I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 241 Changes in Yancheng

Chapter 241 Changes in Yancheng
The Jiama Empire, the northeastern province, one of the four major families, and Yancheng where the Mohist family is located.

The family has a famous and powerful spirit fighter named Mo Cheng who sits in the town, coupled with the friendly relationship with the Yunlan Sect, the Mo family has become a hegemon in this area, life and death, even the royal family will not easily provoke.

But on this day, Yancheng suffered a disaster.

At noon, the sun was just right, but a group of mysterious strong men came here quietly.

With one order, the eight Dou Huang powerhouses blocked the four sides of the city, guarding all directions.

In this remote area where even Dou Ling could easily dominate, a whole eight big figures of Dou Huang level suddenly appeared, which surprised and frightened many unknowing people, trembling under this power, unable to control themselves.

But soon, they don't need to worry about other things.

Because, after leaving half of the people guarding all directions and forcibly blocking the exchange of information between the city and the outside world.The remaining four Dou Huang powerhouses killed in a planned way, no matter what their status was, whether they were noble or poor, no matter how powerful they were, whether they were high-ranking fighters or weak ordinary people, in the presence of the four Dou Huang powerhouses. There is only one end in front of them, and that is death.

The killing was going on, the blood was flowing on the ground, and the smell of blood soon filled the whole city.

In this situation, Gongsun Chijiu led a group of people into the Mo family.

What happened on the edge of the city caused the uncrowned king of the city, the Mo family, to appear in a rare panic and disorderly situation. The servants and Mo family children were running around in a panic. Some people wanted to escape with their belongings; some people wanted to find a place to hide. Some people think that they should try to get in touch with those Douhuang experts, but they are timid and dare not go, and they are instigating others; , with such a powerful lineup, the strength has already surpassed the backing of the Yunlan Sect behind him, and even surpassed the entire Jia Ma Empire; some people have fainted from fright...

Gongsun Chijiu kicked a comatose person who almost stirred him into the air. He flew out like a cannonball and smashed through more than 20 walls before stopping.

"Within ten breaths, everyone from the Mo family will come before me, and those who disobey the order will be killed!"

Gongsun Chijiu's cold voice spread throughout the entire Mo family, the energy contained in the voice made the hearts of those who heard these words twitch, and the mouths of weak people even bled blood.

In the Mo family's treasury, the Great Elder Mo Cheng was terrified, who is this?Just one sentence almost made me vomit blood?

But no matter who came, Mo Cheng knew that he was definitely not able to contend with this, and even the entire empire might not be able to contend with this group of mysterious strong men!
The piercing killing intent in the words made Mo Cheng have no doubts that the other party was determined to do what he said!
In just three breaths, Mo Cheng followed the sound and came to the gate of the family, stood respectfully, looked at the group of people in front of him in awe, even if someone came to the door, he would not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

He suddenly discovered that with his two-star Dou Ling strength, he couldn't see through the strength of any of the people in front of him. He felt as if he had encountered a prehistoric giant beast. Cloudy mountains.

This shows that the strength of any of these people far surpasses him, which makes him terrified.

At the same time, Mo Cheng was also thinking desperately in his mind, what is the purpose of this mysterious strong man coming here?Although his own strength is a bit famous, he is not qualified to let such a strong person come to his door!

Ten breaths have passed, but less than one-third of the Mo family gathered here.

"If you don't listen to me, then you all go to die."

Gongsun Chijiu was a little dissatisfied, and snapped his fingers. Those Mo family members who had been locked down but hadn't rushed here, the fighting energy energy in their bodies boiled instantly, and the blood energy in their bodies boiled instantly, from a stable state to an extremely unstable state, like a bomb ignited on the line of fire.

"Bah ah!"

A series of explosions sounded, and those Mo family who were fleeing outside, or who hadn't arrived in time, all exploded and collapsed houses.

Mo Lan, the head of the Mo family, had just rushed over when he saw several clansmen who were one step behind him explode into a cloud of blood, splashing all over him.

Farther away, the place where I had just settled my wife and children also collapsed in an instant with an explosion, turning into ruins.

Mo Lan's body was cold, and endless despair rose from his heart, occupying his entire mind.

"Your Excellency, if you massacre others by force and regard human life as nothing, aren't you afraid that you will die in the hands of stronger ones in the future?"

Mo Lan's eyes were bloodshot and red as fire, staring at Gongsun Chijiu, saying every word, the viciousness and madness in the words made people shudder!

Gongsun Chijiu scratched his head, feeling strange: "No wonder you usually don't hesitate to use innocent monsters as experiments to cause all kinds of turmoil for the sake of supremacy. It turns out that when you first ignored human life, you already realized today, so you will Extra vicious?"

