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Chapter 85 The Tower of Paradise Chapter Death

Chapter 85·The Tower of Paradise·Death

Miraculously, eight people were squeezed into the narrow boat. A quarter of an hour ago, they were enemies, but now they either looked at the status quo peacefully, or remained silent in frustration.Happy spread his wings and glides down in mid-air, landing next to Natsu, who was dizzy from the moment he boarded the boat.

"I...I told you a long time ago, let me get off the boat." He hummed weakly, "You just don't listen... Fuko and Erza are still on the island, I have to find them... Only my nose can allow you to find them as quickly as possible!"

"Shut up and give me a good rest. If you hadn't acted on your own, we wouldn't be in such trouble now." Gray stretched his leg and kicked his waist, and said coldly, "You think I don't want to go back to the island to find Are they? The 'Magic Elf Power' may be released at any time, and we have so many wounded here, so we should wait to die at sea if no one takes care of them. And the person among us who most wants to go back to help Kou and them is not you, nor not me."

Gray glanced at Miraj who was sitting at the stern of the boat, using simple healing magic to heal Jubian's wounds.She also thoughtfully covered Jubian and Lucy with the blanket she found.These two girls consumed too much mana when they were with Udaludas Eagle and Woolley, and now they are all pale and trembling, and their body temperature drops quickly when they are blown by the sea breeze.After she boarded the boat, she never said a single word about "helping the bandits", which shows that this topic is taboo for her now.

"Love, look over there." Happy's cat paw pointed in the direction of the island.Everyone looked over curiously.

This is a strange scene of heaven and earth changing, which only happened in a few seconds.The soaring vines were completely submerged in the dark clouds that gathered at some point.A magic circle the size of a bluish island looms in the dark clouds.A large amount of magic collided with each other, producing many fleeting thunder and lightning.

"That should be 'magic spirit power', right?" Xio said. Since he was knocked down by Natsu and his mind control was lifted, he has remained silent. In fact, so have his two companions, Woolley and Milianna. In this way, because they understand how cruel and hateful things they have done to Erza.When he saw the magnificent magic circle in the sky at this time, he was both guilty and worried.

Woolley, who has a square face, and Milianna, who looks like a cat-eared girl, also looked at the sky with worried eyes.

Milianna prayed in her heart, Elder Sister Erza, you must be fine, please come back properly, and give us a chance to sincerely apologize to you.

Yet her prayers were not heard. The magic circle of "magic wizard power" expanded, and after a period of magic power accumulation, its magic power was already sufficient.So, it was thrown down, and the beam of light hit the vine precisely, cut it off, and bombarded the plane of the island without reservation.In the blink of an eye, the island was completely swallowed by white light, and the aftermath set off sea wind and waves, attacking their boat.

"Hold on!" Gray yelled. "The boat's going to capsize!"

The boat did capsize at the sound, and was swept to an unknown distance in the waves.But they were all safe and sound in a water polo on the sea level. Zhu Bian coughed twice, and said in a weak voice: "I can hold on for a while, but I will have to find a way for you later." She was referring to the water spheres that she magically condensed to protect them.

Gray stretched his right hand out of the water polo, forming a magic circle on the sea level, freezing a piece of ice.He said, "That's enough. Let's go to the ice."

Milaj turned a deaf ear, she threw her hands on the surface of the water polo, her eyes staring blankly at the direction of the island.

"This is the second time... I can't do anything... You must be safe."

The white light slowly dissipated, but what surprised people was that the "magic spirit power" did not destroy the island like the rumored destruction of a town.In addition to the vines being wiped out, the island still exists in large areas.It's just that the island is covered with layers of crystals at this time, reflecting the sunlight that came down after the dark clouds dissipated.

How is this going?Everyone is at a loss.

At this time, in the middle of the island, Ersha hugged the man in her arms, and was in a daze for a long time.It was the first time in so many years that she felt such a warm embrace, but she felt that the temperature of this embrace was dissipating little by little.

After the "Magic Elf Power" was released, she understood everything, and she hugged Fu Kou in extreme remorse and despair, intending to die with him, but felt guilty towards Miraj.But she didn't expect that the "magic spirit power" didn't kill them, it just caused a huge change in the surrounding environment.

The hall where they were originally staying has now become an open-air crystal stone terrain, and there are crystal stones everywhere like wolf teeth.And the crystal stone that stood in the center didn't change at all, not even a trace of cracking.

