I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 101 Killing Criminals

Chapter 101 Killing Criminals
Once he brought Jiao Wang and Ye Fengleng to the territory of Qin State and confirmed that they were safe, Gongsun Chijiu left them behind and let them play while he returned to the Holy Realm.

Gongsun Chijiu stepped on the clouds and walked towards the holy world. When he was halfway there, he was hungry, so he landed directly and went to a small city below to look for food.

The small town is not big, with a radius of only ten miles. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

There are patrol teams formed with retired veterans responsible for public security in the city; officials responsible for handling various things; there are schools responsible for teaching and teaching various combat or non-combat skills; A city lord of a small city with a fighting spirit level...

This is not the Wu Tan City where Xiao Yan lives in the original book where he can kill people at will and has no one to control him.This is a city under the rule of the Qin State, governed by harsh laws, suppressing all ghosts and snakes by force, and supplemented by grace and rain to rule the city.

On weekdays, this small town is orderly, doing its own thing, but today there is something abnormal. Most of the people in this small town gather in one place, surrounded by an open area in the north of the city.

This is where the men in the city conduct drills and militarized training in winter every year.It is a place where various large-scale events and celebrations are held.At the same time, it is also a execution ground.

Whenever someone in the city commits such a serious crime that he is not even eligible to be sent to a crime camp and cannot pay for his crimes, he will be sentenced to death here.Usually, it's not the kind of clean beheading that makes the criminal walk so comfortably.

In this aspect, the laws of the Qin State are somewhat similar to the Song Dynasty in the previous life. Whenever someone is sentenced to death, people will gather to watch, and it is forcibly stipulated that each household must send out one person.Of course, if you want, the whole family can watch it together, but there is no praise.

After inflicting cruel punishment in public, behead the criminal, let the blood flow, and make the head fall to the ground.The state of Qin used this method to deter and warn all the people, (indeed all the people, not only civilians, but also many people from the aristocratic class were sent to the execution ground, and even the royal family of Gongsun once died here) not to break the law , don't break the law, otherwise, this is the end!
I have seen records in previous lives that every time this kind of public execution, many people would vomit.Perhaps because of the difference in time and space, people in the Qin State seldom vomit. Perhaps it is because they are used to killing and poking, and they have become accustomed to seeing too many deaths.This continent is more similar to a certain country in the previous life. Although it has an extremely developed fighting spirit system, and it is not to the point where you will be hacked to death when you walk on the street, it is still possible to be beaten up.

Even if the people of the state of Qin have seen too many deaths and will not be frightened by execution, this does not mean that deterrence loses its meaning.

You must know that the laws of the State of Qin pay attention to implicated persons. You went to the execution ground and were punished by the Ming Dynasty.This record will be inherited and will be recorded on your descendants. Within your three generations, it will not be hidden until a certain number of years is met.

And being marked with this record is equivalent to bringing a halo of bad luck. Although it is not to the point where everything goes wrong, there are many good things, and many profitable industries cannot participate in it. You can only watch others get promoted and get rich.

Relying on this set of harsh laws, although the state of Qin could not completely eradicate crime, it avoided crime to the greatest extent.At least, compared with the surrounding countries, the crime rate is more than a hundred times lower.The reason why the multiples are so small is because the laws of other countries do not restrain the powerful nobles, and only count the crimes of the weak.

After Gongsun Chijiu walked around the city, he came here directly. The restaurants in other places were temporarily closed, and the chefs and fellows came here to watch, which also aroused Gongsun Chijiu's curiosity.On top of that, only some restaurants are still open in that area.

Gongsun Chijiu picked a restaurant with a good location, went up to the second floor, and while calling the waiters to serve the food, he looked towards the crowd.

In the square of nearly [-] square meters, a platform of more than [-] meters has been temporarily set up, hundreds of soldiers of the Qin army guarded around it, and the supervisor and beheader is the lord of the city.

Dozens of people were bound and kneeling in the center, old and young, men and women. The more than 2 people below were excited and shouting for their destruction.

Gongsun Chijiu was a little surprised: "What did this man do? He actually provoked the whole city and was sentenced to exterminate his family?"

