Comic game system

Chapter 70 Ghost Ruler Chapter Awakening

Chapter 70 Ghost Ruler Chapter Awakening
Atwood's long tongue had extremely sticky mucus, which firmly stuck to Gajeel, waving him in mid-air like a meteor hammer, hitting the ground from time to time, leaving behind pieces of Different pits.

"You stinky toad!" Gajeel's iron body provided enough protection for him, so the smashing hit almost did not hurt him, but being thrown around made him a little dizzy.His left and right arms turned into iron swords at the same time, trying to cut off the disgusting tongue that had been sticking to him.


Atwood flung him into the air mockingly, quickly retracted his tongue, and easily dodged Gajeel's double swords.

Gajeel quickly straightened his posture in the air, the clothes on his body were rattled by the strong wind.He snapped his hands back together, gritted his teeth and cast his strongest magic once more.

"[Roar of Iron Dragon]!"

This time, the silver whirlwind successfully spewed out from Gajeel's mouth, followed the trajectory set by the [Magic Circle], and shot towards Atwood precisely, making a chi-chi sound when it pierced through the air.

Seeing [Roar of the Iron Dragon] falling down like a meteorite, Atwood had no intention of moving at all.Contrary to everyone's expectations, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed [The Roar of the Iron Dragon] into his belly in one gulp.

"What!" Gajeel yelled in surprise as he fell down.

The next moment, he wondered if his eyes were blurred, because Atwood's huge body just disappeared without warning!

"Do not make jokes……"

When Gajeel reacted and turned his body in the air, he saw Atwood spread his legs and flew above him.Atwood opened his mouth wide at this time, and after condensing the [Roar of the Iron Dragon] for a long time, coupled with Atwood's own [Magic Power Bonus], a silver whirlwind that was more terrifying than before sprayed out of his mouth out!

"Do not--"

Before Gajeel could shout the second half of the sentence, he was completely swallowed by the silver whirlwind, and he was hit as if he had suffered himself. The whole body and the silver whirlwind fell to the ruined wall on the ground and exploded.

"That's amazing..." Natsu opened his eyes wide.

The rest of the people were even more shocked. They didn't expect that this huge and ugly frog defeated Gajeel, the strongest candidate for the ghost ruler, with just one blow!
Atwood fell to the ground, smashing the ground.He snorted coldly, and slowly moved towards Fu Kou.Although he is a [Contracted Beast] emerging from Fu Kou, Erza, Milaj and the others are still on guard habitually.

"Relax, I won't do anything to this kid, it's just that my mission has been completed and I want to go back." Atwood said.

Seeing Fu Kou nodding his head, the crowd dispersed.

"Speaking of which, you are really hard on yourself." Atwood said to Fu Kou before leaving, "But it is precisely because you don't want to die that I was forced to save you once. I and you Said, next time you die like this, even if we choose another [contractor], we will not choose to help you."

At this time, Fu Kou, who had recovered a little, was finally able to speak: "In short, thank you."

Atwood glanced at him, and said nothing more, but the whole body gradually became smaller, and stuffed bit by bit into the [Different Dimension Mouth] in front of Fu Kou's chest, and then the [Different Dimension Mouth] was closure.

Before the [Different Dimension Port] was closed, Atwood still couldn't help saying: "However, it's good that you can have the consciousness of mortal death, and you will become stronger. I don't just mean [Magic Power] ], and more importantly your..."

Before he could finish speaking, he disappeared completely.

"I will."

He watched the fission of heaven and earth brought about by the fierce battle between the two great [Holy Ten Great Wizards] in the distance, but felt more sleepy.Milaj saw this, patted his forehead lightly, and said softly: "Sleep, trust the president, and trust us."

So Fu Kou fell asleep on this battlefield, which was still in fierce battle.

[Guardian: A2-Aphrodite]

【User: Fu Kou】

【Level bit: 28】

【Experience: 0】

[Bounty value: 12091]

【HP: 3060】

[Magic value: 3195]

[Attack value: 3140]

[Defense value: 3075]

【Speed ​​value: 3125】

[Technical magic:

"The Promise Sword Master - Yi (Level [-])"

"Guardian of Time - Zilan (Level 4)"

"Maglin Gunner - Tristana (Level [-])"

"Angel of Judgment - Kyle (Level 3)"

"Frost Witch - Lissandra (Level 2)"

"Pantheon, Lord of War (Level 2)"





"Demacia Justice"

"The Last Movement of the Dance"

"Absolute Zero"

40 basic formula magic (with established formula)]

"Guardian Angel" (defense +105, slightly affected)

"Golden Scepter Ⅰ" (Life +200, Magic Power +180, Attack +160, Defense +140, Speed ​​+120, every normal attack or skill damage will cause an extra 1 points of damage)
"Sword of Blasphemy Ⅰ" (Magic Power +200, Attack +180, Speed ​​+160, for every normal attack, absorb 1 points of HP from the target and cause 8 points of damage to the target regardless of the defense value)
"Dolan's Ring" (+[-] health, +[-] mana, slightly affected)
"Ninja footwear" (+5 defense, +[-] speed, the effect is slightly)]


1. The magic of different heroes does not affect each other. When switching hero magic, you cannot switch immediately, you need to wait for 3 seconds

2. You can only hold one of the same item at the same time, which directly affects the effect of hero magic

3. Mall mode and battle mode cannot exist at the same time]

[Aphrodite automatic reminder: the system will automatically upgrade from version A30 to version A2 in 3 seconds]


Fu Kou woke up in a daze, and what he saw was a white ceiling.He stared blankly at the ceiling for a long time, when Milaj's face appeared in his field of vision.

She smiled in surprise and said, "Great, you finally woke up." She even shed tears.

"Ah." Fu Kou agreed.He wanted to get up, but found that his whole body seemed to be falling apart and he couldn't move.

Milaj explained: "This is [medical magic], you can't move for the time being."

"How long have I been asleep? Who won in the end?"

"You didn't sleep long." Milaj made the bed for him and covered his chest with the quilt, "We sent you to the hospital yesterday, you woke up once this morning, and then fell asleep again , I am fully awake now. As for who won in the end, you saw that you and I are here safe and sound, haven't you guessed it?"

That means winning, right?Fu Kou said in his heart.Well, it's good to win.

(End of this chapter)

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