Comic game system

Chapter 33 Lullaby

Chapter 33 Lullaby: Destruction of the Storm and the Devil

The violent storm rotated in the opposite direction, like a thick armor defending against all of Fu Kou's slashing attacks, or like a sharp blade cutting Fu Kou's body.His blood volume continued to decrease like the water in a broken dam, and finally fell below the dangerous line. He had to use magic "meditation" to recover his life.

Amidst the howling wind, Eligore raised his head and laughed loudly. He said, "I told you before, your slash will not have any effect on my 'Stormcoat'. What are you going to do now?" Chanting 'What magic is coming against me?'" Fu Kou's gesture of reciting the mantra while "meditating" does seem to be singing.

Fu Kou was not in a hurry, through this time after time of failed slashes, he felt that he was about to find the trick, but now he needed something to catalyze it. After the "meditation", his blood volume finally returned to above the dangerous line, but it was still not high, and there was a possibility of being killed by Eli Gore instantly.

Habi looked at him worriedly from a distance, he didn't dare to approach this battlefield, otherwise his small and weak body would be torn apart by the wind blade immediately, he could only meditate silently and hope that Fu Kou could defeat "Reaper".

"I'm coming, Elegor." Faced with the ridicule of "Reaper", Fu Kou was silent for a while before speaking suddenly. At the same time, he used the magic "Wuji Kendo" - like his other magic , because the magic circle was not turned on, so it was unpredictable - while using "Alpha Strike" to rush into the mid-air Elegor.

"Come on, brat!" Elegor was still taken aback by Fu Kou's advance speed, but he was unconvinced. He swung his scythe, but only hit the transparent and invisible air.

"The first sword!" Fu Kou stabbed Eligore's throat, but even with the "Wuji Kendo" to strengthen the attack, his sword still couldn't penetrate the "Storm Cloak". "Second sword!" His sword slashed at Eligore's waist with lightning speed, but it also had no effect. "Third sword! 'Plateau blood'!" He finally used the strongest magic of "The Promise Sword Master", Eli Gore tried to slash him, but he hit the phantom, he became faster, almost to Eli A height beyond comprehension by Goyle.

"Fourth sword!" Fu Kou's sword suddenly turned into two swords in the eyes of Eli Gore, and he slashed at both sides.For Elegor, it was already impossible for him to dodge one sword, and it was even more impossible to dodge two swords, but he had absolute confidence in his "storm coat", so he gave up trying to dodge this one. Instead, he chose to continue attacking Fu Kou.

"'Emerald Speed'!" Numerous wind blades appeared around Eligore, and they struck Fu Kou.

However, Fu Kou had the same idea as him, and he didn't intend to defend, so he was hit head-on by these wind blades.But before the wind blade hit him, his sword also slashed to Eligore's "Stormcoat". After his passive magic "Double Strike"—the magic that will be triggered after the fourth consecutive attack— Under this blow strengthened together with "Wuji Kendo" and "Plateau Bloodline", "Stormcoat" fell apart!
After being hit head-on by "Emerald Speed", Fu Kou was seriously injured, and his blood volume was almost bottomed out. As long as Elegor swung his sickle or used some wind magic at this time, he would be killed.However, after the "Stormcoat" was shattered, Elegor fell into a brief moment of astonishment and confusion.

" is this possible?" He opened his mouth slightly and said.

At this moment, Fu Kou did not choose to give in, because he knew that this was the last chance, if he retreated, he would surely die when Elegor reacted.He endured the pain in his body, just as he endured the endless pain in training camp, and continued to swing his long sword.

"One, two, three..." He slashed three swords on Eli Gore's body in a row. With the last sword, he pointed at Eli Gore's chest, and the "double strike" was triggered again. "Four!" His sword finally pierced through Eligor's chest, and left two holes strangely.

Elegor let out a muffled snort, falling from the sky like a kite with broken strings, and fell on the rails.

Fu Kou also landed, but his landing point was the abyss beside the railroad tracks.Luckily, Happy flew over in time and pulled him back onto the rails before he fell off the cliff.

"Love! Fu Kou, you did it!" Habi was very excited. He didn't expect that Fu Kou could really defeat such a strong opponent, because even he knew in the previous battle that Fu Kou was just a novice in the magic world.

Fu Kou used magic to "meditate" again, then covered the bleeding wound on his body, and said with a wry smile: "Now is not the time to admire me, hurry up and find a way to help me find a doctor, I don't want to die in this wilderness .”

"Your injury is so serious!" Hubby finally noticed the injury on his body, and said very anxiously, "But where can I find a doctor here? Can you leave?"

"I don't think so." Fu Kou replied, "You fly back to the town and bring the doctor back. My injuries are serious now and I can't move casually."

"Love! I know, you have to wait for me!"

Happy flapped his wings and quickly flew into the distance.

Fu Kou glanced at Eligore who was lying on the ground, and after confirming that he was not threatening, he lay down on the ground relaxedly, and then he opened the personal information panel.

【Level: 24】

[Experience: 659]

[Gold coins: 3545 (in addition to Elegor's bounty, there are additional rewards for excellent use of skills)]

[Health volume: 111]

Although he got a lot of gold coins, Fu Kou didn't want to win so embarrassingly. It seemed that he had to add more "hero magic" - that's what he called his own magic.But now he just wants to buy a few blood bottles and drink them, so that he doesn't have to die too quickly.

Before he entered the mall, Aphrodite automatically reminded him.

"Aphrodite automatically reminds: kill 'Lullaby Demon - Lalabai', you will get 4000 gold coins."

Fu Kou froze for a moment, he didn't understand the meaning of this prompt for a while.

However, what happened in the next moment made him completely understand.

"I'm so disappointed, so disappointed, everyone is such a waste!" Fu Kou thought it was Eligore who was talking, but in fact it was the skeleton flute on his body that was talking, floating in the air, dark The magic energy is completely exposed in the air.

A giant magic circle was opened between the sky and the earth, and then the black air condensed, and a monster larger than a mountain appeared on the railroad track, and it roared ferociously at Fu Kou.

"You are dead!"

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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