Comic game system

Chapter 88 Fairy Civil War Chapter Regulations

Chapter 88: Fairy Civil War Chapter Return

A large number of high-level and low-level members of the Magic Council have poured into Albert Town recently, and they have set up a messy temporary stronghold in a haunted old castle in the wilderness of the town.The cause is all due to the ruthless original "Ten Great Sorcerers" Qi Kelein and Urrutia, they not only instigated and lured the Magic Council to throw "magic spirit power" into the territory of a sinless country, and were later It was regarded as an act of war, and the original headquarters of the Magic Council was successfully destroyed.

The most important thing is that although Zekelein, that is, Gerald, has been killed by the "Fairy Queen" and the unknown pawn of "Fairy Tail", Urutia, the other behind-the-scenes black hand of the incident, has successfully escaped.In view of this series of misjudgments and gaffes by the Magic Council, they will soon face a desperate situation.

At this moment when the magic council was panicking and panicking, a magic letter was sent to "Fairy Tail" by the staff of the council, and Fu Kou, one of the heroes of this incident, was sent to Albert Temporary In the interrogation room of the stronghold castle.

The interrogation room was located in the cellar of the castle. It was originally a place to store wine, but it has now been vacated, but there is still a faint scent in the air.There is not enough light here, so many candles are lit, and it looks like a sacrifice site of a cult organization.The interrogation room was very large, with a table in the center. Fu Kou was interrogated in such a crude environment.

The person in charge of interrogating him was Yajima, a short and thin old man like Makarov. The reason why Karov let Fu Kou stand alone for interrogation is the reason why he believes that his old friend will never make a judgment that is harmful to "Fairy Tail".

As for the reason why the Magic Council represented by Yajima summoned Fu Kou here, on the surface it was to understand the more detailed details of the battle with Gerald, but in fact it wanted to get some useful information out of his mouth. about his past.After all, he is a mage who can narrowly beat the "Ten Great Sorcerers", and his strength cannot be ignored, and the Magic Council, which is on the verge of reorganization, cannot allow the second Gerald or Urrutia to grow up now.

Erza concealed the fact that Fu Kou came back from the dead to everyone, and never questioned the mystery behind him.She told the Magic Council and the battle of "Fairy Tail" that Fu Kou used all kinds of weird magic to defeat Gerald in a thrilling manner, and silently comforted herself in her heart that he was by no means the kind of person who had contact with taboos. People of black magic.

"Okay, you have roughly stated what happened." Yajima revealed his wrinkled old face in the candlelight, and said to Fu Kou in a hoarse voice, "What you said is basically the same as that of Ai. What Lusa Schukaletto said matches, so the 'R system' has absolutely nothing to do with you. As for the reward for your contribution this time, it will be sent to your guild in a few days."

"That's really great." Fu Kou didn't know what kind of person Yajima was, so he could only reply with the most humble attitude.

"Now that we have dealt with Gerald's matter, let's get to the point." Yajima stood up from the chair solemnly, with his hands behind his back, and walked in front of Fuko, his bushy white eyebrows covered his eyes. Eyes, Fu Kou didn't understand how he could see the road clearly. "Tell me about who you are and where you come from. If possible, you'd better tell me about the big and small things since you were born, and try to provide reliable evidence."

Sure enough, what should come, still came.

Fu Kou knew this was the result long ago, the chairman Makarov vaguely mentioned him, and Gerald also threatened him with this topic.He understood that this level cannot be avoided, so after the battle with Gerald, he spent the whole night alone, fabricating a past that was both true and false for himself, constantly deliberating and polishing to eliminate loopholes , He didn't complete all the settings until dawn, and burned the notebook in which these settings were written.

When he was prepared, he opened it and said, "Mr. Yajima, it's actually like this..."

"Since you don't want to say—" the old man interrupted suddenly, "I can't force you. However, I hope you can understand that no matter how busy our council is, we will spare some people to continue investigating your past. Find out what connection you have with the Dark World, then we will have to take thunderous action against you!"

Fu Kou was stunned, he didn't say anything yet, why did Yajima say such a bunch of inexplicable words?

At this time, Yajima actually raised his eyebrows, his face softened, and he showed a kind smile, and said: "Also, you can call me Grandpa Yajima, boy, I am your president's peer."

In this way, Fu Kou understood that Yajima did not pursue this matter because of Makarov's face.

Yajima also understood that Fu Kou's past must be very strange.If nothing is found out, or the things found out are not important, then it’s okay to say that if it is found out that he really has a connection with the Dark World, even if it is only a little bit, it will be magnified by the Magic Council. He had to take necessary actions against Fu Kou.

