I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 1 Prelude: The Otaku Has Transmigrated

Chapter 1 Prelude: The Otaku Has Transmigrated
Outside the window, the night was as dark as ink, and the heavy rain hit the ground fiercely, making depressions in the water surface, and at the same time, it also splashed strings of water droplets.Inside the house, [-] square meters, even after the computer desk and bed took up part of the space, it still looks very spacious.

On a single bed alone, an otaku in his 20s, casually dressed in two pieces of clothing, was watching something intently by a small desk lamp.Turning to the last page, the otaku carefully read the above content, stretched his waist, revealing a bearded and ordinary face, a purple jade pendant was shaking with the man's movements.I don't know if Tudou Dada's book is too good-looking, or I am too boring.He actually read "Fights Break Sphere" a hundred times...

"Hey, is it raining?" The otaku noticed the heavy rain outside the window.Just when he looked up and looked out of the window, a ball of lightning went straight through the window and hit him accurately. In an instant, the clothes on the otaku were wiped out under the impact of the lightning, and even the otaku had to follow him When the clothes died in love, the jade pendant on the otaku's neck emitted a purple light, which turned into a circular shield, protecting the otaku.

The thunder and lightning were fierce, and the purple light was even brighter. In just a few breaths, the thunder and lightning were dispelled.

The otaku's face was as usual, without the slightest fear, because if anyone was struck by lightning from a young age, he wouldn't react too much. "How many times has this been? 49?" The otaku silently recalled the number of times he was struck by lightning.I remember that Taoist priest said when I was a child that I was born with the fate of killing characters, which is not tolerated by the law of heaven, so the sky will punish me from the sky.That is to say, after being struck by lightning 49 times, if you can survive, you can reverse your fate, or you can change to Ziwei, and you will be rich and wealthy for life.

According to his understanding, God gave him some compensation after hacking him so many times when he had nothing to do.

But the Taoist leader was really capable, and he recognized his physique from the thousands of children in the orphanage at a glance, and the jade pendant he gave him was also a good thing, since it could withstand so many lightning strikes.If it wasn't for this jade pendant to defend himself, he would have been struck to death by lightning long ago.

If what the Taoist priest said is true, what should I do first when I become rich and powerful in the future?First go to your biological parents and ask them why they abandoned themselves?I have to go to the head of the Taoist priest to repay him, um, and the head of the orphanage who took care of him.By the way, remember to buy a big house...

Just when the otaku was thinking wildly, another bolt of lightning strikes over, and the purple mask of the split flashes for a while. However, this is just the beginning, one after another lightning strikes at the otaku like a little tadpole looking for its mother.


Fuck, didn't you agree that you only need to chop 49 times?What's happening here?Is the script wrong?

When the lightning and the purple shield flickered and collided, the book on the bed turned its pages by itself, and turned to the front of the book at once.Immediately afterwards, the book seemed to become a black hole, and a strong suction burst out, sucking the lightning and the purple shield into it, oh, and the otaku inside the purple shield.

After the otaku was sucked into the book, the lightning outside the window lost its target, stopped the bombardment, and the black clouds slowly dissipated.


At the same time that the otaku disappeared, thousands of miles away in Changbai Mountain, in a hermit village, dozens of immortal old men surrounded one person in the middle (if the otaku saw it, he would definitely recognize it, This is the old man who gave him the jade pendant), sitting on dozens of meteorites as tall as a person in a mysterious formation, holding his handprints, feeling the power of the stars in the sky, and using the power of the stars in a special way power, and sent it to the otaku's jade pendant to help him survive the catastrophe.

Suddenly, the induction was interrupted, and all the old people were backlashed. Pfft, a big mouthful of blood spit out from the old man's mouth, half of the old people fell down directly, and the rest were also on the verge of collapse.The guards next to him were shocked. Dozens of muscular men walked ten meters at a time and quickly came to the star array using lightness kung fu to support the old man.

The middle-aged men took out the pills one after another and fed them to the old man.

However, some people are useless even if they take medicine, "May my clan's martial arts prosper!" An old man came back to his light, and shouted with all his strength, and then, time was frozen at that moment.

One of the elders, who looked like a leader, resisted the discomfort in his body and said, "Gongsun Long, ahem, he has been sent to another world." The strong man who supported him tightened his lips, lowered his head, and said hoarsely: "Yes, Father."

The old man looked towards the place where Gongsun Long disappeared, and said, "Go and accompany your wife, I'm fine."

The mature man shook his head, his voice hoarse: "Mother is already with me."

The old man didn't say anything more, but looked at the other old men, noticing Lao Tzu's gaze, one after another voices sounded: "Elder Gongsun Lishi is seriously injured." "Elder Gongsun Deze has passed away." "Elder Gongsun Du has passed away"...

"27 people died, and the remaining eight people were seriously injured." Intense sadness flashed in the eyes of the old man. His grandson was sent away by him when he was young, and most of his friends who had been with him for many years were also killed or injured.How cruel it is for an old man who is supposed to take care of his life, but he has to do it, and he has a reason to do it...

In the village, in an antique wooden house, a young woman is sobbing. She is the mother of Gongsunlong who was sent away and the daughter-in-law of the patriarch.The mother-in-law put her arms around the girl and patted her shoulders to comfort her. The girl cried and said, "I know, he is the man mentioned in the family motto. I can't bear it! He was sent away since he was a child, and he was alone outside, and he didn't know how much he suffered..."

The mother-in-law sighed: "This is all fate. It was doomed after sending off the ancestors 700 years ago."


Douqi Continent is located in the corner of the Northeast Continent, close to the northern part of the continent where there are barbarians who are said to be infinitely powerful and can merge with beast souls; it is adjacent to the millions of miles of sea frontier in the east, where there are hundreds of millions of sea people; Qin State, where the five human empires meet.

On this day, in the imperial capital of the Qin Kingdom, one of the six first-class armies of the empire, was in charge of the Blood Wolf King's Mansion where the blood-clothed wolf knights were in charge.Gongsun Rulong, who is the head of the Blood-clothed Wolf Cavalry Army, and the princess Xia Lingwu who was sent back to the mansion to give birth a while ago, finally ushered in the time when the mansion was under martial law. Thousands of well-trained and not weak guards Be prepared to fight, but come together.

After the midwife went in for two sticks of incense, there was the cry of a baby in the courtyard.The mother and child gave birth safely, and no accidents such as assault or killing occurred.

Of course, this is just what they thought. Before they knew it, the otaku from the earth became the baby of the Gongsun family in the Douqi mainland when he was also confused...

A courier flew away in the dust and rushed to the place where the blood-clothed wolf rider was.

In the afternoon of the next day, Gongsun Rulong was training soldiers outside the barracks. Groups of cavalry charged and killed Gongsun Rulong repeatedly, raising dust all over the sky.

"Report:" The travel-worn messenger found Gongsun Rulong, saluted and said: "Report to the commander, Princess Xia has given birth to a son, and Princess Xia asked the commander to name it."

Gongsun Rulong turned around and said to himself: "This is the ninth one." Just as he was thinking, he saw the red sunset in the distance, "Well, let's call him Gongsun Chijiu."

"Yes, Marshal, this subordinate will report back to Princess Xia."

 Xiaoyue has written a new book.Nearly a year in the making, guaranteed to be wonderful!

  Book friends please support, feel free to come here if you have a ticket.I am hard!
(End of this chapter)

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