Comic game system

Chapter 45 Karna Island Chapter S-Class and Unauthorized Claims

Chapter 45: Karna Island Chapter S-Class and Unauthorized Claims
As expected, Erza was sent back unscathed the next day, but what was different from what Fuko expected was that Natsu made a fuss at the Magic Council branch on impulse, which directly led to the imprisonment of both him and Erza. One night in jail.

"If it wasn't for you, Erza would have been able to come back yesterday." When Erza and Natsu returned to the guild, Makarov scolded Natsu for being impulsive and reckless.Natsu could only listen with his head bowed in confession.

Fu Kou was also at the scene, but he didn't pay attention to Erza and Naz's affairs, he was thinking about Zhu Bian, that girl appeared in front of his study again this morning, he felt that things were getting more and more thriller developed.

Milaj is still dressed in a long dress, cute and charming.She carried a plate with three goblets on it, all empty.She put the plate on the bar table and leaned forward.

"Fu Kou, Fu Kou? What are you in a daze for? You have been sitting here since just now?" She asked, "How is the meeting with the buyer successful?"

"Well, it was quite successful, but I rejected him. Milaj, don't contact this man again, he won't do anything good to you. Also, is it okay to stick me so close?"

Milaj's body was only twenty or thirty centimeters away from Fuko, and he could smell the perfume from her body, which made him very embarrassed.

Miraj covered her mouth and laughed, she took a step back and sat on the chair, she said to Fu Kou: "It seems that you are not so 'hard-hearted', or do you like the smell of this perfume? Eh? Are you a little pissed off? Well, I didn't mean to 'trick' you, and I promise you I won't be in touch with that buyer again."

The woman's intuition told Milaj that the man had a deep relationship with Fu Kou.

"That's good, that guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp..."


Milaj's answer was a bit vague. He looked up at her curiously, but found that the vision of his eyes was blurred. After a while, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long it took before he woke up slowly. Milaj was kneeling beside him, pushing his body with her hands anxiously. It seemed that she woke him up.Seeing Fu Kou wake up, she looked very happy.

"You woke up, I'm worried that people who are affected by [Sleep Magic] for the first time will sleep longer..."

"[Sleep Magic]? This can explain it." Fu Kou sat up and watched the people around him wake up one after another. Only Makarov was sitting on the counter, and it seemed that he was the only one who didn't sleep. The person is gone. "It sounds like Miraj is not the first time you have been affected by [Sleep Magic]. So where is the 'culprit'?"

"Are you referring to 'Mistlan'? He has already left. He always shows up like this, so that no one other than the president can see his true appearance. I only have a vague memory of him."

"So that's how it is." Fu Kou raised his eyebrows, and didn't worry about this kind of thing anymore.

At this time, a man came out from the second floor of the guild.Fu Kou looked up and recognized the stranger from yesterday, that is, Laxus, the grandson of the chairman Makarov.

"Hehe, I've seen Mistral's true colors." He spoke in an almost arrogant tone, "But he's a bit shy, doesn't really want to see you? Hehehe, after all, he's competing with me for the number one magician What about the gentleman's man..."

"Laxus!" Seeing the president's grandson appear, Natsu jumped out first, "Fight with me, the duel will determine the outcome!"

Didn't he just duel with Erza yesterday?Well, let me think, what was the result?Ah, yes, it was a fiasco. Where did he get the confidence to challenge another seemingly strong person?Fu Kou thought to himself.

At the same time, [Aphrodite] also told him some information.

"'Laxus Dolea', level 49, 'Thunder Dragon Slayer'."

Is it [Dragon Slayer] again?If this is a real stand-alone game, this is the most obvious hint, right?It seems that the main line in the future will be closely related to [Dragon Slayer].

"Naz, you can't even beat Erza, yet you dare to challenge me, that's really shameless." Laxus said arrogantly.

This time, not only Natsu, but Erza was also very upset.Natsu even wanted to jump to the second floor, but was dropped to the ground by the left arm of the chairman Makarov after being "giant".

"The second floor is not where you can go, Natsu!" Makarov said.

Indeed, according to the rules of the guild, only S-rank mages at the top of the guild are eligible to go to the second floor, because there are also task lists on the second floor, and those lists are extremely dangerous and have extremely high rewards.

The S-rank mages of the guild known to Fu Kou are Erza, Mistral, and Laxus.It is said that there are two more, but Fuko has not been able to find out from Miraj.

"Hahahaha..." Laxus looked at the embarrassed Natsu, laughed arrogantly, and went back to the lounge on the second floor.

There was a dull atmosphere in the guild, and it was the first time for Fu Kou to feel this serious feeling in this noisy guild.

In the study room in the afternoon, Natsu and Happy broke in without any accident.

"Didn't I tell you hundreds of times, don't break into my study without permission." Fu Kou stood in front of the counter, glanced at the person and cat who broke in, and then continued to look down at the account books Yes, Miraj still has some things to do, so he didn't come to help in the afternoon.

"Hey, Fu Kou, let's form a team and do the task."


"It sounds like you want to form a team to brush a dungeon... What's the situation, why did you come to me to do the task again?"

"Don't you have to do at least one task every month? It's the beginning of the month, and you haven't done this month's task yet! I worked well with you the last two times, let's form a team again now!"


Naz was right, it was indeed the beginning of the month.Fu Kou scratched his hair, thinking that he had to do a mission anyway, and it didn’t matter if he was with Naz, so he asked Naz what kind of mission it was, and Naz and Happy told him an amazing thing. fact.

"You two, stole the task list on the second floor?" Fu Kou could no longer maintain his composure, and said loudly in surprise.

"Well, I want to prove to the president that I have enough qualifications to go to the second floor!" Natsu replied excitedly.

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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