I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 228 I'm the Man Who Wants to Be the Fighting King

Chapter 228 I'm the Man Who Wants to Be the Fighting King

In the early morning of the next day, the inner courtyard of the Xiao family was in a state of distress. Most of the mansion had collapsed, and there were bloodstains everywhere. From time to time, corpses could be seen in the ruins. Incomplete or intact swords were randomly scattered on the ground, as if after the flames of war.

This night was not peaceful. After learning the news that a master fighting spirit would recruit Yibo disciples, the whole city went crazy.

Some people are cheering up and praying for their children and grandchildren; how many people desperately pass on the strongest fighting skills they have mastered to their children and grandchildren, and try their best to explain them, trying to create a young man overnight Experts; there are also people who do not have confidence in their children and grandchildren, racking their brains to figure out how to let their children and grandchildren get this opportunity...

Many times, it is useless for you to do one thing well, because someone else can do it better than you.

In the same way, it doesn't matter if you don't do one thing well, as long as someone does it worse than you.

Famous in Wuyuan City, the youngest fighter of the Xiao family within a hundred years, and one of the three major families of the empire, the granddaughter of Nalan Jie, the lion-heart marshal of the Douwang realm, Xiao Yan, who made a marriage contract, naturally became everyone's favorite. A thorn in his side, a boulder standing in front of everyone, making everyone breathless.

Except for a very small number of stick-like people with inexplicable self-confidence, everyone who has thoughts about this opportunity is aware of this problem. If Xiao Yan is not eliminated, the chances of others are so slim that they are almost non-existent.

So, on this night, led by the other two big families, Jialie and Auba, various forces, large and small, unanimously launched an attack. Even if Xiao Yan could not be killed, at least he would be forced to withdraw from tomorrow's selection.

Naturally, Xiao Yan's background is not bad, and his potential is strong enough, not many people dare to come to assassinate him openly.Even if you are not afraid of the Xiao family's revenge, you have to think about how the Nalan family will react when they know that their son-in-law has been abolished.
All the forces did not use the people on the bright side, and all the soldiers who were secretly trained for many years were dispatched. Even if there were strong men who took action, it was cover-up, and they were prepared to die rather than reveal their identities.

On this night, more than 500 masters participated in the attack, and only the masters at the level of the Great Fighter dispatched a full ten people.

The ten big fighters are almost all the powerful people in Wuyuan City except the Xiao family. It can be said that the entire city participated in this attack.

In the end, the Xiao family barely blocked the attack that night and kept Xiao Yan safe and sound.

But the price was extremely heavy, the family residence was beaten to pieces, not to mention the financial loss.Even though those people's main target was Xiao Yan and they didn't have much interest in other people, there were hundreds of Xiao family members who died that night, and thousands of people were injured and disabled.

In order to divert the target and protect Xiao Yan, none of the several cousins ​​who looked like him as stand-ins survived.

The only four big fighters in the Xiao family were all injured, the first elder even lost an arm, the third elder had already passed out due to serious injuries, only Xiao Zhan and the second elder could barely support and preside over things.

This was also the reason why the two Dou Huang powerhouses who were hiding in the dark to protect Xun'er secretly made a move.

Although the results of the battle can be regarded as brilliant, nine out of ten of the invading enemies stayed behind, and three of the big fighters were beheaded on the spot.

But no matter what, everyone in the Xiao family believed that Xiao Yan was intact, that he could continue to participate in today's test, and that he could return to feed back the family after he returned from his studies, which would be the greatest victory.

Under the escort of more than 300 elite family members who were still worthy of a battle, Xiao Zhan personally escorted Xiao Yan and a group of family members to the assessment site.

The specific square that was originally used to recruit students from Canaan College was temporarily requisitioned, and the City Lord's Mansion dispatched thousands of troops to maintain order around it.

Fortunately, although there were a lot of people, some people rushed over and lined up overnight as soon as the news came out, and the place was packed to the brim, but no one dared to attack the army, and no one dared to rush into the middle of the square at will.

It's not that the majesty of the City Lord's Mansion is so high that it is enough to deter everyone. When Canaan College enrolls students, it is a crowded scene.

Rather, they are afraid of the strong fighters, for fear that they will pass the assessment when the time comes, and they will be dismissed because of their poor performance at this time.

