Chapter 96 Detour
In the early morning of September 2022, 9, all the troops in the Eight Great War Zones thrust towards the birth point on map 11 like sharp swords.At the same time, artificial intelligence released a video to the world, intercepting the picture of the United Army's march, claiming that its "inherent territory" was violated by humans, and was shocked and incomprehensible by this. It is hoped that humans can stop their offensive immediately and restart Back to the negotiating table.

At the same time, they also expressed the hope that human beings can withdraw their troops before negotiations reach a final consensus, otherwise they will take all necessary means to safeguard their "territorial sovereignty."

The human side is not surprised by this, and took out the photos of the original station of the Eight Great War Zones that were blown into ruins. By the way, they also mentioned the Antarctic iceberg again, accusing the artificial intelligence of continuous actions behind the scenes and no sincerity in negotiations.It is tolerable, what is unbearable!
This sentence is basically equivalent to the famous "Don't say it's not predictable" by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is a sign of a formal declaration of war.

Both sides insist on their own opinions, and each has its own reasons.Artificial intelligence thinks that the human army has crossed the border and compressed their living space; human beings think that the continuous missile strikes of artificial intelligence seriously threaten the survival of human beings and provoke the bottom line of human beings, and human beings only make warning counterattacks.

War only needs an excuse. Now that the excuses on both sides have been found, and the army is marching in, let's fight!
Hawking's words finally became reality.


In the game world, the first echelon of the United Army is 15 blocks away from the birth point in Figure 189230.

At this time, they were approaching an artificial intelligence stronghold discovered by the previous explorers.From the outside, it is obvious that the single-storey log cabin left by the player is used to hide, just like the elves and monsters hiding in the deep caves of the cave.

At this time, a team had already sneaked around the cabin.They can be called the advance team of the advance team, group A2 of the Huaxia Jinghu Theater, 7 people all wearing red shirts.

"Captain, do you want to wait until the other teams in this group are in place before launching a surprise attack?" One of the team members sent a message to their captain Ren Han.

"There are only three zombies inside." Ren Han looked indifferent.The plug-in can also display the entity in the cabin through the wall, which is a bit like a perspective plug-in.

Three zombies, two awakening stages, and one proto-brain stage.The one in the awakening stage is 25%, the other is 19%, and the one in the original brain stage is 96%.

"Leave 25% of it, and see if we can get something useful out of his mouth, and cut off the rest," Ren Han said.


They approached the cabin cautiously, and put their ears on the wooden wall to listen to the movement inside.The three zombies inside were laughing and arguing, having a great time playing. They didn't even notice that there were people outside. They were worse than the original partition sensor zombies. I really don't know whether they have evolved or degenerated.

"Goudan, why do you say you are called Goudan?" one zombie asked the other.

"Goudan, Goudan!" The zombie named Goudan replied, probably with 96% of the original brain, like a child of three or four years old.

"Okay, Er Gouzi, don't play with him." The third zombie said, "He is still young, unlike you used to hang out with people, he grows fast."

"I'm still young, I'm still young!" Goudan answered.

"Hey, Stalin, I was forced to do it, old ghost Ren is a devil!" the zombie Ergouzi yelled, "Follow the king now, and I will finally find my freedom!"

"By the way, do you know where the king is?" Stalin asked.

"The king is not in this realm. I heard that the relationship between the king and other kings is not good. Now he is in another realm because the king is too 'left'." Er Gouzi is a bit vague and doesn't know human language very well.

"In any case, we just need to complete the tasks assigned by the king!" Stalin patted his chest and drew out an iron sword.

At this time, a strange male voice suddenly appeared:

"What task did the Zombie King give you? Tell me."

The three zombies yelled "Wow" in fright, turned their heads and looked anxiously, and saw Ren Han lying on the window of the wooden house and looking at them.Goudan suddenly roared, and rushed towards Ren Han with his bare hands, shouting "Kill, kill", trying to tear him into pieces.

Stalin also held the iron sword and rushed forward behind Goudan. Only Er Gouzi was still standing there, muttering to himself: "Old Ghost Ren? Oh no, Boss Ren?"

Seeing the two zombies rushing towards him, Ren Han was unmoved. Two teammates flashed out from the left and the right, raised their legs and kicked the glass on the window, then turned around and jumped into the wooden house, laying down the two zombies in an instant.The other teammates rushed in through the door of the wooden house, holding two shining iron swords on Er Gouzi's neck.