Gongsun Chijiu dismissed Mo Lan's accusation. Did I really think that I hadn't investigated it before? It's just a bunch of scum, and I thought I was a good person?Are you allowed to kill others?No one is allowed to kill you?

"Warcraft and those who are not as powerful as you are just prey in your eyes. I am stronger than you and my fist is bigger than you. Therefore, you are just a group of prey in my eyes. If you don't accept it, I welcome you to take revenge. As long as you Have this strength!"

"But these are not important. The purpose of my visit today is very simple. Whoever has the technology of putting the limbs of monsters on people all the time, stand up and follow me. You won't die, you lied to me, I will make your life worse than death !"

Gongsun Chijiu clapped his hands and urged: "Hurry up, within ten breaths, if you don't know it, hurry up and go out by yourself, forget about committing suicide, lest I do it, trouble."

Realizing that the intersection between life and death is right in front of them, all the Mohists standing here were stunned, their minds went blank, and they were at a loss.

Everyone is innocent, he should be punished, Mo Lan's teeth are itching with hatred, because of this reason, he did not have a full moon son, and the two beautiful concubines he just took in died like this!

Mo Lan's face was ferocious, making everyone around him wonder if he would make a scene and attack this group of mysterious strong men beyond his control?
But soon, Mo Lan calmed down. He was right. The essence of this world is that the weak prey on the strong, and there is nothing to complain about.

However, Mo Lan swore that as long as he survived, he must make him pay the price and avenge his own son.

Mo Lan was just about to say that he knew this technique, but someone was a step ahead of him.

Mo Cheng walked up to Gongsun Chijiu in a few steps, bowed his back, smiled obsequiously, and flattered him in a humble tone.

"My lord, I know this technique. Among the Mohists, my technique is the highest. Please see!"

As he said that, Mo Cheng already controlled his left arm to shake violently, and a fierce dark force shattered his sleeve.On the arm that was exposed in the air, the blue veins were like small snakes, constantly agitating and twisting, and the palm of that hand also suddenly became strangely wider.The originally normal nails also swelled by half an inch, and the color became extremely black.

At this time, Mo Cheng's arm had completely deviated from the normal human form, and it looked more like the limbs of a monster.

Within the arms, a light red color gradually emerged.After a while, the whole arm turned red, and at a glance, it looked like a group of arms with flames rising.

"Mountain-breaking arm? The Great Elder actually transplanted the forelegs of the fifth-order magical beast Chiyan Breaking Mountain Rhinoceros, which was treasured by his family, onto his own body?"

Looking at Mo Cheng whose arms had become extremely wide, someone in the Mo family's core executives couldn't help but exclaimed.

Looking at Mo Cheng's arm with a strange expression on his face, the corners of Mo Lan's mouth twitched uncontrollably. The most precious treasure of the family was secretly taken by Mo Cheng for himself. As the patriarch, he felt really sad. Some angry.

In addition to being angry, Mo Lan also felt a trace of regret in his heart. If he had known earlier, he should have acted first.

Seeing the changed Mo Cheng, the people behind Gongsun Chijiu were also a little surprised. It seems that doing so can also increase some combat power!
"Very well, I like a sensible person like you."

Gongsun Chijiu snapped his fingers, and the blood energy scattered all over the place gathered in his hands, forming a small spinning ball, but the energy contained in the bloody ball made Mo Cheng a little frightened.

"Go, pick out the ones who won't."

After realizing that he was speaking to himself, Mo Cheng was overjoyed. To be chosen by this strong man to do something meant that he still had some use value.

At least, you don't have to worry about your life, and maybe you can get some benefits.In his opinion, working for the Misty Cloud Sect is like being a dog, why not find a stronger master?
Mo Cheng returned to the crowd excitedly, and dutifully selected.With this leading party, the situation of the Mohists can be said to be clear at a glance, and all those who do not know this core technology have been singled out.Even knowing that his choice meant bringing death to them, Mo Cheng did not show mercy at all. Even if these were people who were related to him by blood, in Mo Cheng's eyes, they were not as important as one of his own fingers.

However, Mo Cheng didn't take the opportunity to make trouble. Whether he has mastered this technology is easy to detect.Anyway, the technology he has mastered is the highest, and other people are not qualified to compete with him at all, and they are not a threat to him.

Once the matter was finished, Mo Cheng came to Gongsun Chijiu again, his face full of flattery, like a pet dog that finally learned to defecate in a fixed place, waiting for the owner's praise, almost begging for mercy.

