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Chapter 98: Chapter 6: Demon General Chapter: Battle and Love

Chapter 98·Six Demon Generals·Battle and Love

At the same time, Fu Kou slowly helped Elsa, who was so soft that she seemed to have lost her bones, to sit down next to a big tree.The distance between them and Kong Nai and Lucy is not too far, which can not only ensure that Kong Nai cannot attack Ersha suddenly, but also ensure that Fu Kou has a chance to help.

However, the information conveyed on the [War Map] is not optimistic.Yiye is indeed not a fighting mage, at this time he has been captured by the mages of the Dark Guild.Lian and Ivan are still fighting fiercely with the "Black Unicorn".

Jura, Leo and Shirley have successfully wiped out the entire "Red Turban" dark guild mages, but just as Fu Kou thought before, one of the six generals, "Hot Eye" Richard eyeing them.Jura stayed behind and let Leo and Shirley go first.

The combination of Naz and Gray was also unstoppable, and the entire "Naked Bandagers" were easily defeated.Then they encountered "Laser" Sawyer, one of the six generals, and Gray stayed to deal with Sawyer in order to buy time for Naz and Xia Lulu to leave.

From this point of view, none of the three teams could really gain an advantage.

Now, Xiang has fallen, and it is Lucy who is fighting against the six devil general "Angel". It must be said that their combat power is seriously lacking.If it wasn't for Fu Kou who needs to be beside Ersha to suppress the toxin for her, he should be the one who fights against Kongo.

Sora was wearing that light goose sweater, her snow-white skin complemented her proud bust.Her figure is indeed worthy of the title of "angel".But what she is doing now is like a "demon".

"Lucy, maybe I should tell you that as a star spirit wizard, the most basic thing is to know the strengths and weaknesses of each star spirit, and summon and deal with them accordingly. You summoned 'Taurus Taurus', you should Is it purely hoping to win with strength? But do you think I would be so stupid to compete with your brute in strength? Jamie, show him."

Jamie changed again, and this time they turned into Lucy herself!Jemini showed off his figure in a playful manner, stroking his waist and hips, with a charming blush on his face, and said to Talos temptingly: "Niu Niu, do you want to take a look at his... There?"

Talos couldn't tell which one was the real Lucy and which one was the fake Lucy. Even if he knew that the one in front of him was the fake Lucy, he would probably jump on it without hesitation.He dropped the ax and walked obsessively toward Jemini.

"Stupid! Talos, she's fake, I'm here!" Lucy yelled.

Talos was startled, turned around, glanced at Lucy, then at Jemini reluctantly, and said in embarrassment: "Miss Lucy, you both have the same body, I...I can't help it." ..."

Lucy sighed and said, "I see, Talos, you go back and close the door!"

The golden magic circle opened, and Talos gave Jemini a nostalgic look before disappearing here.The instant he disappears, Jemini turns back into the original two elves.

"Hehehe——you can't even make reasonable use of your protoss' weaknesses, you are really a failed protoss mage." Sorono laughed wantonly. When she smiled, her waist seemed to be blown by a strong wind. Like a willow branch, she swayed to the extreme angle, which shows the flexibility of her figure.

"It's not over yet, 'Zodiac · Leo · Leo', the protoss opens the door!" Lucy will not easily compromise with the woman in front of her, not only because she is the general of the Six Demons, but also because of Fu Kou And the reason why Erza is right behind her.For the first time, she took on the responsibility of protecting others, and she didn't want to end in failure.

She is determined to do her best and rely on her own strength and that of the protoss to defeat one of the six demon generals.

"Miss Lucy, you finally summoned me."

Leo, formerly known as Loki, is the original wizard of Fairy Tail, but he is actually a protoss, and he is also the strongest protoss in the zodiac.He was wearing a suit and sunglasses, and he looked heroic.

Seeing Leo's appearance, Sora was taken aback at first, and then showed a surprising smile.


She first took Jemini back to the star spirit world, and then summoned the star spirit in the same way, and what appeared was a lovely and pitiful female star spirit.She has long pink hair and curly horns, and the tight white dress perfectly outlines her fiery figure.

"Aries...Arias?" Leo's face quickly turned pale when he saw her.

Lucy was also taken aback.She knew about the relationship between Leo and Ariez.Before, they belonged to the same magician named Kallen, but Kallen didn't cherish her protoss and often abused the cowardly Arias. Lian apologized.Caroline certainly wouldn't agree.

However, Kallen was attacked by a certain magician afterwards. In order to resist, she had to try to "double open the door", that is, while summoning Leo, she also summoned another protoss.It's a pity that she failed and died because of it.

Leo was also expelled from the Astral World because of this, and he didn't get the right to return to the Astral World until he met Lucy.

Now, seeing Aries again, he couldn't help but think of many things from the past.

"What about Leo and Aries..." Kong Nai seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, she said, "Thinking back when their master Karen used 'double door opening' in front of me and died, Aries would belong to me. Comes in handy in places like this..."

"It turned out to be you!" Leo angrily understood what happened back then.

Lucy gritted her teeth, knowing that she had failed again, she said to Leo: "Leo, you should go back to the Star Spirit Realm..."