To be honest, Gongsun Chijiu still admires that sinner a little bit. After all, it is easy to be a good person. As long as you suffer, no matter whether you want to or not, you will be called a good person.But it is more difficult for the bad guys. If you don’t have a certain strength, if you don’t have the heart, you won’t be able to do bad things at all.Let alone someone like this who offended the entire city, he must have a certain ability, but it's a pity that he took the wrong path.Or, to be more precise, it is not strong enough to go to the extreme.

The waiter serving the dishes heard Gongsun Chijiu's self-talk, and explained to the guests, his tone was full of disgust for that person: "The sinner used to be a master, and he molested the students under his door, and then it was revealed. Hmph, This is the end, you deserve to be executed by everyone!"

So it turned out that Gongsun Chijiu's impression of that sinner instantly dropped to a negative number. No matter in his past or present life, he always upholds the attitude that he should kill all of them to make an example of others.

The food had been delivered, but Gongsun Chijiu was staring at the execution ground, seemingly because he was attracted to his attention, but in fact, he was distracted again.

In the previous life, such a case had happened.No matter in the remote mountains and remote places far away from the emperor, or at the foot of the emperor, there have been similar incidents, which have caused a sensation and excited tens of thousands of people.

But no matter how you deal with it, the final result is repeated repeated prohibitions.

He remembered that he once saw such a news: a township teacher in a certain province, who had been in office for decades, molested and molested hundreds of girls, and was also discovered by his colleagues, those so-called teachers.But because they were afraid that the rumor would damage the school's reputation and reduce the number of students enrolled, which would affect their own interests, the school's internal decision was to suppress this matter and transfer the teacher to another school.Then, history repeats itself.Why did it make the news in the end?It was because when a girl who had been molested grew up and got married, at the wedding, a person who knew about it said it as a joke, which was heard by Xinlang.Xinlang divorced the girl on the spot, and the girl hanged herself immediately after returning home. The incident became a big deal, and the teacher was brought to justice after it was on the news.That's it.

Gongsun Chijiu thought at the time that if he had enough rights, he would never have given such a light sentence, at least, he would not have killed only one person.

The school where the well-dressed beast once worked, regardless of whether they knew about it or not, all leaders were killed, and teachers were killed one out of ten; the supervision department was not effective, leaders were killed three times, and ordinary staff were killed one out of ten; Those who fail to do so will be fined and one-third of all property will be confiscated, and it must be more than 30!
Only by killing and spilling blood all over the ground can it have a deterrent effect and make people fearful and dare not commit another crime.

However, Gongsun Chijiu also knew that this was impossible in his previous life.

Because the killing of teachers will definitely arouse resistance, no matter whether it is correct or not, some teachers will form a natural alliance and bring their own disciples to resist.

Once upon a time, there was such a video on the Internet.There is a teacher who teaches skills, who spits garbage on the train, is sprayed bloody by netizens, and is fired from the company where he works. It can be said to be very satisfying!

But, is this the end of the matter?

Gongsun Chijiu once saw such an article in a high school test book, and the content was roughly like this: Although the teacher did something wrong and violated morality, he did not violate the law, but because of the violent condemnation of netizens, It has caused great inconvenience to life.Compared with the insignificant behavior of littering, what we should see is the behavior of cyber violence, and then there are large-scale condemnations.

And this, just a violin teacher, not a regular teacher, made many teachers feel sad and defended spontaneously.Although it was not forcibly whitewashed, it also diverted the public's attention, infinitely reduced the sense of existence of the teacher's behavior, and set up a new target to fight back against the netizens who had condemned this incident.

I really want to ask, after the gathering of tens of thousands of Japanese pirates left, there was not even a piece of rubbish on the ground. After Tiananmen Square ended, the tons of rubbish left behind was once in the news.In such a comparison, is the act of littering really useless?Even if this is the case for a teacher, will he teach students with high moral character?In other words, how many of those people who littered in Tiananmen Square and made it into the news learned from their teachers?

It is conceivable that if they really do something to teachers, even if it is just to clean up the filth and tidy up the team selflessly.That will inevitably arouse extremely strong resistance, and may even shake the foundation of the country.

