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Chapter 12 Fairy Tail Chapter The Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 12: Fairy Tail: The Chamber of Secrets
The more he went to the top, the more and more wizards Fu Kou encountered were level 10 and above, and there were also some around level 20, but not many.In his view, the overall strength of the mages of the "Ghost Dominator" Magic Guild is "the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker". Almost all the wizards below are not strong, and it is not clear how strong the other three "four elements" are.

"Maybe I can take this opportunity to destroy the 'magic cluster cannon Jupiter'." Fu Kou checked the map from time to time while stealthily sneaking, and he noticed that Joseph Bora had been staying on the top floor. "But the riots at the bottom are not enough to lure him away, so let me make some pranks at the middle."

In the bottom map, Naz Dragneel, Gray Folpasta, Elfman Strauss, Gajeel Lightfox, and many "ghost ruler" mages They are all entangled together, and the red dots representing them are gathered together and flashing continuously, it seems that a fierce battle has been launched at the bottom.In sharp contrast to this, Jubian Rox remained quietly in the room, showing no intention of coming out.

There are still many mages in the middle layer. After hearing the news that the guild has been invaded from the bottom layer, they have already packed up and rushed down cursing.Fu Kou didn't choose to entangle with them. He still remembered his previous self. Although his level was very low, he was very difficult to entangle. He didn't want his magic power to be exhausted by these mages.

"Now, according to my original intention, let's set a fire here." Fu Kou easily sneaked into the kitchen on the middle floor. There was no one else here. He poured slippery oil and water everywhere, and then ignited the place.He took a few glances at the panicked mages who came to put out the fire, and then ran to the next place, finding anything that could burn, and igniting them all.

In an instant, several places in the middle layer were engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. Some small fires had been extinguished, but some large fires stretched into a large area, connected to another large fire.The fire gradually became uncontrollable, so the mages had no choice but to go to each floor to gather mages with attributes such as water attribute and earth attribute magic to the middle layer, otherwise there was no way to extinguish the fire.

Fu Kou left the mess on the middle floor and let the mages go to the top floor.At this time, when he looked at the map again, he finally found something new: "It looks good. Jubian Rox followed Gajeel Lightfox and joined the battle at the bottom. But the most surprising Yes, it is undoubtedly the tenacity of Naz Dragneel and others, who have persisted for so long in the face of such a powerful enemy. It seems that it should be a very wise choice to form an alliance with them afterwards."

On the way to the top floor, he met more mages between level 10 and level 20, and they rushed to the middle and bottom layers with a lot of discussion.

"Those damned 'Fairy Tail' dare to attack our guild!"

"It seems that this will definitely become the trigger for us to start a war with 'Fairy Tail', then let them regret it, and now arrest these three bastards, hehehe..."

"Why is the middle layer on fire, has the 'Fairy Tail' people gone deep there?"

"Who knows, maybe the 'Queen' is coming too? If she comes, it's possible. What a bastard, it's really cunning to pick three of our 'Four Elements' when they are not around!"

"They came here for that bastard named 'Fu Kou'? I really can't figure it out, no matter how you look at him, he is a member of 'Fairy Tail'. Otherwise, why did they try their best to save him? I plan to take him in, let alone take him in now, the real master has come to the door."

"Don't talk about it, the president is right up there, you don't want to die!"

Fu Kou heard such words along the way, but his doubts grew more and more, which made him very unhappy. He always felt unhappy about things that were out of control. "Take me? Where did you start? Joseph Bora had this idea, so he didn't kill me right away? Also, the word 'Queen' is a little subtle, is she a strong female warrior?"

No matter what the truth is, his entanglement with this world has become deeper and deeper, and he has even been deeply involved in the center of the whirlpool. It is too late to plan to stay out of it now.If it was a few days ago, he would never have believed that he would have singled out such a series of incidents because of his single action.All the changes lie in "Aphrodite", and what he will do next will also be closely connected with "Aphrodite".

As he got closer to Joseph Bora, the other party restrained his magic power, so what he sensed now was the magic power of "Magic Cluster Cannon Jupiter", the four magicians, and those magic books.Although the magic power of the four mages is not strong, they give people a very strong sense of control. It seems that the magic they use is not of the combat type.

Although Fu Kou reached the top floor, he got lost in the winding alleyway on the top floor.He called up the map, and it was obvious that Joseph Paula was on the other side of the wall of the alleyway, but he still couldn't find the entrance.He suspected that there was surveillance magic in these alleys, so he used "Invisible Peeping" to move carefully, and never came out of the dark until the cooldown time of "Invisible Peeping" expired.

"Joseph Paula moved, is it because of the commotion?" Fuko stared at the red dot representing Joseph Paula on the map, and he moved, getting closer and closer to Fuko. "Or, he has already discovered my existence, and now he is coming to take my life?"

The secret door behind Fuko creaked open, and Joseph Bolla strode out from it, much to Fuko's surprise.Before he had time to react, he saw Joseph Paula frowned, stroking his beard with his fingers habitually.

"Hmm... I always feel that there is something wrong here..." Joseph Bora's small eyes scanned the alley left and right, and glanced over Fu Kou several times.Fu Kou knew that he had no other choice but to sneak into the secret room now, otherwise Joseph Paula would see him immediately when the invisibility effect disappeared.

He tried to hold back his heart, but it was pounding so loudly that he thought Joseph Paula could hear it, but Joseph Paula didn't move.He walked quickly past Joseph Bora, feeling goosebumps all over his body for a moment, and then he got into the secret room before the secret door closed.

On the map, Joseph Bora finally moved again. This time he was farther and farther away from the secret room, and finally left the top floor and moved to the lower floor.Fu Kou felt that he had done an extremely crazy thing, using his life as a bet.

At this time, he saw on the map that Jubian Rox had also moved, and she was coming to the upper floor.

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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