Chapter 68

"Say what you say." Seeing that he was teasing him into such an exasperated look, I wanted to laugh a little, so I decided not to interrupt him anymore and let him talk.

"She asked me to take pictures. The problem is that with the wave of artificial intelligence, my mobile phone is fine and the camera function is still there, but how can I give it to her?" Bu Xin raised this question sharply, "The new mobile phone can't take pictures."

"Yes." I nodded.This time the attack of artificial intelligence directly knocked back human civilization for 100 years. Although we can't feel it now, the lives of people outside must be chaotic and at a loss.

"How about I go find her?" Bu Xin turned around and was about to leave, looking very excited.

"Don't, don't, don't..." I stopped him, smiled mysteriously, and said to him, "You want to solve everything at once, take your time."

"What do you mean?" Bu Xin was puzzled.

"You can just take one picture at a time and go to her with your phone, so you can see her many times?"

"It makes sense!" Bu Xin clapped his hands and applauded, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Seeing his happy look, I was secretly delighted.You really are interested in her, kid. If I catch a fish casually, you will be hooked. There is no normal person like you who is willing to take the trouble to find her again and again. You must choose to solve it all at once.

But I really hope that Bu Xin can get out of the single. He is always urged by his family to get married, but unfortunately he has never been able to find a girlfriend, and blind dates always end in failure due to various reasons.

Hope he takes the chance this time.


After dinner, the team leader Ronce drove over and took Bu Xin to meet Huahvi. The first 20 of them were going to have a small meeting tonight.Ronce didn't expect any of us to be in the top [-], and he was very surprised. He praised Bron for his unique vision, and he didn't miss the wrong person.

I asked about Bron's situation by the way, but Ronce didn't know anything about it. He only knew that Bron was working day and night with a bunch of technicians in another place, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"I only know that you can only go in after Mr. Frere comes out of there, otherwise you will continue to prepare and train here." Ronce said.

"Is it related to the official uniform?" I asked him.

"It should be, you know more about these smart mentors. Oh, by the way, you don't know who your smart mentors are, do you?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"Coincidentally, he is a student of an academician sent by the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, surnamed Jiang." Ronce said, "However, I haven't seen what the person looks like. He will arrive by plane tomorrow, on a special plane."

"Okay, got it, thank you."

Ronce took Bu Xin away, and only Chen Xiaolin and I were left in the huge villa.The two of us sat in the living room and didn't know what to do. The TV turned on and it was all black, and the mobile phone couldn't be used. The new mobile phone could only send and receive messages and make calls.

The so-called retrogression of human civilization by 100 years, I can feel it thoroughly tonight. The most usable and advanced things in the house are only some electrical appliances such as coffee machines, washing machines, and electric lights.

No Internet, no WiFi, no computer, no mobile phone, I don't know what to do.

Going to Victor and the three of them is okay, but unfortunately the language is a bit difficult, and it is difficult to communicate face-to-face, so it is better to speak in the game more happily.

Chen Xiaolin sat on the sofa sullenly, the freshness of entering the villa in the morning has long since disappeared, and now she is so bored that she doesn't know what to do, and she doesn't know what to talk about if she wants to chat with me.

The two of us sat facing each other like this, looking at each other, sometimes one of us suddenly smiled inexplicably, and the other also laughed foolishly, and after the laugh, there was silence again.

Finally, Chen Xiaolin spoke and broke the boring situation: "Why don't we go out to play, this place should be very safe, and it won't be like the outside where the law and order are not good."

"Then, all right. Where are we going to play?" I stood up, walked to the hanger beside me, took off my coat, and put it on my body.To be honest, in a place like the United States, it is a bit frightening for me to go out at night. I always feel that a bullet will fly out of nowhere and hit me.

"Let's take a walk and take a look. Why don't you go to enjoy the lake view and see the fish?" Chen Xiaolin regained her energy, and reached out to pick up her small bag, "We haven't walked outside very often!"

"What kind of fish are you looking at in the dark sky? It's okay to enjoy the lake view, the moonlight in the lotus pond." I laughed.

The two of us walked out of the villa, locked the door, and walked along the road to the small lake in the center of the villa group.

The night in the villa area has a special scene under the dim yellow floor lights beside the path.For some reason, the starry sky tonight seems to be brighter than in the past, like fireflies gathering and flying in the sea, flickering and fading, chasing and following each other, forming a vast river of stars, rushing from the east to the west , splashing out the sky full of starlight.

The galaxy wants to turn a thousand sails dance!
"Look at the sky, I've never seen so many stars!" Chen Xiaolin was amazed, and pulled my hand subconsciously.

I was also inexplicably shocked.I remember when I was a child in my hometown, I was bathed in countless stars at night.More than ten or twenty years later, I saw the familiar scenes from my childhood in a foreign country again.

"Could it be because the lights in the big cities have gone out that the stars that have disappeared in the past have reappeared?" I said to myself.

Chen Xiaolin and I watched the stars while walking, and we approached the lakeside before we knew it.There were actually quite a few people walking on the embankment in the distance, and it seemed that they were just as bored as we were and came out for a stroll.

But my gaze stayed on a woman sitting on a bench by the lake.With her back to us, her hair fluttering in the wind, her cheeks resting on her hands, she looked at the other side of the lake motionless.

I recognized who she was at the first glance, my heart beat faster inexplicably, and even my steps quickened a lot, and finally I just ran.

"Boss!" Seeing me running away suddenly, Chen Xiaolin hurried to catch up, "Why did you run away suddenly, wait for me!"

I quickly ran behind the woman, reached out and patted her shoulder lightly: "Hey, Nangong!"

Nangong Xuan'er was startled and turned around.When she saw it was me, she let out a sigh of relief, smiled and said "Hello" to me in English.

"Boss!" Chen Xiaolin chased after her, and when she saw me and Nangong Xuan'er, she was shocked, "Sister Xuan'er..."

I was really pleasantly surprised to see Nangong Xuan'er here. The last time I saw her, she was going to send her college classmate Han Fuyu to Chicago, and she left a phone number for me. But after this incident, the second time I Lost news of her.

To be honest, I feel a little lost, not only because I may never see her again, but also because I will never see Aota Toichi.

"Why are you here?" I asked her in English.

 English listening test tomorrow morning, military theory test tomorrow afternoon (you read that right, we study military theory).After finishing a chapter, sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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