You must know how many disciples and students a teacher has in teaching and educating people, even if only one percent of the students respect the teacher and value teaching, that is a terrifying number.More importantly, who will be the one who respects teachers?There are civilians too, but there will never be fewer elites who are heading towards success. For the sake of profit or reputation, even if they are pretending, they will pretend to respect their teachers.

What's more, how many writers and literati are there in the teachers, they work together, enough to control the right to speak and public opinion, when there is no mandatory administrative order.

What is even more frightening is the heretics hidden among the teachers who already have alien intentions.They put on the appearance of the people's teachers, but they are real Meiyang dogs.They don't teach patriotism, but they teach the beauty of foreign countries; they don't speak ill of foreign countries, but they will hold on to the slightest mistakes of the motherland and criticize them.

Once something happened, they fled abroad under the guise of political asylum, led by a group of dogs from foreign hostile forces headed by an ugly country in America.

The more books you read, the more reactionary you become. This sentence is not just a saying.

Once it is decided to clear it up, it will inevitably cause turmoil, and the group of dogs from foreign hostile forces will inevitably intervene.At that time, it will be an endless, fierce battle, openly and secretly. If we are lucky, we may see the third battle.

Therefore, as long as we can know the problem, we can't do it. We can only repair it if there is a hole.

On the execution ground, after the punishment, following the order of the beheading officer, the beast in clothes and all his family members were beheaded.It started with his family members, one after another, and finally fell to him. Dozens of heads fell to the ground and were trampled into watermelon juice by the people below.

Then why can Qin Guo do it?Gongsun Chijiu thought, thinking of the sunset and the rising of the stars, he wanted to understand the reason.

First, the Qin State is a country that has thoroughly implemented the rule of law. Even the emperor must abide by the law. In history, not one or two emperors were expelled for misbehavior.The most important thing is that the power of Qin is not completely in the hands of the emperor, and the Hall of Elders is separated from the imperial power and forms its own faction.The regulatory department not only monitors the inside and peeks at the outside world, but also supervises the imperial power.

Second, the Qin State has sufficient strength. Even if a foreign aggression breaks out, enemies from four directions attack together, they can block it, forcibly eliminate those who have disobedience in the country, and kill those who refuse to accept it.

Thirdly, the teachers in the state of Qin have extremely strict supervision, the people are supervising, the students are supervising, and the government is also supervising.Very few people dare to commit crimes against the wind, give up generous salaries, which can be regarded as lofty status, and do illegal things.

Fourth, the composition of teachers in the Qin State not only comes from training and recruitment, but also an important part, that is, from veterans who have retired from the army.Their awareness of strictly abiding by the law can almost be said to have become the instinct of the body. With the support of the army behind them, they will never join forces with them, and they are not afraid of any threats or dangers.These veterans serve as teachers, which is not only the country's solution to their life and work problems after retirement, but also a nail inserted in the teachers.

Fifth, Qin's recruitment and selection of teachers can be said to be as strict as the selection of imperial guards.Seeing whether your skills and knowledge are sufficient for this role is only a small part of it.It will also check your identity background to see if there are no stains, and even check the three generations of your ancestors to see if you are rooted and young.It will also test your character and loyalty, and the test will be very strict.This will be held accountable to the individual, that is to say, if there is a problem with the teacher you approved in the future, the person in charge of the review will be guilty of the same crime, and will be sent to a criminal camp, where he will either die in battle or die of old age. It's ashes.

Sixth, and the most important point, Qin has fewer people. Although it has the largest population of 3000 to [-] million compared to the surrounding countries, it is pitifully small compared to the previous motherland.The sparse population allowed Qin State to have sufficient energy to allocate sufficient resources to manage this industry.

Gongsun Chijiu sat there thinking for a long time before he came up with the answer. When he recovered, he realized that he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

Gongsun Chijiu cried out three times, ordered a new meal for five people on the spot, and ate it all in one sitting.Patting my chubby belly to get a room, it’s the right way to catch a hair line at night and sleep after eating.

 A moment of silence for the flowers of the motherland!

(End of this chapter)

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