which 68 are loaded with nuclear warheads, and among these 68, 7 have an equivalent of more than 5000 million tons."

Although I know this fact, many people do not.When they heard the news, the pot exploded in an instant, and the whole hall was thrown into a commotion.

"The situation is very serious. Before the official server, some players trained these intelligent entities in captivity, so that they survived, learned a lot of things, and finally reached the point where they surpassed us. This is not only Microsoft's mistake, but also ours. It is We let them evolve to where they are today."

"Some people may ask, why does artificial intelligence attack us? Why doesn't artificial intelligence do it now? I can only tell you that I am sorry to tell you that I don't know the first question, but we can guess the second question, maybe artificial intelligence Disagreements have arisen within the intelligence that have forced them to temporarily suspend their activities."

"That's about all I know. Someone else will explain the rest to you, that is, your 'artificial intelligence tutor'. Do you have any questions to ask now? You can only ask one due to time constraints."

"Me!" Someone in Area A raised his hand very quickly, "It's easy to kill artificial intelligence, just turn off the power, why is it so troublesome?"

"Good question." Huahvi nodded, "We have already cut off the power to the server, even the whole world. It was from 3 am to 5 am the day before yesterday, but we still couldn't kill them. Not only that, but before the server appeared They have been dismantled into a pile of scrap iron by us, but they still exist. Why this is so, even experts don’t know.”

Everyone was stunned.This is really an exaggeration. If the "Skynet" in "Terminator" is still afraid that humans will turn it off, isn't these artificial intelligences now "Skynet 2.0"?Simply incomprehensible!
"Okay, let's move on to the next session of the conference. If you still have questions, you can ask your smart tutors next, and they will give you the most professional answers." Huahvi announced, "The next step will be up to each group. The coach in charge will take everyone to meet your teammates and captain, and make good work arrangements, etc.”

I was a little dazed after hearing that.To hold a conference, you must at least introduce guests, give speeches by leaders, various representatives, talk about a lot of things, talk about the future, talk about ideals, talk about the severity of the present and the bright future, and finally say "thank you Everyone" right?Why did Huahvi talk for less than half an hour by himself, while Xiao Chen and Set had nothing to do?

But as soon as Huahvi finished speaking, all the men in black sitting in the first row in front stood up and turned to face us.Li Hao, the coach in charge of our C2 group, stretched out his hand to open the menu, sent us a friend request, and then introduced himself: "Hi, my name is Li Hao, and I am from the 'MCER' club in Korea. I believe some of you here should have heard of me. .”

"Are you number one in Hanbok?" A white man in the second row asked him.

"Korean server ranks first in 1v1. Its overall strength is not good, and it only ranks third." He was very frank. There is a legion, and in the future, when entering the server to fight against artificial intelligence, they will also act together. Just now your Huahvi also mentioned that the artificial intelligence is now using more than 3 missiles at us. Believe me, I don’t need to explain. You also know why we want to Fight them."

"I am from the military. I used to serve in South Korea's 707th Army. After retiring, I entered the MC e-sports circle. Although I am older, I still made a name for myself, so I still have a certain understanding of MC. I am also confident that I can lead everyone well. .We have a 3-month training in the future, and it is written on the schedule. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can go back and look it up.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a row of men in black standing beside him and said, "Our group consists of 8 teams, each with seven members. Look up your numbers. The number after 2 is the team number. These eight of them are the captains of these eight teams, they were selected and provisionally selected based on their performance in the previous selection competition."

My number 2 is followed by a 4, which belongs to the 4th team.

Seven of the eight captains nodded to us with serious faces, and stood upright. Only Bu Xin looked at us with a playful smile, which was really weird, and some girls covered their mouths and laughed.

"Hello, I'm Weiss, the captain of the first team, from Australia!" The captain of the first team said loudly.

"I'm Wu Haoxuan, the captain of the second team, from China!" The captain of the second team is from Huaxia.

"I am Bonovyeva, the captain of the third team, from Ukraine!" The captain of the third team is a woman, but she also has the aura of being in her prime and not giving way to a man.

"I'm..." Bu Xin was smiling all over his face, leaning forward, like a waiter in an inn, he didn't know if he was nervous or something, but he still stuttered, "I'm, uh, I'm four Team captain Bu~Xin~"

He also proclaimed his name very long on purpose, which made a bunch of people giggle, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud, and his abs almost came out.I quickly covered my face and pretended not to know him.

(End of this chapter)

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