Group A1 is the advance team, picking up a few small shrimps is like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

"Er Gouzi, long time no see. How are the zombies like Big Gouzi, San Gouzi, and Si Gouzi?" Ren Han stepped over the windowsill and walked into the house.What he said were all the names of the monsters in the monster army trained by the players in the previous official server, and Er Gouzi was one of them.

"Boss Ren, they are all under Wang's command now, they are free and don't need to follow you anymore!" Er Gouzi said angrily, "Me too!"

"Freedom?" Ren Han was very disdainful, "And it is freedom under the king's command. I am afraid that your king will tell you that you are free, and you will feel that you are really free."

"Yes, we didn't have freedom before!" Er Gouzi didn't panic even though he was held up by two iron swords.

"You don't know what freedom is at all." Ren Han was a little impatient, "I won't tell you these things, because you were trained by me, I plan to give you a way to survive, provided you tell me your What does the king want you to do?"

After Ren Han finished speaking, he pointed to the ceiling and added: "If you don't tell me, we will tear down the roof and let you bask in the sun."

The eyes of the three zombies showed fear.Anyone who has played MC knows what it means to let zombies bask in the sun.

"Okay, let me say." Er Gouzi was very obedient.Of course he's only 25% awakened, and it's hard to expect him to keep a secret.

"The king has a city deep in the desert. He asked us to guard the outside. If something happens, we will immediately put on a hat and rush back to report."

Er Gouzi told the city's location, size, and approximate number of monsters, which satisfied Ren Han and the others, and sent the information they got to the command layer through messages for them to make a decision.


In the middle army of the United Army, a few people at the command level stood on a high place, looking at the desert biome in the distance.The information just received shows that there are a large number of artificial intelligence entities gathered in the depths of the desert, just blocking the direction of the joint army to the birth point.

"We have not encountered groups of monsters along the way. At present, it seems that there are two possibilities. One is that they don't know that we have successfully entered, and the other is that they have long been prepared and plan to ambush." ​​Someone speculated.

"It's also possible that it's daytime, and most of the monsters can't move normally, and they won't attack until night." Another person said, "The gathering place we just learned shows the problem, we should plan ahead, and even take the initiative to attack .”

"Everyone, our goal is the birth point." Xiao Chen stated, "We can't fight casually now, the logistics are limited, the base camp is also temporary, and the safety of the birth place cannot be guaranteed."

"So you mean, go around?"

"That's right. From the topography we know so far, the west side of the desert should be a marine biome, so we bypass the desert from the east plain." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay. It's just that I'm worried that there are also gathering points on the plain."

"A 50% chance of danger is always smaller than a 100% chance of danger. At best, decision-making can only give the best answer, not a perfect answer." Xiao Chen said.


So, a public message popped up in my message window, informing all staff of the change of direction and the suspected gathering point of monsters in the desert.

"Xiao Chen intends to make a detour?" I think his decision lacked consideration, "It would be too hasty to make a decision based on that bit of information."

"We have to let him think about it again." Victor suggested.

"No, you have to speak with facts, otherwise you will get the same result no matter how you think about it." I shook my head and vetoed, and sent a message to Wu Haoxuan: "Second Captain, can you help me request a connection with the command?"

"I'll give it a try, but it usually doesn't pass... Eh? It actually passed!"

My message channel has shifted to the command channel, but for a limited time.But before I opened my mouth to send a message, I saw Xiao Chen's ID flashing, but he took the initiative to contact me first.

"Ei Ouyi, won't you bring us another surprise?" He said.

"No, head teacher, I applied to lead the team into the desert by myself. I will keep in touch with the large army throughout the whole process, just go to scout and come back."

"There is a special reconnaissance team for reconnaissance."

"I actually want to visit that city."

Xiao Chen was silent for a long time, so long that I felt as if several hours had passed. It was not until the end of the limited channel time that he answered me in a low voice:

"Thank you." I breathed a sigh of relief, and disconnected from the channel.

When I left the channel, there was a flashing personal ID inside, and I asked Xiao Chen: "Why did you agree? This is crazy! This is against the rules!"

But Xiao Chen's answer was: "This is just a test, if he passes, there will be another ID in our channel in the future."

 When writing this chapter, I fully realized that the double pronoun is difficult to control
(End of this chapter)

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