I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 205 The Two People Who Disappeared

Chapter 205 Two people who disappeared

And at this time, the attack that Venerable Qingjian had been brewing for so long was finally completed. There was a thousand-meter-wide mud floating on the ground, frantically gathering together, and attached to the long sword in front of him. above.

In just a few breaths, the long sword, which was originally no more than one arm long and three-finger thick, swelled rapidly.It quickly grew bigger like a wishful golden cudgel, and in the end, it almost turned into the size of a mountain peak.

"Ha ha……"

Venerable Qingjian looked up to the sky and laughed for a long time. Halfway through the laugh, the laughter lingered, and he looked at his chest in disbelief, with a palm lying there, extremely abrupt.

Just before Venerable Qingjian was about to throw this huge sword, Gongsun Chijiu had already struck first, his body turned around rapidly, and before he could make a move, he came behind him and crushed it with his palm. his heart.

Venerable Qingjian never expected that the other party would suddenly attack and kill him here in one fell swoop.

In his view, the other party, like himself, is obsessed with one way and is different from everything in the world.Although they are not on the same path, they can barely be regarded as people of the same path.When meeting someone of the same kind, it is justified to fight openly and happily. How could he be so sneaky and murderous?

Gongsun Chijiu withdrew his palm back and shook it dry casually. His left leg was like a long whip, and directly hit Venerable Qingjian's head, sending him flying tens of meters away.

Gongsun Chijiu stood still, with his left hand resting on the huge sword that had lost its master's control, was no longer stable, and was about to explode, and the blood king's body was activated.

Before the blood monarch body has stepped into the Xiaocheng realm, there are still many limitations. The energy absorbed from the outside is limited in the blood.

But when the blood monarch body stepped into the realm of Xiaocheng, its power increased a lot, and its limitations were broken a lot. The energy absorbed from the outside world was no longer limited to the mere blood.

At this moment, once the blood monarch body of the Xiaocheng realm shows its power, and supplemented by high-strength cultivation base, it is like a tiger hunting a rabbit, it is no problem .

The giant sword broke, and a large amount of energy was exhausted, pouring continuously into Gongsun Chijiu's palm.

After a while, the giant sword has completely dissipated, and all the energy has been drained, leaving only some fine dust that is no longer useful, drifting away with the wind.


After watching all this, Venerable Qingjian, who was forcibly supported by his strong fighting spirit, sighed and died.

For a Dou Zun peak level powerhouse, even if his body is beheaded, as long as he is not tortured, his soul body can always escape and linger on for a while.

Venerable Qingjian originally planned this way, but after seeing Gongsun Chijiu destroying the giant sword that he had worked so hard to brew for a long time, he knew that the other party did not secretly kill him because he was worried that he would not be able to defeat him, and he felt even more helpless. Interest in life, that's why he took the initiative to seek death.

With Gongsun Chijiu's move, Venerable Qingjian's body entered the blood world. He was also a peak Dou Zun after all, and could provide a lot of energy.

"Those who are still alive, obediently hand over all the treasures they got from the auction, lest I do it myself."

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Chijiu began to clean the battlefield. Changxian Gengjin would definitely get it, and Venerable Qingjian also had to open the Najie that Venerable Qingjian carried with him.

Gongsun Chijiu was not worried that someone would take the opportunity to escape, not only because he had the confidence to capture them all, but also because he believed in his own judgment that they would not escape.Unless their IQ is below the normal line, at least they have been cultivating for most of their lives. Even if they are not cunning, they still have some winks.

Besides, so what if they ran away?Venerable Qingjian's attack just now forced them to defend with all their strength, their energy aura was all on the bright side, and their identities had been exposed.

Even if they can run, can their Zongmen family also run?

Even if they can perfectly hide their identities and ensure that their family members will not be implicated, who would dare to be the first to stand out? Who would be willing to sacrifice themselves to help others?
Sure enough, when Gongsun Chijiu forcibly looked at Najie, no one ran away, but came here slowly.

Is this a custom unique to mainland China?Gongsun Chijiu held a book of low-level fighting skills that he had just dug out from the Najie, which was exactly the move "one" used by Venerable Qingjian earlier.

Gongsun Chijiu was surprised. When Xiao Yan got the training method of turning fire into fire, he directly killed people and snatched the ring. The heaven-level fighting skill he got was also obtained from the ring.Why do you like to hide this kind of killer's cultivation method in the ring, are you chasing after each other to capitalize on the enemy?
Gongsun Chijiu made two copies of this fighting skill, and continued to check the items in the ring, but found many good things in the eyes of ordinary people. Ten kinds of rare natural materials and earthly treasures, high-level pills packed in dozens of bottles...

When Zi Yan happily searched for those treasures, Gongsun Chijiu also took advantage of this time to rub this heaven-level fighting skill into the inheritance and pass it on to future generations.

When generations of blood kings borrowed a large number of inherited martial arts and fighting skills, they didn't just take them without giving them away. A lot of them were either forcibly seized, or they were self-enlightened. After hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, there are so many inheritances like stars.

This is the real inheritance. The predecessors created it, and the younger generations will not sit on empty mountains. They are also working hard to build a glorious palace together.

After Zi Yan finished searching, it was time to break up.

Gongsun Chijiu continued to travel outside with other people, and Gongsun Lietian was going back to Qin. He did not forget that there is still a strong man waiting for Hai Xinyan in Qin!

The large number of treasures searched during this period were naturally handed over to Gongsun Lietian to take back, and only billions of gold coins and two fallen heart flames were still in Gongsun Chijiu's hands.

After watching Gongsun Xietian's figure disappear, Gongsun Chijiu also set off, but before leaving, he deliberately found Old Demon Old Ghost and gave him a copy of the inheritance of blood.

This inheritance is not very powerful, and the highest level of fighting skills will not be just low-level heaven-level, and it can only be supported until the old ghost of the earth demon has cultivated to the level of Dou Zun, and has not broken through to the corresponding skills of Dou Sheng.

Naturally, this was also a secret move by Gongsun Chijiu. The purpose was very simple, just to trick someone.

Gongsun Chijiu took Zi Yan to the Heavenly Snake Mansion, a mere low-level force at the Douzong level, there is no need for him to go to war and wipe out the roots.

Gongsun Chijiu's real purpose is to snatch away the inheritance of the skills there, and then cultivate Qinglin with the green snake three-flower pupil himself.

For the next itinerary, he already has a series of plans, snatching away the inheritance of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, and then picking up the Venerable Skyfire from the Canaan Academy, then he can set off for the Jia Ma Empire.

The Heijiaoyu area is neither big nor small. With Gongsun Chijiu's foot strength, it only takes two days at most, if there is no accident.

Now, something unexpected happened.Gongsun Chijiu frowned and looked at the black storm that connected the sky and the earth and spanned hundreds of miles. After thinking about it for a second or two, he decided to force his way through.

Gongsun Chijiu believed with full confidence that this level of natural disasters could not stop him, and he was not qualified to make him detour.

Thus, Gongsun Chijiu led Zi Yan into the black storm.

After the black storm raged for more than ten days, it finally dissipated, and the world was still clear, and the place ravaged by the black storm was blank, without any vitality.

At this time, the Heavenly Snake Mansion still exists well.

 Xiao Yan's little friend is in the Jia Ma Empire, and it's time for Gongsun Chijiu's little friend to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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