In fact, he still believed in Makarov's vicious eyesight.Of the group of guild children that Makarov brought back, which one is not an outstanding contemporary wizard?Although they were reckless, their conduct was not bad, and he believed that the Fu Kou in front of him was also like this, not to mention that Fu Kou had proven his position many times.

Fu Koo was very happy, and he said to Yajima: "Thank you very much, Grandpa Yajima."

"Thank you? I don't remember anything I did to you that deserves your gratitude." Yajima, who is mature and mature, didn't let go of any loopholes that might be caught, even if there were only two of them here, he continued to smile Said, "Let me tell you, I am old, I will retire in a few days, and the new Magic Council will be re-established. At that time, no one will sell your face. You better act cautiously, don't be always Someone caught the handle."

"I will." Fu Kou replied, "But my's hard to say."

"Well... I also understand what you mean. Like Naz and the others, it is impossible for them to have the meaning of 'cautious'? Well, it's good for them to live like that, but you are still weak and ignorant of world affairs, and now I will protect you from the wind." Yu's older generation is leaving one by one, I hope you will be more mature when Makarov leaves..."

"Thank you very much for your teaching, I will pass it on to them."

"Well, good. Alright, you've been here for a long time, go back to the guild, and I'll take care of the rest. In addition, you have to do it well, no matter what happened to you in the past, Don't forget who you are now."

After thanking Yajima again, Fu Kou finally left the dull cellar and went to the sunny ground.He passed through the defense line guarded by the Magic Council, set foot on the country road, and walked towards the town.In the noisy town, he quickly found the crowded train station.

In fact, when he came here, he still wanted to find some news about Urrutia, but he failed completely after all, and now he can only go back to the guild.

Twenty or ten minutes later, he got on the train back to Magnolia Town, and the whole journey lasted about an hour and a half.So, he sat beside a bald man, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In fact, he was turning on the system to check his own situation.

The [Man-Machine Training Mode] in the [Game Mode] can be divided into [Simple Man-Machine Mode], [General Man-Machine Mode] and [Nightmare Man-Machine Mode].What Fu Kou entered by mistake at the beginning belonged to the [Nightmare Human-Machine Mode].

【Human-machine training mode】In fact, let Fu Kou fight with virtual objects, and use the way of customs clearance.For each level, there will be a specific virtual object guarding the level. Only by defeating this object can you advance to the next level.Of course, as the level of the level gets higher and higher, the power of this object will become stronger and stronger.

Fu Kou usually clears the level in [Normal Human-Machine Mode], [Simple Human-Machine Mode] he has given up directly, and [Nightmare Human-Machine Mode], he feels that the current self is not suitable for entering.

The actual combat must have more experience points, bounty values, and lucky points than the [Human-machine training mode]. The reason why he continues the [Human-machine training mode] is to try out various "hero modes" better. ", and try to increase their level.

And since the "Tower of Paradise" incident, he didn't update his data as soon as possible, and now he finally found a comfortable time to relax.

His current stats are:

[Guardian: A3-Aphrodite (already the latest version)]

【User: Fu Kou】

【Level bit: 30】

【Experience: 20】

[Bounty value: 10782]

【Lucky value: 200】


【HP: 3980】

[Magic value: 3495]

[Attack value: 3455]

【Speed ​​value: 3450】

[Defense value: 3380]


[Technical magic:


"The Promise Sword Master - Yi (Level 6)"

"Guardian of Time - Zilan (Level 5)"

"Frost Witch - Lissandra (Level 4)"

"Maglin Gunner - Tristana (Level 4)"

"Angel of Judgment - Kyle (Level 4)"

"Rune Mage-Ryze (Level 3)"

"Ice Archer - Ashe (Level 3)"

"Son of the Stars - Soraka (Level 3)"

"Lord of War - Pantheon (Level 3)"

"The Fortitude of the Holy Hammer - Bobby (Level 2)"

"Goddess of War - Sivir (Level 2)"

"Fallen Angel - Morgana (Level 2)"

"Eye of Twilight - Shen (Level 2)"










"Ghost Rush"



"The Stars Are Falling" (Level 18)
"Death Comes" (Level 18)
"Justice of Demacia" (Level 18)
"The Last Movement of the Wild Dance" (Grade 18)
"Absolute Zero" (Level 18)
36 basic formula magics (with established formulas)

Reminder: The [level] here is not the [level] of the player, but the [level] of the skill itself, which is divided into levels 1~18]



"Bronze III Book of Heroes" (the available 【Skills and Magic】 will be recorded on it)

"Platinum Scepter IV" (life +240, magic power +220, attack +200, defense +180, speed +160, normal attack or skill damage once, cause extra 1 damage, casting distance increased by 50 yards)
"Sword of Blasphemy Ten Crow" (Magic power +240, attack +220, speed +200, for every normal attack, absorb 1 HP from the target and cause 12 damage to the target regardless of the defense value. Use "Chop When "Strike·Ten Crows", ten sun crows will be summoned, and each time the target is slashed and given damage, one sun crow will be attached to it, and the physical damage caused will increase by 8% for each crow attached to it. After ten times of slashing, All the sun crows disappeared. (Cooldown time: 10 seconds, consumes 300 mana))

