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Chapter 20 New Member Lucy Chapter Various Speculations

Chapter 20 New Member Lucy: Various Speculations
After seeing off Erza Schukaletto, Naz Dragneel, and Happy, Fuko wandered around the coffee table in the hall of the study until Mira, who had changed into clean clothes, Jay Strauss appeared before him.

Her coat got dirty while cleaning, so she had to put on a Fuko coat that was in the closet, but it looked so loose, she looked like a newborn puppy in a large bath towel .

She observed Fu Kou for a while, and said, "What's wrong with you, is there something that makes you unhappy, why are you frowning?"

Fu Kou sat on the sofa and motioned for her to sit down too, so she sat down next to Fu Kou and stared at him curiously.He said to her: "I'm not unhappy, it's just that some questions have not been resolved. The people who came just now were Naz and the others, Erza came to return the book, and Naz invited me to complete the commission with him, and Go find his father 'Ignir' according to some gossip."

"So that's the case, I've heard him talk about it before." Milaj Strauss poked her little index finger on her red lips, and her pupils showed a sudden meaning.

Fu Kou continued: "You know Naz, even though I don't know him very well, I can still see his single-minded style of doing things. This time he said he wanted to find his father, and the other party was a dog 'Fire Dragon', and Natsu was raised by a fire dragon, but his identity is 'Dragon Slayer'. To be honest, I'm a little confused, and Natsu's ability to express is too poor."

"I understand what you mean. Although I have only heard Naz say it a few times, let's say I understand the inside story. Let me explain this matter. Naz is an orphan, that's what he said. He was" The fire dragon Ignir' picked him up as an adopted son, and taught him the magic that can deal with dragons, that is, the lost "Dragon Slayer Magic". However, one day, Ignir disappeared, and Natsu lost his support, and was called The leader invited him to the guild. However, after so many years, he has never given up looking for Ignier, because Ignier is a 'father' to him."

Fu Kou remained silent, this was the most bizarre story he had ever heard.However, strange things happened to him in the first place, and what happened in his environment now would not shock him.

"Have you promised him, Fuko?" Miraj Strauss asked, the question most concerned.

"I agreed. In fact, I have no reason to refuse. On the one hand, I need to complete the task once a month, and on the other hand, I can also return Naz a favor. It would be best if he could find his father. but……"

"but what?"

"To be honest, I don't really believe in Naz's information. According to what he said, 'Ignir the Fire Dragon' appeared in a certain town, but I searched through the recent newspapers just now, but I didn't see any relevant reports. How should I put it, the dragon is a rare creature after all, if he really appeared in a crowded town, how could it not be reported?"

"Then you think... Natsu will return without success this time?"

"It's quite possible."

The afterglow of dusk cuts into the windows, and the whole interior seems to be dyed with a retro color.Fuko and Miraj Strauss sat side by side on the sofa, Fuko lowered his head, thinking about something, Miraj Strauss stared at his side face curiously, hesitant to speak several times .

"No matter what the result is, I will go." After helping Kou for a long time, he said. "Let's put his affairs aside for the time being. After all, why did you go away as soon as they came?"

"Is there? Are you overthinking?" Milaj Strauss stroked her long hair.

"I think so. You should have a good relationship with Naz and Happy, and you often hang out together in the guild. So is the problem with Erza? At the banquet, you did talk to her, but That's when you're stoking the action, and the rest of the time you don't talk much."

Milaj Strauss moved awkwardly, but did not stand up, and she was silent for a while.

"Fu Kou, if you speak of a girl so directly, you will be hated by the girl."

"can you?"

"Ah. Well, I admit, my relationship with Erza is a bit stiff."

"Would you like to tell me?"

"Gentlemen must learn not to inquire about ladies' secrets. We will naturally solve these trivial matters."

Milaj Strauss stood up, and the smell of perfume on his body penetrated into Fuko's nostrils, making him swallow a mouthful of saliva.She covered her mouth and smiled, as if she wanted to make fun of him, but soon she restrained her smile, said goodbye to Fu Kou calmly, and tactfully refused to let him send her to the guild.

"My words are really too direct." Fu Kou thought in his heart. "However, I still want to know the secret in that woman's heart. She does not hesitate to give up her high salary, but also takes care of the work of the guild and the bookstore at the same time. What is the reason for doing this? What does she want from me?"

If you want something, just ask me directly, isn't it good?
Fu Kou is not stable in his sleep, he just likes to be suspicious and mediocre, but he thinks that doing so can prevent some things beyond his control from happening.He believes that many unexpected things, if you go back, there may already be clues, but you just didn't notice it.

When he awoke, he heard a knock on the door, and by the sound he recognized Natsu Dragneel and Happy.Natsu Dragneel was in a hurry and wanted to leave immediately, so he set the time for the next morning.

But Fu Kou was not in a hurry at all, he got up and washed lazily, and then made breakfast.When he brought the breakfast to the table, the door of the study was blasted open, and a flame came in, but luckily it didn't burn the bookshelf inside.

Fu Kou didn't even blink his eyes, while eating breakfast, he said: "Destroying the door of the house, you know, 10000J."

The fire dragon slayer came over touching the back of his head, he said: "I knocked on the door for so long but no one responded, I thought you were attacked by the 'Ghost Dominator', so I forced my way out Come in, I really didn't mean it, 100000J is too much, right?"

"How to raise money is your business, it has nothing to do with me." Fu Kou slapped Naz Dragneel's hand that was about to grab his own bread, and said, "You didn't miss breakfast, did you?"

Natsu Dragneel and Happy said wretchedly, "Yes."

Fu Kou glanced at them, snorted, and said, "I see, I'll make it for you, but don't push yourself too hard to ask for this or that. If you can't eat the breakfast I made, don't eat it. In addition, those who have completed the task All commissions belong to me to repay my losses, understand?"

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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