I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 207 Snow Mastiff Armor

Chapter 207 Snow Mastiff Armor
Gongsun Chijiu stepped on the deer's chest, crushed a few of its ribs, and then continued with the previous question, threatening with a murderous look: "Tell me, what the hell is this place? Don't tell me, I'll just do it right now." You, kill all the deer here again."

The patriarch was defeated in an instant and captured in an instant. Hundreds of deer panicked for a moment, but soon settled down and made what they thought was the most correct decision.

Under the patriarch, the two highest-ranking Douhuang peak-level deer looked at each other and quickly formed a tacit understanding.

"Kill him and rescue the patriarch." Yilu rushed to Gongsun Chijiu first, leading a large number of strong men in the clan to entangle him.

The other deer took the opportunity to lead two Douhuang-level tribesmen, and rushed to the other two outsiders, intending to blackmail him with his companions and exchange hostages.

And all of this happened in just two seconds, and the Xuanwen Deer Herd had already made the best choice.

"Zen Meditation Seal!"

It would be good to just say all this obediently, and if you insist on making some young children, Gongsun Chijiu muttered dissatisfiedly, and decisively used one of the essential skills of the armored warrior.

Gongsun Chijiu folded his hands up and down in front of his waist, making time stop within a kilometer range.

Just like when a CD was playing in the past, all the things of everyone in the range stopped, showing various postures; some fallen leaves fell halfway, and stopped in mid-air; some soup solidified on the bluestone, and it was too late to drip down...

Gongsun Chijiu turned his head, touched the button on his waist, and summoned the thunder stick.

Gongsun Chijiu held the thunderbolt stick in both hands, crossed his hands and then swung it, followed by his head.

In the next second, he jumped up high, the target: to go to the three deer who wanted to take Zi Yan as a hostage.

When he was about to hit the ground, Gongsun Chijiu slammed down with his double sticks, hitting the two deer.It was like hitting a piece of soft cotton, directly dented his shoulder, and fell to the ground as Gongsun Chijiu landed.

Gongsun Chijiu turned around sharply, pointed his two sticks at the last deer, and struck down mercilessly.With the sound of a string of bones being torn apart, the huge head of this deer, whose strength had reached the peak level of Dou Huang, was smashed deeply.

A large number of red and white things splashed on the armor, which looked extremely terrifying.

With a thought in Gongsun Chijiu's mind, a strong suction jetted out from the armor, absorbing the last drop of energy attached to the armor.

Even if time is stopped and there is no water, these substances that have been completely turned into a puddle of powder will roll down from the armor, and the armor will repeat its snow-white color.

When Gongsun Chijiu finished all this, the effect of the meditation seal disappeared, and time resumed its flow.

The strong deer still moved according to the previous plan, and soon discovered that something was wrong.

"Ahh..." The two deer whose shoulders were smashed screamed miserably, rolled around on the ground, turned into a deer-shaped mop, swept away the dust on the ground, and changed the color of the hair by the way .

Many black-patterned deer gathered together, their faces were terrified, seven points of panic, and three points of doubt.I have been shocked by the strength of outsiders, and even more afraid of this unknown,
When exactly?The outsiders killed Lilu, whose strength had reached the level of rivaling the Douzong, and seriously injured two clansmen who had the strength of the Douzong.All the deer looked at each other, but no one saw the process.

"Don't be afraid, let's fight together and use the most powerful moves. Even if we can't break through that set of armor, we have to kill the other two." Anglu, the last of the herd of Xuanwen deer who has the strength to rival the Douzong, is the first Suppressing the fear in his heart, flames fueled by rage and revenge burst out of his eyes.

At the same time, he was also the first to attack, followed by the second, and the third...

In a moment, all the black-patterned deer shot, burning their blood and life without hesitation, just to send out the strongest blow, the blood of others, to wash away the previous shame.

Hundreds of berserk and powerful attacks hit Gongsun Chijiu's position, and the blows roared, and the dust and smoke billowed!

The attack lasted for a whole stick of incense, until the last deer consumed all the strength in his body, and the attack did not stop until the last deer trembled all over and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

The dust and smoke gradually dissipated, and a snow-white figure appeared in the increasingly faint dust and smoke.

Gongsun Chijiu praised it, it is worthy of the snow mastiff armor, its attack power is powerful, and its defense is also so strong that there is nothing to say. It has endured the continuous bombing of hundreds of strong men without any injuries.

In other words, this time, the level of Changxian Gengjin used as the energy source of the armor is high enough, and the energy is abundant enough, so the power it can exert will be even stronger!
"Okay, the game should be over, I will personally send you to heaven!"

Gongsun Chijiu tapped the thunder stick, put it away, and replaced it with the thunder axe.

"Come on together!"

Gongsun Chijiu held the thunder-shocking ax tightly in both hands, and rushed out first.

Behind him, during the previous indiscriminate bombardment, the panda Po, who had been holding Gongsun Chijiu's leg to avoid the attack, also roared, using the power of his blood, his body swelled nearly ten times, and rushed up angrily.

"Don't look at me being cute every day, but I'm still a bear!"

After Ziyan was controlled by Gongsun Chijiu, she was also developed a part of her blood power. Naturally, the effect of mere transformation grass couldn't trap her, so she directly transformed into a prototype, and killed her like a storm.

"Kill!" Gongsun Chijiu, Panda, and Primordial Xulong killed them, wanting to make the Xuanwen Deer pay for the previous attack.


"The majesty of my Xuanwen Deer Clan cannot be challenged!"

Genlu stood up and charged tit for tat.Behind them are the last [-] members of the Xuanwen deer herd, which once had a size of [-] and was famous across the mainland after entering this world and after thousands of years.

When the energy in the body is exhausted, then use the horns on the head to smash it, smash it with the hoof, bite it with the teeth, and turn every part of the body into a weapon.

The two collided, dripping with blood!

Gongsun Chijiu slashed with an axe and slashed horizontally. He could easily kill a deer and cut it down by the middle.

The panda, whose body had swelled ten times, went on a rampage. Every time it hit, more than a dozen deer could vomit blood, break tendons and fracture bones.

The Primordial Void Dragon straddled the air, swooping down from time to time, slapping two or three deer alive with one palm; swishing its tail away, dozens of deer would be thrown hundreds of meters away. If you don't hit the ground, you're already dead.

This sudden outbreak of battle came and went quickly. Under the slaughter of one man and two beasts, blood was everywhere on the field, and corpses lay all over the ground.

"Haha, do you think you guys are amazing? I'm just one step ahead of you, and soon, you'll come down to accompany us, I'll wait!"

Only half of the deer's body was left, and the deer hadn't died yet. Seeing that all the clan members had died, and seeing the herd of black-patterned deer that had been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years in his hands, he laughed in despair.

Gongsun Chijiu struck with an axe, chopped off his head, and crushed him to death with one foot.

"Death? Oh! After I came to this world, I never thought about going back alive."

Gongsun Chijiu put away the thunder axe and looked towards a certain place.

"Hey, you've been peeping for so long, you should come out, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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