Comic game system

Chapter 28 Lullaby Chapter Invitation and Freak Trio

Chapter 28 Lullaby The Invitation and the Freak Trio

Fu Kou came to the guild around noon. He was invited by Miraj in the morning, but he was reluctant, so he postponed the matter until now.When he arrived in the guild, the mages were still noisy as usual, and the bearded Makao waved to him. It seemed that his complexion was normal, and his body should have fully recovered.

"Fu Kou, come here, we are discussing when you will come." Milaj reproached him with his usual smile, "Really, it is rare for a girl to invite you, and you are so late , so you don’t want to come on a date with me?”

"Wouldn't you set the date in a guild with a lot of people and noise? Also, are you going on a date with us?"

Beside Milaj, Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Happy were also there, and they seemed to be discussing something heatedly just now.However, it was very strange that the "mortal enemies" Natsu and Gray were only arguing today and hadn't fought yet.Fu Kou was very surprised, he had never seen the two of them staying together without fighting, or in other words, could they do anything else besides fighting?

Putting aside this situation, Fu Kou asked Milaj, "Then why did you call me to the guild early in the morning?"

"Can't I simply want to see you?"

"I remember we met a few hours ago." Fuko responded coldly to Milaj's verbal teasing.

"Well, it seems that you are angry, I'm not kidding. That's right, I called you here for two purposes. The first one is that your bookstore finally has a buyer. He contacted you last night Me, let me convey his 'wish' to you."

"Well, that's a good thing. What about another purpose?"

"I'm going to ask Erza about this. She contacted me through the magic crystal last night and asked me to gather Natsu, Gray and you this morning. She said that she will arrive this morning, and she will explain the gathering of you at that time the goal of."

"But she hasn't come back until now. Well, it seems that it is very wise for me to choose to come at noon."

Naz said in surprise: "Your calculations are too accurate. Could it be that you knew from the beginning that Erza would be late? But you are not afraid that she will come on time and destroy your bookstore because she can't see you." Drop it? That's Erza, that Erza!"

"Since the calculation is accurate, how could this happen?" Fu Kou put on an extremely confident look.

"You are so brave!" Natsu looked at him adoringly.

At this time, Gray said coldly: "Idiot, I also know that Fu Kou's words are just to tease you. How could he know that Erza is coming back today? Only someone with an IQ like you would believe it without reservation." ?”

"Ah, are you a liar?" Natsu realized it later, and then became angry, baring his teeth and shouting at Gray, "What did you say about me just now, you bloody exhibitionist?"

"I'm calling you an idiot, a fiery idiot."

Happy said calmly, "They're fighting again."

Milaj said with a very optimistic attitude: "The relationship between the two of them is still as good as ever."

"This is not feelings, okay?" Lucy said helplessly.

At this time, the door of the guild was pushed open without warning, and a man wearing sunglasses stumbled in. Fu Kou recognized him as the frivolous Loki who was chasing girls in the guild all day.It is rare to see him so flustered.

His face turned pale, and he said out of breath, "That, that...she's back! Erza is back!"

The atmosphere in the guild quickly fell into an ice cellar. After a moment of silence, everyone sat back in their seats and made a look of keeping themselves safe.Lucy, who was inexperienced, noticed that these daring wizards now seemed to be facing some extremely terrifying monsters.

Then there was the sound of heavy armor hitting, and a figure appeared.Erza is still fully armed as before, but this time the difference lies in the horn of a huge monster in her hand.

Fu Kou also felt very strange when he saw it, where did this woman find such a big horn?Could it be that she is going to destroy the Dragon Clan?

A wizard dared to ask, "Elusha, what's going on with this thing?"

Erza put down the huge horn with a calm expression, and with a bang, a large piece of the floor was cracked. "Ah, after I hunted down monsters, the people in the village gave me this horn as a reward, so I brought it back. Why, is it in the way?"

"No, no, not at all!"

Erza, who was ignorant of the world, really thought that everyone would not think this horn was a hindrance, so she put the horn in the corner of the guild, and asked a certain mage to decorate the huge horn.

Then, Erza scolded the mages in the guild one by one, all because of their recent mistakes. It seemed that she did have the latest information.However, she didn't blame Fuko for Harujion's sabotage, because she also knew that Natsu was mainly responsible.

Lucy was surprised by this beauty and the strongest female mage of the guild, she asked Fu Kou, "Is she the disciplinary committee member of the guild?"

"No, she just likes to meddle in other people's business." Fu Kou replied.Although he said it easily, he was also afraid that Erza would stare at him, and that feeling was absolutely uncomfortable.

In the end, Erza finally finished counting down the mages in the guild.She walked up to Fu Kou and the others, noticing that all the people she asked for had gathered together, Natsu and Gray even hugged each other strangely, to show how good the relationship between the two of them was.

"What's going on with Natsu and Gray?" Lucy couldn't help asking again.

"Well..." It was Happy who answered this time, and he said, "Natsu and Gray were severely repaired by Erza before. Presumptuous."

"Eh? That Natsu and Gray? Are you powerless to fight back?"


Lucy's terror towards Erza has reached a new level.

"It seems that you all listened to Milaj and gathered together. First of all, I want to apologize, because I encountered some things on the road and I was late." Erza said solemnly, "It is very important for me to find you, Because the president is not here, we can only solve it through our own judgment. I need you to form a team with me, and I need your help."

Hearing the words of the lonely Erza, the mages in the guild were very surprised. What kind of mission was it that made Erza think of joining forces with the three freaks Fuko, Natsu, and Gray? ?
 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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