I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 257 Solicitation Order

Chapter 257 Solicitation Order

In this world, interest is the most stable relationship, at least, it is more real than most fragile friendships.

But at the same time, interest is also the most fragile relationship. When faced with greater interests, when the benefits you have obtained are not enough to satisfy your greed, and when the dangers that come with it exceed this interest... It is natural for a relationship to be broken.

Gongsun Chijiu understands this truth very well. Those who are addicted to female sex will be given beautiful women; those who are greedy and money will be given property; Many capable people are loyal, but it is still not enough.

Loyalty, just because the stakes of betrayal are not high enough.In other words, as long as the price of betrayal is too great for them to bear, they will always be loyal.

Gongsun Chijiu would not be so naive as to think that by throwing out some benefits, he could gain a group of loyal allies or subordinates.

Therefore, the martial arts and fighting skills he throws out are all poisonous honey with a charming fragrance, enough to kill people at any time.

It's not that there is anything wrong with those martial arts and fighting skills, there are fatal loopholes, or some back door has been set up.

In fact, there is no problem with these martial arts.

It's because these martial arts and fighting skills belong to the Dao of Blood, and Gongsun Chijiu is the emperor of the Dao of Blood, who can dominate the lives and deaths of millions of people at any time, the kind that will lay down millions of corpses when the emperor is angry.

Under the urging of Gongsun Chijiu, after watching these summoned strong men practice at least one ground-level kung fu technique and many combat skills below the ground level, a week has quietly passed.

After confirming that he could decide the life and death of everyone at any time, Gongsun Chijiu was finally able to do some things that he wanted to do for a long time.

Call for orders issued again!
It's just that this time the scope has expanded many times, covering everyone in the Izumo Empire.

Under the order of Gongsun Chijiu, the Izumo Empire conducted a thorough large-scale census, and everyone was registered one by one, and no omissions were allowed.

Every city, every sect, and every family in the Izumo Empire received the strictest orders in the next few days.

In the name of more than a dozen Dou Huang powerhouses including Poison Concubine, they were ordered to take charge of the corresponding area. (This area has already been carefully marked out for them.) Find all the people who have the strength above the Fighter, and bring them all to Tiandu City within a certain period of time, waiting to be dispatched.

In addition to the recruitment of civil forces, the official forces belonging to the Izumo Empire, the largest violent organization, the army, are also within the scope of recruitment.

The royal family of the Izumo Empire, as well as those families that have infiltrated their influence into the army, did not have any objections, and they agreed very simply, and even asked the family's children to fully cooperate.

After all, Poison Concubine had already slaughtered millions of troops.Not to mention being offended, those strong men even had to carefully watch her face and act carefully, lest she be dissatisfied and another million would be slaughtered.It's nothing to massacre millions, but I'm afraid that I, or my family, will be on the list of those who died.

With an order, the Izumo Empire was in an uproar, the crowd was excited, and rumors spread everywhere.

Those Zongmen families are okay, relying on their extensive contacts, they can barely know some things, knowing that the general trend has been achieved, even if they have conflicts in their hearts, most of them still obediently obey orders and cooperate seriously.

The most troublesome thing is those casual cultivators who are alone and have no fixed place. Few of them are willing to obey orders.

Moreover, compared to those forces who have inheritance, knowledge, and even witnessed the horror of Poison Concubine.In the past 20 years, there has been no Poison Concubine in public. It is more like a distant and somewhat unreal legend, and there is little fear or fear.

In addition, some forces who don't want to go to Tiandu City are secretly fanning the flames, creating rumors, and scaremongering...

It immediately made the situation even more chaotic, and it looked like a revolution was about to happen, making it difficult for those forces who wanted to obey the law.

Of course, there are still a small number of casual cultivators who want to go to Tiandu City, who knows how their three views are erected?
He actually took the poisonous concubine who killed people like hemp, massacred all over the place, regardless of gender, age or age, as an idol, and gathered excitedly, with a mentality similar to a pilgrimage, and couldn't wait to see the poisonous concubine .They are still gathering and complaining non-stop, why can't they let them start in batches first, and have to wait until the large forces act together.

Of course, such brain damage is still very rare.Just like kneeling and licking Japan, the United States and South Korea, there are even a large number of black Africans, but in the total number of people, they are only a very small number of special cases.

