Comic game system

Chapter 14: Fairy Tail Chapter: The Storm Comes

Chapter 14: Fairy Tail: The Storm Comes
Fu Kou stumbled out of the hidden door of the secret room.Just now he retreated far enough away before detonating the magic ball of light, destroying the internal structure of "Magic Cluster Cannon Jupiter".However, the deafening explosion still made him dizzy for a short time under the protection of the "steel armor".

"Damn it, I knew I should go outside the secret room... But in this way, the detonation distance is too far away." Fu Kou called up the map, and he saw representatives "Joseph Paula" and "Jubi" The red dots of "Ann Rox" are all coming to the top floor, while the red dots representing Natsu Dragneel and others and the red dots of Gajeel Redfox are still staying at the bottom. "Are you ready to catch me? What a trouble."

He took the initiative to quit Aphrodite's "combat mode" - which means that he will not be able to use any skills during this period, then he removed "Angel's Prayer" from the available skill box and replaced it with "The Odd Appearance of the Stars".The red dot representing Jubian Rox approached him first, and the red dot representing Joseph Paula also left the middle level and went to the top level.

"'The Strange Appearance of Stars'." A golden pentagram appeared in Fu Kou's hand, and he had done the same thing at the bottom.Now, the bottom pentagram and the top pentagram radiate in response.

Jubian Rox appeared in front of him at this time, she pursed her lips, without saying anything, she covered Fuko with a stream of water that could restrain her body, but it was too late, this person who had been noisy in her guild for a long time The man was instantly engulfed by the red light.She stared blankly at the place where the man who had vanished in her all-conquering current stood, and waited until Joseph Paula arrived to recover.

"The ground floor is indeed chaotic enough." Fu Kou had already appeared behind a pile of wine barrels on the ground floor at this time. While resisting Gajeel Lightfox's offensive, he tried to persuade Natsu Dragneel to help the unconscious Elfman Strauss to retreat, and let him break the rear.But the stubborn Naz Dragneel does not agree with this plan.

"'Invisible peeping'." Fu Kou quietly passed through the messy formation of mages, and walked behind the Iron Dragon Slayer mage. "'Howling Abyss.'" He puts "Starry Oddities," "Armour of Iron," and "Phantom's Deception" on cooldown.


Suddenly, a chill soaked through the entire bottom layer. Originally, this place was transformed into a hall of ice by the magic of the ice shape wizard, and now it is even colder through the body.However, compared to the bone-piercing cold, this terrible laughter was more deadly. It vibrated the eardrums of everyone who was regarded as the target, and they fell down one by one with distorted expressions.

Gajeel Lightfox turned his head in disbelief, and what he saw was Fuko stretching out his hands to him. It looked like Fuko was asking for a hug from him, but what made his scalp tingle was that the other party spit out a sentence Words: "'Vicious Curse'." His eyes began to dim, his mind became confused, and he didn't know where he was or what he was doing for a while.

When he regained consciousness, he was kneeling on the ground, spitting filth on the ground.He felt as if his legs had completely disappeared, no, it should be said that his entire lower body seemed to have disappeared, and he couldn't stand up at all.The howling sound continued, and his hands lost strength little by little, and finally they couldn't support his body.He fell.

He raised his head subconsciously, but his eyes could no longer see anything, and there seemed to be some sound coming from his ears, but he wasn't sure if it was the sound of howling or someone speaking.He felt fear creep over him—fear of the unknown—and he lost consciousness.

The howling sound finally ended.In the entire bottom floor, except for Fu Kou who just arrived, and Naz Dragneel and others who were not selected as targets by his skills, no one was standing anymore.

Naz Dragneel and Gray Folpasta stared dumbfounded at the bizarre scene, half a minute before they were in a dangerous situation, and now they suddenly transformed into a large group of opponents at their mercy, This is really incredible.

"Hey." Naz Dragneel recognized Fu Kou, but he didn't even know Fu Kou's name, so he could only call out casually, with excitement in his tone. "So you're fine, and you escaped. I just asked Happy to look for you in the guild, and you came here unexpectedly. Besides, you are very powerful. I underestimated you, but I can't figure out that you were Why are these guys chasing after..."

Before Natsu Dragneel finished speaking, Gray Folpasta interrupted him, and he said angrily: "What's the matter, Natsu? This is what you said An innocent rookie that only the three of us can save? Does he look like we need to rescue him? Does his magic look like a rookie?"

Fu Kou walked up to them and said, "Mr. Gray, Mr. Naz, thank you very much for your help. I was able to defeat all these people because you have consumed most of their magic power, so that I can harvest smoothly. But It doesn't mean we're out of danger, without further ado, let's go, get out of here."

Gray Folpasta stared at him suspiciously, and was about to ask him why he knew his name when Happy flew back, flapping his little wings.

"Love! It turns out that you have been rescued." Happy fell to the ground, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Fu Kou in surprise.

Both Naz Dragneel and Gray Folpasta looked slightly embarrassed. They attacked other people's guilds and were blocked at the door. They couldn't rescue this man at all, and even escaped. What a shame for men to help.

"Let's run quickly, everyone is here." Fu Kou suggested again, because he saw another large wave of people coming to the ground floor on the map.

This time, no one raised any objections, and they left the hall with each other's support, and went outside the guild.At this time, Fu Kou urged: "We have to run faster, they will soon catch up. Happy, you take Naz and go first." Naz Dragneel was obviously unwilling, Fu Kou Added, "Now one can escape, and all run to the headquarters of 'Fairy Tail'."

"Listen to him first, it's terrible, Natsu." Gray Falpasta agreed with Fu Kou's opinion. "At this time, don't make trouble, I will help Elfman go to the guild."

At this time, a gust of wind came, and the two of them and the cat were taken aback. At the same time, Fu Kou heard the reminder from the system.

"The system has automatically scanned the identity: 'Eluza Shukaletto', 'Fairy Queen', level 48, determined as 'no hostility'."

With long crimson hair fluttering, Erza Sukaletto came in front of them.

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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