Comic game system

Chapter 59 Ghost Ruler Chapter Light Sphere

Chapter 59 Ghost Ruler Chapter Light Sphere
【"Lord of War - Pantheon"】

[Passive magic: "Holy Shield", after every attack or cast 4 times, it can resist the next normal attack of the enemy target]

[Basic magic: "spear throwing", throwing the spear at an enemy target, causing corresponding physical damage]

[Basic magic: "Holy Shield Strike", jump to the target, cause corresponding magic damage, and stun the target, and immediately refresh "Holy Shield Asylum"]

[Basic magic: "Heart-piercing spear", passive effect - normal attack and spear throwing will cause 100% critical strike to targets whose HP is below the corresponding limit.Normal attack critical strike damage is 200%, spear throwing critical strike damage is 150%.Active effect - use the spear to launch a combo attack in a cone-shaped range in front, causing corresponding physical damage]

[Ultimate magic: "Falling Strike", rises into the air, bombards the target area after a few seconds, causes corresponding magic damage to the target in the center of the target area, and slows down the target, lasts for a long time]

What Fu Kou needs to use at this time and here is the effect of the ultimate magic "Falling Strike", to carry out bombardment teleportation within the casting distance of 5500 yards.

He came to a port by the sea, which was the closest place to the "ghost ruler" castle on the sea.Those fishermen or sailors had long been afraid of the threat of "Fairy Tail" fighting with the "Ghost Dominator" and fled far away, so there was no one in the port, which just gave him a safe environment for casting spells.

There may only be about 10 minutes left before the next launch of the "Magic Cluster Cannon-Jupiter".Time was running out, and before he had time to meet up with the "Fairy Tail" people or confirm their location, he charged towards the castle by himself.

When he used "Falling Strike", a transparent ring appeared under his feet, centered on him.

Everything was ready, but Ulu asked curiously at this moment: "What do you want to do? Are you planning to jump into the water from here and swim over?"

She doesn't have such a strong imagination, she can guess Fu Kou's next move.Fu Kou didn't need to explain, he hoped to let her see the truth through his eyes.

He sank, and his magic power expanded rapidly. In the next second, amid Ulu's exclamation, he soared into the sky, pierced the sky, and fell towards the castle on the sea in a huge arc.

He saw a flat foothold, and the target of the circle was also indicated there.He only heard a "boom", and his feet stepped on the flat ground on the castle, but he didn't land smoothly as expected. The impact force caused by the "falling sky blow" shattered the flat ground under his feet, and he fell off immediately when he was caught off guard. down.

He landed in a vast and huge space. He pushed away the broken stones around him, brushed off the dust on his body, and looked up to observe the strange and strange space he fell into.He saw a huge spherical object right in front of his eyes, and his eyes were immediately drawn to it.

At this time, Ulu said with some surprise: "You... are really the strangest 'displacement magic' I've ever seen. I don't think there are many people in this world like you..."

"If many people are like me, I will be very troubled." Fu Kou jokingly said while observing the giant ball, "Every day when I go out, I have to guard against the 'human bombs' falling from the sky, and these people I often come to you to find something to do, and I can't stand this."

"Hehe..." Wulu laughed a few times and said, "What do you think this giant ball is?" She also quickly focused on the giant ball.

"Hmm... I don't know, but I can see that there seems to be magic power flowing out of here..." Fu Kou didn't get the answer directly through [Aphrodite] this time, but observed the flow of magic power through himself— - He's been able to do this since Uru's magic power has been added to him, and with Uru's occasional mentions.

"It should be a power source." Ulu guessed based on her rich experience.

Fu Kou nodded, he felt that what Ulu said was very possible.

Now that he was deep in the enemy's hinterland, and he made such a loud noise when he landed, he thought that someone should have noticed him and came towards him.He turned on the [Map Mode], and sure enough, he saw a large group of dense red dots approaching. He also saw the approximate location of Erza and others on the "map".

It's just that before the group of mages flocked to him, all of them suddenly and strangely all stayed away from this place.He didn't understand it at first, until he saw the only red dot approaching him, which was the red dot belonging to Jubian Rocks. It seemed that this woman had to deal with him alone, and it also proved that this space was Surveilled, maybe Joseph Paula is watching him through the surveillance camera in the safest part of the castle right now.

"Here, a very troublesome guy is here."

Wulu stayed in Fukou's body for such a long time, and her own magic power was basically integrated into Fukou's magic power, so she and Fukou's container became more and more compatible. Now she can use Fu Kou's magic power sensed the surroundings, even more sensitive than the master Fu Kou.

With this sensitivity, she sensed Jubian's approach.

Then, holding a small umbrella, Zhu Bian appeared next to the light ball with sharp eyes.She jumped down from a high place, and the little umbrella actually pulled her lithe body and floated several meters before letting her fall to the ground.

"Zhu Bian obeyed the president's order to catch you." Zhu Bian put away the small umbrella and said to Fu Kou, "Catch you with your hands."

"It's this girl." Ulu was muttering, "It's a pity, it's a pity, if you know my 'ice modeling magic', it's equivalent to restraining this 'water element'. I never found out that she was following you I told you from day one that she was going to get you into big trouble."

"That's not sure." Fu Kou shrugged and replied.

Zhu Bian thought that Fu Kou was talking to her, so he thought that Fu Kou refused to surrender—in fact, he would not just surrender like this—her hands rolled up a stream of water out of thin air, and like tentacles, the only thing in this space A door opened, and he said coldly: "Since you don't want to be arrested without a fight, let Zhu Bian teach you a good lesson outside."

"Outside?" Fu Kou glanced at the ball of light, and then he showed a sly smile, and said, "I see, this ball of light is so important... Hehehe, sorry, I plan to stay here forever .”

【No update tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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