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Chapter 16 Fairy Tail Chapter Their tacit understanding

Chapter 16: Fairy Tail: Their Tacit Understanding

Erza Schukaletto wielded the long sword with all her might, during which she even quickly replaced her armor with the more powerful "Black Feather Armor". The bat wings attached to the Black Feather Armor also added flying power to her. The advantage of attacking, but all of these are not enough for her to defeat the man in front of her.

Is this the strength of the "Ten Great Sorcerers"?Erza Sukaletto thought, panting.She obviously feels that there is not a big gap between herself and the opponent, her attack can also cause damage, and her defense can also resist the damage, but she just can't defeat him, as if there is always an abyss lying between her and the opponent same room.

The ten holy wizards are the ten strongest wizards recognized by the Magic Council in the Kingdom of Fiore.The Magic Council is the organization that manages the Magisters Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore.Therefore, although their judgments cannot be said to be absolutely correct, they are quite convincing.

Now she has seen the power of one of the ten great wizards.

"Ai... Lu... Sha!"

A ball of flames fell from the sky and exploded around Erza Sukaletto.In the depths of the flames, Naz Dragneel, who had eaten and drank enough in the middle fire, stretched his arms. This time, he had completely regained his energy.He said, "Elusha, I'm here to help."

"Hmph." Joseph Bora also sensed the change in Natsu Dragneel's magic power, but said indifferently, "It doesn't matter how many 'Fairy Tail' bugs come."

"What did you say?" Natsu Dragneel said angrily.Erza Sukaletto also showed displeasure.

"The ending is the same. Originally, I didn't intend to kill people publicly, but the person you protected really pissed me off."

Joseph Paula's dark power spewed out continuously, they spread out, and then gradually gathered together, enveloping the three of them like six walls. "In order to ensure that you bedbugs can no longer run around like before, I made this dark enchantment. If you don't defeat me, you will never get out from here."

"is it?"

Joseph Bora thought it was Natsu Dragneel speaking at first, but he soon realized that the speaker was standing outside the barrier, and he knew the voice well.Damn it, I didn't notice this man so close to me, did I get too impatient by these bugs?

A huge fist completely shattered the enchantment with just one blow, and the dark magic power rushed around in a panic like a group of little mice hearing the sound.In front of them, the huge fist had disappeared, and there was only a short old man standing there, with a large piece of hair on his head and a beige cloak on his body.

"President!" Erza Shukaleto and Naz Dragneel couldn't help exclaiming.

"Fairy Tail" guildmaster Makarov Dolea raised his head and confronted Joseph Bora.Erza Shukaleto felt relieved a bit. The Ten Great Sorcerers are indeed terrifying, but there is another Ten Great Sorcerers here, and that is their president.

On the other side, on the street behind several walls.

"You... what did you say?" Jubian Rox asked in amazement, "You said you saw Zhubian's... Could it be that the voice that Zhubian heard at that time was yours?"

Fu Kou nodded and stood up: "I'm very sorry, at that time I accidentally broke into your room in order to escape, and then used some tricks to make you invisible. However, I did see it Your back, and that's all, I don't see anything else." He moved back slowly.

But unexpectedly, Jubian Rox didn't immediately get angry and attack him, but her face flushed and she trembled all over.Fu Kou thought to himself, could it be that this Yu Nu has a better temper than imagined?

"May I know the source of that scar?" Fu Kou tried to communicate with her, and now he can only use this method to delay time. "That kind of a knife wound. I don't understand why someone would do this to a girl."

However, Jubian Rox suddenly ended the brief wavering, her eyes regained her composure, or Fu Kou's words backfired, bringing her to the brink of anger. "You don't understand anything, you don't understand Zhu Bian, you don't understand everything about Zhu Bian."

Fu Kou noticed that the rain was getting heavier and heavier. It was only the size of rice grains, but now it was the size of soybeans, and it hit him one after another.He was soaked through.But this rain was a trivial matter. The real threat was that Yu Nu standing under the protection of the small umbrella and staring at him with cold eyes.

She's about to strike, and I have nowhere to run, her water is everywhere.

However, Jubian Rox never made a move, because she noticed the black shadows coming out of the alley one after another.These shadows surrounded her and Fu Kou.Fu Kou couldn't help sighing, he was really right to delay.

Gray Folpasta stood up first, and he said to Jubian Rox: "He is our man, 'Rain Lady', go back to your castle, your president is waiting for you." He The wizards of "Fairy Tail" all shouted in unison: "Go back to your castle, 'Rain Girl'!"

Jubian Rox looked at them blankly, hesitated for a while, followed what they said, and walked towards his guild.The wizards of Fairy Tail stepped aside one after another, without doing anything to stop them.

Did she cry?Fu Kou noticed the tear stains on her face and thought strangely.Could it be that so many of us bullied her, and she felt wronged?Or, what did we say that hit her sorely?
In short, this farce finally ended here, with the two guilds of Fairy Tail and Specter Dominator temporarily shaking hands to make peace, but the incident will still ferment.The matter of negotiation was handed over to the presidents of both parties.For a while, neither of the two guilds will calm down.

At this moment, Fu Kou was staying in the hall of Fairy Tail Magic Guild.He just walked away for no reason, even though he wanted to.

The hall was very noisy, but unlike the ghost ruler's guild, the mages here seemed to have a good relationship with each other.Although they fought with each other and destroyed everything in the guild, they didn't really have any malice towards their partners.

Naz Dragneel and Gray Folpasta are good examples.They clearly had such a tacit understanding on the battlefield, but now they are fighting together like children over who is the strongest mage in the guild. The ice mage even took off his shirt to fight with the fire dragon slayer .The other wizards laughed and laughed.

"They're really a bunch of freaks." Fu Kou muttered softly, "When will I be able to leave this ghostly place?"

At this time, a hand patted on his shoulder, which belonged to Eluza Shukaletto, and she said to Fuko, "Let's go, the president wants to see you." Her face was still There is no expression at all.

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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