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Chapter 92 Fairy Civil War Chapter Witch Awakening and Showdown

Chapter 92 Fairy Civil War Chapter Witch Awakening and Showdown
The area of ​​Magnolia Town is far beyond the visual range of Fu Kou's [War Map]. To find Felid, who set up the barrier, he must constantly go to the area where the "fog of war" is located.Coincidentally, he saw Miraj, Karna, Jubian, and Elfman moving in a common area at this moment, and the red dot where Philid belonged was also exposed in his field of vision.

He sprints towards the area in a hurry, the magic "ghost walk" increasing his movement speed.Soon, he left the bustling residential area, walked through an oak forest, and saw a bridge in the distance.

He quickly found the two weak people under the bridge-Jubian and Karna.Seeing his appearance, Zhu Bian happily stretched out his hands, trying to wrap his arms around his neck, but he avoided it and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Kanna seemed to have a broken leg and couldn't get up. She put her hands on the ground and replied unhappily: "Just now we fell into the barrier set by Felid. In order to let me step out of the barrier, Zhu Bian chose In order to sacrifice myself. After that, I fought with Felid who met here, and I was not his opponent. The injured Elfman was passed by here with the help of Miraj, and now their two siblings are entangled by Felid. By the way, hurry up and leave the two of us alone."

Zhu Bian also said seriously: "Master Fu Kou doesn't need to care about Zhu Bian's safety now, Zhu Bian is fine, Master Fu Kou hurry up and help that woman and her younger brother, Felid is too powerful. "

Fu Kou nodded, and released the magic "healing" to the two of them, and the green healing magic power spread on them.He didn't have time to check whether their injuries were relieved, so he ran towards the other side of the bridge.

As soon as he reached the bridge, he saw a man with long green hair and a red coat standing in the middle of the bridge, holding Elfman's tall body with one hand.The man was muttering something, and Elfman then showed an ugly struggling look.

"Don't—" Miraj begged from the other side of the bridge. Because of the angle of view, he couldn't see Miraj's exact location, and the [War Map] only showed that she was nearby.

He didn't have much time to think, the magic circle reconstructed a blue crystal bow and arrow, and there was almost no time to gather momentum to guide, a huge magic crystal arrow exuding the air of ice ("Ice Archer-Ash" The ultimate magic), accompanied by the sound of ice crystals cracking, shot towards the man.

The man also noticed the attack. He let go of the unconscious Elfman's hand, took a step back, stepped on the bridge, and flew into the air.The magic crystal arrow also fell through the air, falling in an arc in the air, and fell into the river, freezing a large piece of the ice surface, hindering the flow of the water surface in a large area.

He also took the opportunity to walk to Elfman's side.At this time, Miraj was already looking after Elfman, and she cried into tears.Fu Kou knelt down, looked at Elfman's health, and confirmed that he would be fine, then said to Miraj, "Mira, he's fine, trust me."

Miraj gave him a haggard look and nodded.Then, she lowered her head and called Elfman, and after a while, he really woke up.

The man in the sky——Filid said to Fu Kou: "You are the 'Encyclopedia', right? I didn't expect two of the 'Thunder Gods' to be defeated by you. My enchantment is everywhere here. Therefore, I have always been aware of your situation. It made me even more unexpected that you came to me directly before I went to you. "

"With you, there are three people." Fu Kou replied calmly.

"Really?" Philip did not feel angry at Fu Kou's provocative words, but accepted it with a peaceful attitude similar to Fu Kou, he said, "You came too timely, they are not mine The opponents are all defeated by me. You have only one way now, defeat me, otherwise they will be doomed."

Fu Kou stood up, and when he was about to take a step forward, suddenly a feeling of scalp numbness came to his heart, and soon, goose bumps appeared all over his body.An incomparably powerful magic power erupted at a very short distance behind him, soaring into the sky. This magic power contained extremely profound hostility and resentment, and he couldn't help it.

Even Felid, who was in mid-air, was taken aback.

Fu Kou turned his head, and he saw that Miraj had also stood up, and the dark and tyrannical magic power wrapped her in the middle.She gritted her teeth and lowered her head, as if trying to suppress something, but tears still rolled down her cheeks.

"When I was young, because the magic I awakened was to absorb the power of demons, the three of us were rejected. At that time, I was powerless."

"In that mission, Elfman forcibly absorbed the 'Beastmaster' in order to cover me, and lost control of his mind. Lisanna died because of it. At that time, I was powerless."

"On the ghost ruler's castle, 'Earth Element' Sol used Lisanna's affairs to hurt Elfman, and Joseph Bora threatened you with our lives and tortured you. At that time, I could do nothing."

