I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 202 The Final Auction Item

Chapter 202 The Final Auction Item
It is true that this auction was not held very well, it did not activate the atmosphere at all, and it was not as popular as before.None of them were able to show provocative flattery, mobilize the atmosphere on the scene, and make the audience willingly take out the money in their pockets under the enthusiasm of the audience.

Fortunately, the scene is not high enough in quality.Although the level of the host is not good, the quality of the auction items is very good, attracting many viewers to bid with each other and fight for it.

The precious auction items were sold at a relatively high price. There were many rare items, and the auction items gathered from all over the world surprised Gongsun Chijiu.

When the auction lasted for an hour, the atmosphere finally became heated, and even the VIP seats were sold. With the support of strong financial resources and a strong background, treasures were won one after another.

At this point, the audience below is almost reduced to a foil, except for a very small number of people who are eligible to participate in the first two, the vast majority of people are reduced to spectators.

After the participation of these people in the VIP seats, the auction was considered to be in full swing. Prices of tens of millions and tens of millions were easily shouted out from the mouths of big shots.

Since the people participating in this auction came from all over the world, many of them even came from other places.The vast majority of forces dislike each other, and may even hold grudges because of the other party's inadvertent glance, especially some forces that are hostile to each other.That's really taking advantage of this opportunity to make things difficult for the other party. Even if you don't need this treasure, you will try to increase the price a few times to make the other party pay a higher price.Even just for the sake of emotional conflict, for the sake of face, they will blush and fight to the death...

A batch of transactions with large amounts of money were concluded, and many people secretly smacked their tongues. It is worthy of being a famous and powerful force, with such wealth and wealth, it is far beyond the reach of ordinary people.If you can get a vote for this, you don't have to worry about it for half your life.

Gongsun Chijiu naturally despises these little playthings. There are too many martial arts and fighting skills in his inheritance.

Gongsun Lietian was also peaceful, leaning lazily on the back of the soft chair, watching the battle below with great interest.Holding a simple and elegant teacup in his left hand, shaking it gently, the tea water rippled in circles, and he took a sip without knowing it.

If it was before, Feng Luo would have to take action against some natural and earthly treasures.But now, with Gongsun Chijiu's sponsorship and tens of thousands of treasures from heaven and earth to rely on, they no longer look down on these things at this sale, and let others desperately fight for them.

Zi Yan, on the other hand, gave full play to the nature of women's shopping.As long as you look at what you like, no matter what the other party is for, whether you can use it or not, add money again and again until you get the item, looking like a local tyrant.

Up to now, hundreds of millions of gold coins have been spent by her.And 99% of them have lost money, so it is better to go to the market to buy, maybe it will be cheaper.

Why not 100% loss?That's because when Zi Yan made her bid for the first time, everyone looked at the face of this group of people, and it wasn't a very precious item, and those who had a tacit understanding didn't bid.Let Zi Yan pick up a big bargain, and bought a pair of radiant artwork at the bottom auction price.

At that time, other people would not be so face-saving. Every time Zi Yan made a move, there were people participating in the auction. Although she won each time with her strong financial advantages, the price she paid was not at all small.

Zi Yan's behavior of such a local tyrant left many people stunned.Afterwards, everyone knew that she was a rich woman, but there was nothing she couldn't hold down if she set her sights on it.

After understanding this point, not only did no one flinch, but more people took action on the items that Zi Yan wanted to take.

The ending is of course doomed, every time Zi Yan can always get what she wants, but their goal has also been achieved, in this time and time again, Zi Yan has successfully consumed a lot of financial resources.

Even when Zi Yan made a move, some of the audience at the bottom had the courage to participate and bid.Anyway, it is impossible for him to bid, no matter how huge the amount is, he will not be allowed to bid.

Fortunately, perhaps because of the strength of their industry, the people who raised the price did not shout too much, it was only [-] to [-]% higher than the market price.

Of course, with Gongsun Chijiu's wealth-loving temperament, it is naturally impossible to be so extravagant and wasteful. Even if he decides to take Zi Yan as his subordinate, it is impossible to hand over such a large amount of wealth to her.However, it doesn't matter now, it's just for fun anyway.

As time goes by, even if the host is not very good, just a cold commentary, the atmosphere becomes uncontrollably hot, advancing towards the climax.

The auction items that appeared at this time were all quite high-end goods, and even the Dou Huang powerhouse couldn't restrain their temptation.

Of course, the price has also become sky-high. Even some people in the VIP seats can only helplessly become spectators.

For many people, being able to see the big forces who are usually aloof, blushing and thick-nosed for a treasure, even if they are all for watching the show, it is not worth the trip.

With an ice-attribute ground-level high-level exercise, "Chanchuan" was sold at a price of more than 2000 million, and the auction was finally about to enter the later stage.

At this time, there are only two or three pieces that haven't been auctioned yet, and they are undoubtedly of the finale level. Even the Douzong strong will be jealous.

Many forces came here just for the last few items.For this reason, he did not hesitate to emptied most of the sect's treasury, and it was rarely seen before, and it was a pity that we let go of every tempting treasure.

"The one that will be auctioned below is an extremely precious treasure." The voice of the old ghost, who had always been silent in the ancient well, became a little excited at this moment.

"According to its owner, this is a treasure leaked from the black storm."

There were bursts of exclamations, and now many big men couldn't help standing up, panting heavily, and widening their eyes, wanting to see what this secret treasure looks like?
However, this secret treasure was sealed in the jade box and hadn't been opened yet. No matter how much they looked around, it was just a waste of effort.

Gongsun Chijiu tilted his head, a little confused, but he still had a little impression of the black storm, which is a specialty of the Black Territory Great Plains, and it was also there that Xiao Yan first met someone from the Soul Palace, and saw the strong man from the Soul Palace Capture the soul of a strong man.

But in his opinion, this so-called black storm is just a natural climate, at most it is a special terrain.It's not fighting monsters to upgrade, this kind of natural climate will drop treasures?

It was another thing that was skipped in the original book, but Gongsun Chijiu became a little interested, wanting to see what kind of treasure this black storm exposed, which can make so many strong people change their colors, looking forward to it. look.

"This treasure doesn't have a name, but its effect is quite powerful. It's just a fighter who can use a meager amount of fighting energy to activate it and summon a powerful helper."

"The summoned creatures are similar to the bird-human race. They focus on light energy and are very good at healing and fighting."

"The strength of the summoned object is between Dou Ling and Dou Zong. It does not cause much damage to the human body, but it is weak for a period of time, similar to the appearance after exhaustion of physical strength and fighting spirit."

"In times of weakness, as of right now, there is no well-detected approach to recovery."

(End of this chapter)

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