Comic game system

Chapter 25 Lullaby Chapter Recent Situation and Rain Girl

Chapter 25 Lullaby

"Fu Kou, what are you going to do with this bookstore?"

When Fuko slowly finished his rich and delicious breakfast, sat on the bench, crossed his legs, and spread out a newspaper, Milaj, who was flipping through the account books, asked him worriedly.

"We can't seem to find a suitable buyer, or some buyers are affected by the 'Ghost Dominator' and dare not come to us to discuss. Obviously this is a good place and can be converted into a villa. The couple revealed at night It must be very romantic to pass through the skylight here and count the stars in the sky.”

"Your proposal is indeed very romantic, but don't forget that there is a towering tree on top of my study house, and her outstretched branches can completely block all the corners that the skylight can see. I am very interested in selling it in a short time. I didn’t expect much when I came out of this bookstore, but there will always be businessmen who only see business opportunities—I like this kind of people, the bookstore can always be sold, we just need to wait and see.”

Milaj frowned slightly, with a doubtful look on her face, she didn't want to refute Fu Kou with cruel facts and experiences, she just hoped that he was right every time.

Fu Koo turned over a page of the newspaper, without looking up, he asked Milaj, "How is Elusha, is there any news about her?"

"I just communicated with her through the magic crystal stone last night. She said that she has completed the entrusted matter, but encountered an unexpected incident on the way, and she needs to investigate secretly for a period of time before she will come back. I want Natsu to help Lu When Xi returns from her first mission as a wizard, that's when she returns."

"Oh, really." Fu Kou seemed not interested in the recent situation of Natsu and Lucy, so he responded coldly and stopped talking.After a while, he seemed to remember something, and asked again: "Where is Makao, how is his injury?"

He was referring to Makao Kongpo, a highly prestigious senior figure in the "Fairy Tail" guild. The purple flame magic he is good at is very similar to Bora's red flame magic, but everyone's magic development is different. Even magic with the same name has its own characteristics.

When Makao went to crusade against the monster Vulcan, he killed 20 Vulcans by himself, but when he was weakest, he was knocked down by No.[-] Vulcan and possessed by it .Then Natsu, Lucy, and Habi who came to support defeated him who was possessed, allowing him to restore his human form and bring him back to the guild.This thrilling experience caused a sensation in the guild for a while.

"Makao's health is probably almost recovered. I saw him come to the guild today and asked about you and Lucy. After all, you two are the 'supernovas' of our guild. Having said that, you rarely care about other people's affairs so much, what happened today? I asked Erza about Makao."

"It's nothing, I'm just interested, I have to know something to pass the time."

Miraj thought Fu Kou was joking at first, but his tone was serious and calm. She had to believe that there was indeed such a habit of passing time by knowing more new situations in this world. man.

She had to say: "Well, if you're interested in them, it's okay for me to tell you. Also, do you want to know about Natsu, Lucy and Happy? Hearing about Lucy's first She is required to pretend to be a beautiful blond maid in this mission, I really feel sorry for her."

As her eldest lady, being a maid really wronged her, but she was able to endure it.Fu Kou thought in his heart.

Seeing that Fuko was silent, Milaj pursed his lips, knowing that he was really not interested in their affairs, so he stopped talking.But she finds it very strange that Fu Kou and Lucy should have been familiar with each other, but why does she feel that they are alienating each other?What happened between them?She was very curious about it.

But Fu Kou never talked about this kind of thing, and it was really very difficult to dig out the secret from him.Miraj secretly made a decision in her heart to start with Lucy. Maybe after Lucy came back, she should invite Lucy to go shopping together.

"Miraj, Miraj, Miraj?"

Milaj was taken aback, she was so engrossed in thinking that she didn't hear Fuko calling her.She hastily responded.Fu Kou got up from the bench and threw the newspaper aside.

"I'm sorry for leaving the audit work to you. I'm a little tired. I'll go upstairs to rest for a while. If no one comes later, you can leave early. After all, the guild has something to do." You handle it."


After Fu Kou went upstairs, Milaj brushed his snow-white long hair, and stared out the window with bright eyes.At this time, it was raining lightly outside the window, she thought to herself, this kind of gloomy weather would indeed make people feel extra tired.

However, Fu Kou was not tired, it was just that he noticed something abnormal.

As he said, his study is completely covered under a big tree.Even if it rains, there will be very few raindrops falling on the study and near the study, but when he was reading the newspaper just now, he saw dense raindrops outside the window, which surprised him.

He came to the window sill of the bedroom on the second floor. He didn't open the window or draw the curtains, but carefully observed every corner outside through the small cracks in the curtains.Finally, he saw a furtive figure hiding behind the big tree.

Is it her, "Rain Girl" Jubian Rox?What is she doing here?Is the "Ghost Dominator" going to take any action against me?

After a while, Jubian was staring at the windows on the first floor. It seemed that she planned to observe the situation on the first floor through the windows.

I made sure to add curtains on the first floor as well.Fu Kou said secretly in his heart.

However, compared to being spied on by men, being spied on by women did not bring him too much resentment.What's more, now that things are reversed, it's his turn to spy on Zhu Bian.

Zhu Bian is holding a small umbrella, where she stays, there will undoubtedly be light rain, even a big tree can't stop it, Fu Kou thinks she may be the worst spy, so he is sure that Zhu Bian Ann was not sent by the crafty Joseph Paula.

After a while, Fuko saw Milaj coming out of his study and heading towards the guild.Zhu Bian stubbornly stayed where he was for a while, as if hesitating for something, and finally left with a disappointed face.

What is she here for?

Fu Kou felt that there were several possibilities, and according to the current situation, she was most likely to come to him to deal with the unfinished business of that day - the matter of the scar on her back.

He stood in front of the window sill and was so absorbed in thinking that he didn't hear the footsteps behind him.When he noticed, he turned around and saw a man enter his bedroom from outside.

He didn't activate Aphrodite's battle mode, so the system wouldn't alert him in advance.

The man said to him, "You are Mr. Fu Kou, right?"

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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