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Chapter 51 · Karna Island Chapter · Great Demon and Zero Emperor

Chapter 51: Karna Island Chapter: Great Demon and Zero Emperor

"how is this possible……"

Gray stood where he was, muttering the same sentence over and over.

Fu Kou and the others are also very surprised now, because in front of them, a huge shuttle-shaped transparent crystal appeared, and the crystal radiated its weak magic power towards the closed stone wall.And inside the crystal stone, there is a [demon] of almost the same size sealed.The reason why it is determined to be a [demon] is because it has sharp magic horns, a hard body covered with scales, and an evil face.

"It' huge...what the hell is this?" Lucy opened her eyes wide and asked in surprise.

"It's [Dai Leola]! Its name is [Dai Liola]!" Gray replied to Lucy in an unquestionable tone. His tone and tone trembled rarely, and beads of sweat appeared on his face.

Fu Kou was the first to calm down. He asked Gray, "So, you know this 'thing'?"

"How could I not understand? It's [Dariola]! The leading demon on our western continent! It was my master who sacrificed himself to seal it in the cryolite. But how could it Here, who transported it all the way from the Western Continent to here?"

Gray's fist clenched tighter and tighter, even turning red.

"Don't be impulsive, Gray."

Fu Kou grabbed Gray's trembling arm, but was roughly thrown away by the other party.

Gray took a quick breath for a while, and looked at Fu Kou with apologetic eyes, then he continued to lower his head and immerse himself in his own world, repeating the phrase "how is it possible" over and over again.

Naz, who had keen senses, was the first to notice the strangeness at this time, and said to everyone: "It seems that someone is coming."

"Then let's hide first and take a look at the situation." Fu Kou grabbed Gray's arm again, this time the latter did not resist, and obediently followed him to hide behind a big rock in the cave. Naz and others Also dodged.

Fu Kou opened the [Map Mode] of [Aphrodite], which clearly and concisely showed the entire structure of this ancient ruins.It is mainly divided into aboveground pyramid buildings and underground monuments.What they are now is the center of the underground ruins, and it is also directly under the pyramid on the ground.

[Map] Soon two red dots were detected approaching, followed by another red dot not far away.In addition, there are more red dots in the pyramid building on the ground—but they are far away, so you can ignore them for the time being.

Soon, the owners of the two red dots closest to here appeared: a man in a blue magic robe, his hair was also blue, facing the sky like a row of swords, and his eyebrows were as thick as Two caterpillars.The other is a man with a naked upper body, he has the head of a beast, his torso is thin, and he is always slightly bowed.

As they walked, they were talking in a low voice, but they were too far apart, and Fu Kou couldn't hear them.When they got close to the cryolite of [Dailiola], their voices gradually became louder.

"I heard that there are invaders on the island."

The first sentence of the man in the blue magic robe made Naz and the others nervous, while Fuko was thinking about other things.

"Hmm, hmm." The man with the beast's head snorted nervously, and responded, "Shirley asked her 'pet' to intercept her, but she didn't meet her at all, so she went straight home. "

"Ah, is it? But, they probably haven't come here yet? If they come here and see [Dai Leola], then we will be very troubled."

"You don't have to worry, Master [Zero Emperor] will naturally solve everything."

The third person who belonged to the red dot also appeared later. This was a woman with bright red hair. She was wearing a gorgeous dress and walked over proudly.

"Ah, you're here too, Shirley." The man with the head of a beast said.

The man in the blue magic robe snorted and said, "But we can't leave everything to [Zero Emperor] alone, right? I see, let us execute these intruders, even There's no need to startle him."

"Hmm, you are right to think so, this is 'love', right?" Shirley's answer was strange.

"Hey! Shirley, are you ignoring me again?" The man with the beast's head was furious and jumped up.

"Okay, Toby, this is not the first time you've been with Shirley."

"But, Yuka, I also want someone to pay attention to me!"

"Are you a child, Toby!"

Shirley waved her hand, ignoring the quarrel between the two, even though the source of the quarrel came from her.She stroked the cryolite, looked around, and was about to leave.

"Now that the matter has been decided, I'll take my 'Angelica' to find those little mice. Otherwise, I won't be able to show my 'love' for Lord [Zero Emperor]."

Seeing that Shirley stayed out of the matter, Yuka and Toby left directly, and felt that it was meaningless to continue arguing.They reconciled quickly, returned from the same way, and went outside the ruins.

After confirming that they had left, Fu Kou didn't say anything.Natsu used his senses to confirm that the enemy was gone before they stepped out from behind the boulder.

As if he couldn't see anything else, Gray stared straight at 【Dai Leola】.As he walked towards it, he tripped over a stone and fell to the ground, but he quickly got up and stood in front of the cryolite.

"No matter who this [Zero Emperor] is, I will never forgive anyone who desecrates Ulu's relics!" He said fiercely.

Very hostile.Fu Kou sighed in his heart.He couldn't understand Gray's inner feelings now.

"What should we do now?" Lucy asked.

Naz suggested: "Let's chase them out, teach them a lesson, and then ask them to confess to the guy who said 'nothing', wouldn't the matter be settled?"

"Love!" Happy agreed, raising his paws.

Lucy was hesitant about this, and she couldn't help looking at Fu Kou, hoping that he would make a decision.

But before Fu Kou could speak, Gray spoke first: "I don't care what your decision is, in short, I will not leave here."

"Hey, Gray, you're talking too much!" Natsu said eagerly, "If you have any concerns about putting this 'thing' here, then let me burn it." After finishing speaking , There was flames on his body, and he looked eager to try.

Gray suddenly made a surprising move.

He swung his fist fiercely at Natsu, but Fu Kou quickly grabbed his fist.Although Naz was beaten, Fu Kou didn't feel anything, but he didn't want these two idiots to fight each other here.

Gray glared at Fu Kou, and had no choice but to withdraw his fist, but the meaning of his failed fist was very obvious.

"What do you mean?" Natsu was really irritated.

Fu Kou pushed Naz away, kept a certain distance between the two of them, and said, "To be honest, I agree with Gray's point of view. People in the village have said that the moon here will turn purple at night, right? Liola] has something to do with that group of people. We are here to complete the S-level mission, so the more information we know, the better, let's stay here until night."

 【Modified for the 1st time】

(End of this chapter)

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