"On the island of the Tower of Paradise, you stay on the island to face the 'Holy Ten Wizards' Gerald and the 'magic spirit power' that may fall at any time. At that time, I still can't do anything."

"And this time, a 'Thunder God' under the banner of 'Civil War' wantonly hurt my partner, hurt Elfman, and wanted to hurt you. I can't bear it anymore, really, I can't help it I can't bear it any longer..."

Magic has awakened again.

Her magic power erupted and fluctuated around uncontrollably, the dark magic power became thicker and thicker, her long white hair slowly floated up, the power of the devil lingered around her body, a pair of black wings stretched out behind her, blood red Clothes and purple lips outline her fierce allure.

"'The whole body accepts Satan's soul'."

[Miraj Strauss (level 45, accept magic, transformation magic)]

In the next moment, she disappeared on the bridge, leaving only a black afterimage.

Felid's eyes were wide open, because Miraj, the witch who possesses magical power far beyond his imagination, was right in front of his eyes. She stared at him bitterly, and said in a calm voice, "So... I Will never forgive you."

Before Feilide fought her, he felt his whole body was icy cold, and a chill of panic swept his whole body.

Milaj's demon claws clawed at his face.

"'Dark Text·Wing'."

Phillip avoided the claws.

"'Dark Text Rejection'!"

Miraj shattered the magic with a wave of his hand.

"'Dark Text · Pain'!"

Miraj shattered the magic again.

"'Dark Text·Terror'!"

Once again Miraj shattered the magic.

"'Dark Text·Pain'!"

She simply accepted the magic this time, but it had almost no effect on her.

"'Dark Text·Death'!"

Felid found to his dismay that the spell still had no effect on the Demon Daughter.

"'Dark Text·Ju Ying'!"

He tried to escape, but Miraj punched him and sent him flying, crashing into the mountains.

"'Dark Text·Darkness'!"

He was sent flying again by Miraj.

"'Dark Breath'!"

He thought his dark jet had blown Miraj off the mountain, but he was desperate to find Miraj flying back with wings spread.

"'Dark Light Bomb'!"

This was his last resistance, and then he fell down without a word as the earth shook and the mountains shook and the bombardment sounded.

In just 3 minutes, Milaj of "Satan's Soul" showed everyone her former S-level super strength, and defeated the "Leader of Thor" Felid almost effortlessly.

Fu Kou chose to silently use the magic "Holy Blessing" (Judgment Angel-Kyle) and the cooled "Healing" to heal Elfman's wounds.Slowly, Zhu Bian and Kana supported each other and walked to their side.

The dark magic power dissipated in the air, and Miraj, who had recovered his original shape, landed on the bridge, half kneeling beside Elfman with a worried expression on his face, and he was relieved to see Elfman's face turn rosy.

"Mira, you finally regained your will to fight," Fu Kou said.

Jubian, Kana, and Elfman looked at Milaj with awe. From this moment on, no one would think that she was a vase of "Fairy Tail".

The figure in the battle just now is clearly a madman.

Miraj shook his head, grabbed Elfman's hand with one hand, and Fuko's hand with the other, stuck out his tongue, and said, "It's all your fault, you made me become a It's ugly now. It's a devil, and it's ugly."

"Ugly? Not ugly, I think it's very sexy, Elfman, what do you think?"

"Ah? Needless to say, my sis was of course extremely beautiful just now, and the title of 'Most Beautiful Sorcerer' should undoubtedly belong to you."

Milaj blushed, looked at the two of them, and asked, "Are you serious about what you said?"


"Of course it's true, my lord!"

Milaj smiled easily.She pushed Fu Kou on the shoulder and said, "Glib guy, you were not like this before. Let me tell you, I still have several forms of demons. If you want to see... I will show you next time." .”

"I'm waiting."

So far, Laxus' "Thunder Gods" have all been defeated.

And all the enchantments that Felid set up in the town of Magnolia also disappeared.However, this does not mean that the crisis has been resolved, and the "Shenming Temple" is still flying over the town of Magnolia.

As for Laxus who stayed in the cathedral, the fact that he disappeared from the barrier immediately knew that Felid had lost.He threw down his coat angrily, and stared fiercely at the enemy in front of him.

It was a man whose face and figure could not be seen clearly wrapped in a black robe, carrying five long magic scepters on his back.

"Okay, Mistral, before others come to make trouble, let's decide the winner and see who is the strongest mage in the guild." Laxus said to the man.

(End of this chapter)

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