Although the "magic spirit power" did not kill them as expected, Fu Kou, who was almost exhausted, finally fell into Erza's arms. He could only open his eyes and mouth, but could not speak.Seeing his weak appearance, Erza couldn't help hugging him tighter, letting him lean against her body.

And the culprit of everything, Gerald, of course he was still standing in front of the two intact.

"'Magic spirit power' is the 'transcendent time and space destruction magic' held by the Magic Council. It is rumored that it can easily destroy a town or even a country." He is still seriously injured, but looking at the scene in front of him, he is excited stood up, and explained to Erza and the others, "It was not easy for me to let those old guys let go and cast this one-time destruction magic here. That stupid woman also played a very good role. The 'R system' needs a lot of magic power to function, and this is its original appearance, it can absorb the power of the 'magic spirit power', now I can finally officially Controlled it to run!"

Urrutia?Fu Kou pressed his face against Erza's chest cloth, blinking his eyes slowly.His lips were chapped and his throat was dry, otherwise he would be able to open his mouth and ask about her now.

"Geral, you actually lied to me!" Erza was concerned about something else.If she had pity and sympathy for Gerald before, how much she hated and loathed him now.

If I had listened to Fu Kou, I wouldn't have let him succeed now. Sure enough, he is no longer the same Gerald as before.Erza felt deeply disappointed, and also felt guilty and uncomfortable for not trusting Fu Kou.

Another figure appeared from behind a crystal stone, and its owner walked up to Erza and said to her: "I'm not deceiving you, I'm just using it, this is your role on the great road of God's recovery, you It should be an honor."

"Ziklein!" Erza looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her in surprise.

"Ah, that's not my name, that's just the name of my missing body. I still like you calling me..." He walked to Gerald's side, the two of them smiled, and their bodies slowly merged together, right and left The magic writing on the face also matches exactly, and the two are now finally one. "... Gerald."

God...hasn't I been able to get rid of his fool all these years?
At this moment, Erza realized many things, and was angry at herself for being so stupid.Unfortunately, everything is irreparable now.

"That's great, Erza, I hope to lie in your arms like that." Gerald looked at Fu Kou in Erza's arms, and said with a smile, "It's a pity that you should hate me to death, right? What a pity, as a childhood playmate, I will leave it to the end to deal with you."

Erza suddenly pushed Fu Kou away uncontrollably, causing the latter to fall to the ground.She stood up, a red pattern swam around her body, controlling all her actions.

"what is this?"

"This is the 'Snake of Restraint'. I just put it on your feet when you were protecting me in front of that kid." He said mockingly, "Why, didn't you feel it at all?"

He waved his hand, and the "Snake of Restraint" pulled Erza away and moved aside.He walked up to Fu Kou on the ground.

"What are you going to do to him?" Erza yelled.

Gerald ignored her, but arrogantly said to Fu Kou: "Hahaha, what an irony, I was the one who fell here a few minutes ago, you can kill me at any time, but because of that naive woman, you tied your hands Bind your feet. Now you are lying in front of me, dying, but I will not make your mistake, I will let you die."

[Geral Fernandez (Level 52, Celestial Magic)]

Fu Kou raised his head slightly, and saw the combat power reminder next to Gerald's head.After merging with the thought body "Zikrein", he finally regained the power of the "Ten Great Sorcerers". He couldn't kill him in one go before, and now it's even more impossible.

Gerald picked him up from the ground and pressed him on the raised crystal stone in the center, with a cheerful and ferocious smile on his face, his mouth was split open, like a devil.

"Die." He only said a short sentence, and the light on his right hand condensed into a dagger, piercing Fu Kou's chest.Fu Kou's pupils shrank, and he lowered his head without even struggling.

"No—" Erza yelled in pain.

The crystal stone swallowed Fu Kou's body bit by bit as if it was alive, and finally he was completely integrated into the crystal stone.

Gerald said with a smile: "You just become the nutrient of the 'R system'. Don't worry, soon, Erza will follow you as a sacrifice."

His words penetrated the crystal stone and reached Fu Kou's ears without missing a single word.

[Prop "Guardian Angel" effect activated——]

His hand suddenly stretched out from the crystal stone, and firmly grabbed Gerald's arm who was about to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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