"Insight Ruby" (Life +500, 4 layers of charge, slightly affected)
"Guardian Angel" (defense +105, slightly affected)

"Dolan's Blade" (Life +80, Attack +8, slightly affected)

"Dolan's Shield" (Life +80, slightly affected)

"Dolan's Ring" (Life +60, Magic +15, slightly affected)

"Ninja Footwear" (Speed ​​+45, Defense +30, slightly affected)

"Mercury Boots" (Speed ​​+45, Defense +25)

"Extraction" (Attack +7, slight effect)

"Corruption Potion" (3 layers of charging, the effect is slightly)
"Surveillance Totem"

"Scan lens"]



(1) Only one of the different [Game Modes] can be opened at the same time, and the [Game Mode] is different from the [Game Store] that can be opened at the same time.

(2) [Hero magic skill cooling time] will follow the cooling time of the latest version of reality.

(3) Except for [Destroy Mode], only one set of [Heroic Magic Skills] in the other [Game Modes] can exist at the same time, neither two sets of [Heroic Magical Skills] can be used at the same time.If you want to switch to another set of [Hero Magic Skills], you need to wait for 5 seconds.

(4) Only one item of the same type can exist at the same time, and all items will affect the player himself and the current [hero magic skills].There can be multiple accessories at the same time.

(5) The highest level is 100, the experience value depends on the level, and the bounty value has no upper limit.When the health value is 0, the player will die. When the mana value is 0, the player will not be able to use any [skills and spells]. 】

Following a routine similar to the previous one, Fu Kou squandered his bounty value and luck value, and obtained the "ultimate magic" derived from the established formula.

There is only one "ultimate magic" obtained from the establishment of the formula this time, and that is "Thunder and Rage Claw" (Thunder Roar - Volibear).And the two chances obtained by squandering 200 lucky points fully express the great sorrow and great joy of life.

Dabei’s first time, [Lucky Box] got him the item [Hey Hey Hey Taunt], the effect is: all the magic and physical attacks of the targets within a radius of 100 yards will be transferred to you for 5 seconds ( Cooldown: 10 seconds).

If this is just to mock the enemy, then it's okay, but this prop even mocks the people on his side, which greatly narrows the possible scenarios for it to be used.

The second time he was overjoyed, [Lucky Box] gave him a chance to raise the hero level of any "hero mode" to level 18.

Then he used the bounty value to buy "hero mode" and props, and used the opportunity to upgrade the "hero mode" to one of the "hero modes". The final data is as follows:


[Guardian: A3-Aphrodite (already the latest version)]

【User: Fu Kou】

*【Level bit: 30】

*【Experience Points: 20】

*【Bounty value: 32】

*【Lucky value: 0】


*【Health Points: 4180】

*【Magic Power: 3715】

*【Speed ​​value: 3495】

*【Attack value: 3470】

*【Defense value: 3430】


[Technical magic:


* "Evil Little Mage-Vegar" (level 18)
"The Promise Sword Master - Yi (Level 6)"


"Eye of Twilight - Shen (Level 2)"

* "Wrath of the Storm - Janna" (Level 1)
* "Widowmaker - Evelyn" (Level 1)
* "Undead God of War-Sion" (Level 1)
* "Doombringer - Fiddlesticks" (Level 1)





* "Thunder Claw" (Level 18)
"The Stars Are Falling" (Level 18)

"Absolute Zero" (Level 18)
*34 basic formula magic (no established formula)

Reminder: The [level] here is not the [level] of the player, but the [level] of the skill itself, which is divided into levels 1~18]



*"Hey hey hey taunt" (The magic and physical attacks of all targets within a radius of 100 yards will be transferred to you for 5 seconds, (cooling time: 10 seconds))

* "Bronze III Book of Heroes"

* "Platinum Wand IV"

* "Sword of Blasphemy Ten Crows"


"Insight Ruby" (Life +500, 4 layers of charge, slightly affected)
* "Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll" (Magic Power +220, slightly affected)

*"Legion Sacred Medal" (Life +200, Defense +20, slightly affected)

"Guardian Angel" (defense +105, slightly affected)


"Mercury Boots" (Speed ​​+45, Defense +25, slight effect)

* "Mage's Boots" (Speed ​​+45, Attack +15, Effect slightly)

"Extraction" (Attack +7, slight effect)


* "Foresight Retrofit"

* "Oracle Transformation"]


【Contract (omitted)】

(* means there are changes)
(End of this chapter)

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