After all those who would not have been singled out, and no one raised any objections, they all waited for their upcoming fate with pale faces.

Gongsun Chijiu stretched out his right palm and clenched it out of thin air.The hundreds of people nearby shrank like a ball of cotton candy, and within a few breaths, they turned into blood-black balls the size of fingernails, which spun and melted into the big ball on the left palm.

"Your Majesty!"

Mo Cheng was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed with puzzlement, but he knelt down obediently, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Seeing this scene, most of the last dozen or so Mo family members showed a bit of anger on their pale faces. It was obvious that they were not ashamed of Mo Cheng's behavior, but there were also some people who were thinking about whether to make a change. .

Gongsun Chijiu slapped Mo Cheng's head with his palm, and the blood cells penetrated into his body, quickly impacting the original battle qi system in his body.After a stalemate for a moment, with the help of Gongsun Chijiu, the blood qi wiped out the battle qi in one go and integrated it into the body.

The blood energy directly replaced the battle energy, and after running for a few weeks, De Mo Cheng was transformed into a blood monk.

The collapse and rebuilding of the energy system, and the movement in the body made Mo Cheng miserable, and he screamed. If it weren't for Gongsun Chijiu's pressing, he would have been rolling all over the ground at this moment.

When everything returned to calm, Mo Cheng recovered from the great pain, and he was still terrified, but he was surprised to find that his strength had increased several times than before, and it was unprecedentedly strong.

Mo Cheng tried to turn it around, and a pair of blood-red dou qi transformed wings slowly spread out from behind, fully one meter wide.

More than a dozen Mo family members were stunned, and felt that their world view had collapsed. In just a short while, a fighting spirit could be promoted to become the fighting king that many people dream of. This kind of strange ability that has never been heard before is probably not unique to gods. right?
Mo Cheng wept with joy, wept bitterly, the realm he had pursued for so many years was so easily achieved, he almost thought he was dreaming.

Mo Cheng expressed his loyalty with his nose full of tears, "Thank you sir, thank you sir, I will definitely follow you to the death!"


Several Mo family members kneeled neatly on the ground, expressing their submission without hesitation.

After seeing this kind of thaumaturgy that can easily create strong people, for them who strongly desire to become strong, this kind of charm is irresistible.

"Good job, let's go!"

After leaving a word of encouragement, Gongsun Chijiu and his group returned to the battleship under the transmission of a beam of light.

Before the Mohists who were left in place could be surprised, some of them became anxious, why did they leave, people, take me, take me with you!
In the next breath, a beam of light descended from the sky, enveloping the dozen or so people and leading them into the battleship.

The Mo family was shocked to find that they had come to an indescribably strange place. The house was actually made of metal, and the whole body shone with metallic luster.

Is this the God Realm?Just as curiosity arose in their hearts, a moving picture appeared in front of them, which shocked them a lot. Several people even thought it was a monster attack, and almost did it.

Soon, they discovered that the scene in the picture seemed familiar.

Could this be what's happening outside?
The high-ranking Douhuang powerhouse makes a move, as if trampling a group of ants to death, with one punch, hundreds of people will be blown up, and with one foot, dozens of houses will collapse...

Under their actions, Yancheng, which was familiar in the past, is rapidly turning into ruins and a tomb, where tens of thousands of people are buried.

Is this the power of the strong?The Mo family fought with each other, and almost fucked up. The only thing that made them lucky was that they escaped this catastrophe.

Half an hour later, the screen disappeared, and Yancheng became synonymous with history, including the former overlord, Mohist.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the bad luck of this city. It happens to be with the Mo family. Gongsun Chijiu wants to accept the Mo family and secretly develop biochemical beast technology.Although there are other ways, in order to save trouble, he still chose to erase all traces in the simplest and rude way.

Gongsun Chijiu absorbed the vitality of the city and ordered the warships to enter Shimo City.

In the original book, the battle between the three fighting emperors, within ten minutes, attracted Jia Lao, the guardian of the Jia Ma Empire's royal family, and Yun Yun, the suzerain of the Yunlan Sect.

However, under the influence of several Douhuang powerhouses to isolate the breath, it took three whole days for this incident. It was not until someone passed through Yancheng that such a tragedy was discovered and the matter here was spread.

All of a sudden, the Jia Ma Empire was in turmoil, and rumors spread everywhere. Even the aloof Yunlan Sect couldn't ignore it, and sent a large number of people to investigate the cause of this incident.

As a result, naturally nothing was gained, but there was an extra layer of shadow in the hearts of many strong people.

(End of this chapter)

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