The arrival of Xiao's family made many people secretly feel sorry and dejected.

"Go away!"

The bloody battle overnight and the casualties of family members and companions around them made many people feel violent.Seeing himself and other people approaching, but no one obediently gave way, the dozen or so guards of the Xiao family who opened the way in front shouted loudly and kicked over.

A burst of punching and kicking, even drawing their knives at each other, finally allowed the Xiao family to occupy a good position and reached the front.

"Damn it, what the hell, does he think they are winning? So arrogant!"

"Shh, other people are talented and have a background, and they might be big figures in the empire in the future. How can they put us commoners in their eyes, and don't think that we are in the eyes of these nobles, so just beat us to death. .”

Some are indignant people who don't know the truth; some are people who are at the lowest level but don't work hard, habitually complaining and complaining; some are deliberately rhythmic by some people with ulterior motives...

For a while, the crowd was full of whispers and strange eyes.

The people of the Xiao family didn't move much, they just firmly occupied the front position, with a blank space around them, they only paid attention to when the assessment would start, and ignored the others.

Occasionally, a few bloody guards were furious and wanted to rush up to argue with them, but Xiao Zhan forcibly blocked them.

Xiao Yan was expressionless, probably the worldview has already collapsed, after all, on the earth, except for the barbaric lands like American dogs, European pigs, and in the land of Shenzhou, it is impossible for hundreds of people to come to chop you with machetes in the middle of the night .

At [-] o'clock in the morning, Gongsun Chijiu and his party, accompanied by the city lord, arrived at the square on time, and sat in the center carelessly.

The close appearance of the city lord and the strong fighting spirit surprised many people. They looked at each other in blank dismay, but they did not expect that the seemingly mediocre city lord would have such a relationship.

Especially those family forces who have always ignored or even divided up their power, feel even more terrified, for fear that they will be put in small shoes.

Just when the power of the family was panicked, the children of the common people were excited, thinking that it was time to leap to the Dragon Gate.

Jia Cheng poured his fighting spirit into his voice, and loudly announced the rules for participating in the assessment.

"This assessment is not limited to one's identity. Anyone under the age of 15 who meets one of the following two conditions can participate."

"One. Those who can take out 1 gold coins as the examination fee."

"Second, if you don't have enough money, you can participate if you think you have enough potential. But if you fail to become a disciple, you need to fill this bottle with your blood."

"After a stick of incense, the examination room is forbidden to enter."

A bottle with a capacity of two kilograms was placed on the square, attracting everyone's attention.

Gongsun Chijiu was just doing it casually, and the so-called assessment was just for fun.Besides, he didn't have the spare time to take the quiz crystals one by one. Under such circumstances, it can only be because of how interesting it is.

Although I thought about taking Xiao Yan under the sect, I would ask him to do whatever I need in the future, and tell him to kill anyone who doesn't like me.

But this thought just passed by in a flash. With Xiao Yan accepted, the two protagonists will join forces and they will indeed be able to sweep the invincible hands of the mainland.But that would be too boring, like a full account of level [-], going to Xinshou Village to kill monsters, the ending is already doomed.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience erupted, some were stupefied, some felt distressed, some suspected that they had heard wrong, all kinds of people.

Uh uh, Xiao Yan frowned, why did he have an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had met a liar.

Before Xiao Yan could figure it out, Xiao Zhan had silently handed over a card, just looked at him encouragingly, but didn't say anything, so as not to burden him.

Xiao Yan's heart warmed up, he took the card, and said confidently: "I'm a man who wants to become the King of Fighters, how can such a small level be difficult for me."

Xiao Yan strode towards the square, unwavering, because he carried the entire Xiao family on his shoulders.

The fight last night has completely torn face. If the Great Fighter hadn't fallen, they could still pretend that nothing had happened to each other, but it has reached such a point that it is impossible for the Xiao family to hide their ears and steal the bell.

After all, in this city, there were only a few big fighters in total, and three of them died at once, and a random search would reveal who participated in the fight yesterday.

Even if the Xiao family retaliates, it is impossible for other forces to believe it. Who knows if you are procrastinating and want to try your best in the dark.

If Xiao Yan fails to become the disciple of the Dou Ling master, the other forces will definitely do their best to eradicate the grass and roots, and there will be no future troubles, and the Xiao family will be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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