I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 239 Armor Showdown

Chapter 239 Armor Showdown
Gongsun Chijiu didn't answer, his palm seemed to be turned into a vacuum cleaner. Those powerful energies that could make the Dou Zong strongman scramble, and a careless one might bleed on the spot, seemed to be just bigger garbage.No matter how violent it is, no matter which unexpected angle it attacks from, the final outcome is always the same. Once it enters a certain range, it will be forcibly controlled by Gongsun Chijiu and gathered in the palm of his hand.

After the blood monarch body has entered the realm of Xiaocheng, it has been able to absorb other types of energy, the difference is only in the level of efficiency.

And the power of heaven, material and earth treasures that Huiyao can mobilize is just a relatively strong energy of heaven and earth in the final analysis, which is at the same level as battle qi.Therefore, Gongsun Chijiu can easily turn against the guest and take it for his own use.

After trying to attack in various ways, including blasting a high-level Dou Zun level powerful combat attack, Hui Yao finally gave up the energy attack and realized that it was ineffective.

No matter how weird you are, just knock it down.

Hui Yao snorted coldly, and walked out of the soil just like that. Hundreds of roots twisted and twisted into two legs, supporting it to walk upright.

"The armor comes out!"

From Hui Yao's body, a layer of jade gushed out, covering the whole body in just a short moment.

Such as Yu Runhe, the first meeting can give people a sense of affinity, but the exquisite and mysterious patterns engraved all over the body add a bit of noble color to the armor.

It looks like a set of exquisite and gorgeous handicrafts, which should be placed at home for display, not brought to the battlefield.It's just that the strong energy fluctuations made his armor look difficult to mess with.This piece of armor looks really hard to mess with.

As soon as the armor came out, Hui Yao directly took the shape of a human being, but looking at the appearance, no one would have guessed that there would be a plant of medicinal herbs in this set of human-shaped moist and hazy white jade armor.

Interestingly, it turns out that he refined his body into a set of armor to achieve the best tacit understanding, and perhaps he will also have a uniqueness that grows with his strength.And my own soul is reborn in Nirvana in the seed, with a better foundation and rich practice experience to break through the boundaries of cultivation.

In an instant, Gongsun Chijiu made a good guess about the origin of this set of armor.

Hui Yao moved her fist casually, feeling that the former power returned to her body again, she couldn't help being very excited.

This time, let's see how you die?
Hui Yao took a step forward, a distance of hundreds of meters, and came directly in front of Gongsun Chijiu.It was an unremarkable punch, but it contained the powerful power that Dou Zun would be injured if he touched it, and would die if he touched it.

Hui Yao punched out, but it didn't penetrate the enemy's chest as expected, it seemed to hit the hardest metal in the world. The shock hurts.

Hui Yao was astonished, but Gongsun Chijiu launched a counterattack decisively, hitting Hui Yao's chest with a fist strong enough to shake mountains, causing a series of sparks to burst out.

With just one blow, Hui Yao showed signs of being unable to bear it, and retreated dozens of steps in a row before barely stopping the retreating trend and offsetting the impact.

Only then did Hui Yao realize in astonishment that the human race opposite had, at some point, also put on a snow-white armor.

how is this possible?Hui Yao was shocked and gritted her teeth. Back then, she had the strength of a middle-level fighting saint. When she was in nirvana, all her strength was put in this armor. How could she be suppressed by a set of inexplicable armor?
Hui Yao didn't know that the armor of the Yanhuang Clan's main battle armies back then, even the standard armor equipped on soldiers, generally had the strength of rank ninety.Put it on the Dou Qi Continent, it is the holy weapon and imperial weapon for the strong fighters of the fighting saint and fighting emperor level, and its power even surpasses their carefully crafted exclusive weapons.

Although Gongsun Chijiu was limited by his own cultivation and was unable to exert the full power of the armor, Hui Yao's cultivation had not yet returned to its peak state, and he could not exert the full power of the armor either.

But apart from the superiority of the armor structure and the superior quality of the armor, Gongsun Chijiu also has the biggest advantage, that is, the Hundred Curves Gold that he once sealed in it with a cultivation level as high as the nine-star Dou Sheng.

Driven by Baiquliujin as the energy source, Gongsun Chijiu has been able to exert the power of the armor nine out of ten. Just now, it was just a little warm-up.

Gongsun Chijiu shook his head and rushed over.


As a former fighting saint strongman, Hui Yao still has the pride of a strong man even if his strength is lost, and he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation just now, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing that lowly person dared to attack first, Hui Yao felt that he had received a huge humiliation, so he rushed over without thinking.

When the two rushed to a distance of only a few meters, they jumped up at the same time, jumped into the air, and kicked each other.

Two groups of sparks splashed, but the armor on Hui Yao's body was obviously much larger, and the trauma he received was obviously more severe.

When Gongsun Chijiu returned to the ground, he stepped back in embarrassment, but Hui Yao fell directly to the ground, creating a big hole.

What's going on, Hui Yao lay on the ground, didn't even bother to get up first, confused and panicked.

Just now, he seemed to have fallen into a swamp, everything around him, even the air, was against him, trying to suppress his actions, causing his speed to slow down greatly.

The speed he was able to display just now was less than one percent of his usual speed, which was not at all what a strong Dou Zong should perform.

The only thing that made him secretly lucky was that the opponent's speed also dropped, otherwise, he would definitely lose.

After Gongsun Chijiu stood firm, he quickly launched another attack.

The two are entangled together, although they remain unchanged, but the speed is greatly slowed down, and even ordinary people can see their every move.

In the past, this was unimaginable, not to mention ordinary people, even the Dou Wang might not always be able to catch the Douzong's trajectory.

After several trials, Gongsun Chijiu was very satisfied with the performance of this armor. After all, it was produced by Yanhuang, and the quality is guaranteed!

After the energy of the powered armor reached the Dou Sheng level, the power of the armor was finally brought into play.

Just now, Gongsun Chijiu used the domain that comes with the armor to forcibly suppress the opponent's actions.

The biggest reason why the military equips this kind of armor is because of the scope of the armor, which can be superimposed on each other, and it can have an effect on people who are stronger than themselves, and it can give soldiers a chance to surround and kill them.

Even fighting alone is terrifying. After equipping this kind of domain, unless you encounter that extremely rare evil genius.

Otherwise, a random soldier from the main battle army would almost be able to achieve the level of invincibility at the same level with a series of equipment in good condition.

If the cultivation base has not reached the same level as the armor summoner, he will be like a rat spirit. As soon as the domain is opened, he will be oppressed and lie on the ground, in a posture of throwing his body to the ground, unable to move.

Although it consumes a lot, compared to such a terrifying effect, it is still worth the money.

Gongsun Chijiu beat Hui Yao to the ground again, but instead of going up to beat the dog in the water, he summoned a weapon.

"Shock Thunder Axe!"

(End of this chapter)

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