"No, no need." Leo said resolutely, "Now Ariez and I belong to different masters, so we need to do our duty. This is the pride of our protoss!"

Ariez nodded in agreement.

Since Leo was unwilling to leave, Lucy could only let them fight.Leo and Ariez started a fight, but Leo was still a little scrupulous and couldn't defeat Ariez immediately.

"Hmph, let me show you the real 'double opening'." Kong Nai said suddenly.

She took out the Protoss key, and summoned "Kayelum the Carpenter Seat".He can transform into various tools, and now he has transformed into a cannon, aiming at Leo and Aries is just a shell.

The cannon light pierced through the bodies of Aries and Leo with a roar, and Lucy didn't even have time to remind them.The two protoss just disappeared into the air.

Lucy said in disbelief, "What are you doing, 'Angel' Sora?" She had consumed too much magic power due to successive summoning of the protoss, so she knelt on the ground to rest.

"What's so strange about this? They are protoss, they are immortal, so I easily defeated the strongest protoss, Leo." Sora replied nonchalantly.

"But, they are protoss, they are alive and have feelings!"

"That's why I say that you are too naive. Protoss is our tool for victory."

"No, no, my mother told me that we signed a contract with the protoss to cooperate with each other and protect the people and things we want to protect."

"Oh? Then your mother is also very naive."

Kong Nai also took Kayerum, the Diaphragm Seat back to the Astral World, and then summoned Gemini Gemini again, and Gemini changed into Leo's appearance.

Kong Nai motioned to Jemini to do it, and said, "I think you can't move anymore, right? That's right, how can someone like you who can't even 'double open the door' have such sufficient magic power? Hehe, Jamie, kill her."

Lucy felt ashamed for a moment.

Just the next second, a missile full of dark energy hit Kongo, restraining her in place.

"'I'll make them feel good'!"

Fu Kou activated the [Fallen Angel Hero Mode (Level 3)] in time, and restrained Kong Nai with the confinement magic [Dark Confinement].While Jemini looked back at Sorano's situation, he put the shield magic [Dark Shield] on Lucy again, and beckoned her to come to him quickly.

After the binding effect on Kong Nai ended, he saw Fu Kou's figure.She couldn't help being angry and annoyed, and said to Jemini: "What are you looking at, hurry up and catch them both!"

Fu Kou helped Lucy to Elsa's side, and Lucy said to him unwillingly, "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything..."

"You've done a great job."

"What about ringing?"

"Let's think about what to do first."

He looked at Ersha, and sure enough, after only leaving for a while, the toxin on Ersha began to spread again, extending from her right arm to her shoulder and neck. He quickly switched to [Judgment Angel] and used [ Holy Blessing] Continue to suppress toxins.

"Damn it, in this way, I won't be able to distract myself from the fight, unless I can instantly understand the battle..."

Although he had such an idea, when Leo, who had changed from Gemini, appeared in front of him, he had to admit that it was impossible.The biggest advantage of the protoss mage is the number advantage. Even if Jemini is defeated in an instant, Sora can also summon other protoss.If you can't defeat Kong Nai who is hiding behind the protoss, nothing will help.

Jemini stood in front of them, but did not rush to attack.

Kong Nai then rushed over and said impatiently: "Why don't you do it?"

Jemini was a little curious. After hearing what Lucy said just now, they couldn't help but want to know about this girl.Their spirits are breaking into Lucy's brain at this time, capturing all her thoughts.They froze for a moment, and unexpectedly changed into Lucy's appearance again, and then said truthfully: "We heard Miss Lucy's thoughts..."

"I love my mother, Layla Heartfilia."

"I love my father Jud Heartfilia."

"I love Fu Kou."

"I love Erza."

"I love Natsu."

"I love Happy."

"I love Gray."

Every time Jemini uttered a name, the blush on Lucy's cheeks deepened, especially since Fuko and Erza among the parties involved were here, she didn't dare to look at the two of them, she muttered embarrassingly. He muttered, "What are you talking about, don't talk nonsense, I didn't think that way..."

Afterwards, Jemini paused for a while, and then continued to read:

"I love Aquarius Akuya. Although she always annoys me, she always takes good care of me. She exists like a sister."

"I love Taurus Taurus, although he is too lustful, but he has always guarded me."

"I love Keisha Cancer, although he is eccentric, he has pretty good haircut skills."

"I love Leo Leo, although he is cynical, he is a strong and brave man."

"I love Virgo Baruch, although she likes to tease me, she is very loyal."

"I love Sagittarius Sagittarius..."

"I love Nicola the Little Dog..."

"I love Horolochim, Clock Tower..."

"I love Lila Lyra..."

"I love Southern Cross Crooks..."

"I love Pixis the Compass..."

"I love the Whip of the Eridanian Galaxy..."

"I love them, they are my family, family forever."

This confession, uttered from Jemini's mouth, although the tone is cold, but the warmth in it is hard to appreciate.Even Fu Kou smiled awkwardly at this time.

Jemini suddenly said in a very strange tone: "You are really an excellent star magician."

 [If you have any comments on the title of the book, you can provide a new title in the top post in the book review area, and I will consider it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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