The situation is very difficult, and the work of various forces has not made any progress.

Fortunately, at this time, reinforcements from Tiandu City also arrived.

Gongsun Chijiu dispatched all the subordinates he had brought over and the strong men he had recruited to station in each area to take charge of this operation.

In addition, the millions of troops on the border were also ordered to return to the country, but instead of rushing to Tiandu City, they were stationed in different areas in batches.

Huge and fortified camps were erected in a short period of time, accommodating troops who had experienced many battles.

Notices were pasted up at the city gate by the soldiers, informing everyone: before half of the deadline, if people with strength above the fighters fail to enter the prescribed assembly point in time, they will be regarded as rebellious and punished. When the army encircled and suppressed, the whole family was slaughtered, and the nine clans were implicated!

After that, the army all retracted into the camp, no longer took a step outside, and carried out drills on their own, as if in a lifetime.

Even so, the arrival of the army and the powerful is still like a shot in the arm, calming down the situation quickly.

At least, no matter how turbulent and stormy it is in the dark, it still looks calm on the surface.

Not long after the arrival of the army, a piece of news once again set off huge waves in various places, and it could not be calm for a long time.

While the army was returning to the country, more than a dozen Douhuang powerhouses, together with dozens of high-level monsters, crossed the border in a small group in an organized and large-scale manner.

On the endless plain, there are two extremely majestic mountains that tower into the sky. This kind of towering mountains is extremely difficult for ordinary people to climb, and it is almost a hindrance.

And at the intersection of the two mountain ranges, an extremely huge fortress stood guard here, like a wild beast, guarding the Jia Ma Empire's main road leading to the outside.

It was in the original book that the Yanmeng and the Snake-human race joined forces to fight against the Black Mountain Fortress of the Allied Forces of the Three Empires.

The Black Mountain Fortress, located on the northeast border of the Jia Ma Empire, is the most magnificent fortress with a radius of thousands of miles.

Since its establishment, it has been standing for hundreds of years without falling down. During this period, there have been several battles, but there are still not many traces of war on this huge fortress, which shows how terrible its sturdiness is.

The size of the fortress is astonishingly large. Compared with the Zhengui Pass that Gongsun Chijiu had seen back then, it is undoubtedly nothing compared to it.The whole body of the fortress city wall is made of jet-black volcanic black rock, which has an extremely terrifying strength. This kind of city wall can withstand the attack of the Douhuang powerhouse for a long time.

On the city wall, densely packed troops can be seen everywhere, and there are even countless huge ballistas faintly.On the ballista, steel arrows as thick as human thighs have already been equipped, waiting to explode with amazing power at any time.

Among the ordinary army, there are still many people wearing white robes with the special sword color cloud patterns unique to the Misty Cloud Sect printed on them.

The Mu family, one of the three major families of the Jia Ma Empire, infiltrated the "Suppressing Ghost Pass", and used the almost endless battles to sharpen their own children.

As the overlord of the Jia Ma Empire, the Yunlan Sect, which existed even longer than the current royal family, also has its own sphere of influence, and it has been a private land for a long time, and generally outsiders are not allowed to intervene.

It's just that the people from the Misty Cloud Sect appearing in the Black Mountain Fortress are not doves occupying the magpie's nest.It's because this fortress was originally established by the Misty Cloud Sect.

The current royal family of the Jia Ma Empire was nothing more than a powerful family in the empire hundreds of years ago, and the longer history has long been untraceable and has been artificially erased.

Based on the fact that the royal family will change every few hundred years, or even decades, and undergo a change of dynasty, where will the resources, time and energy come to build a magnificent fortress to resist foreign aggression?

What's more, the volcanic black rock that can withstand even the attack of the Douhuang powerhouse for a long time, and is enough to build a fortress, is it possible for ordinary forces to come up with it?

In the Izumo Empire, even the city wall of Tiandu City couldn't be built with this kind of volcanic black rock, so there was always a vacancy there.

They are both empires, so the gap is a bit big, right?
Besides, the current Jia Ma Empire is not a powerful empire!
At this time, the annual military exercise is going on in the Black Mountain Fortress. Even though there has been no foreign attack for more than ten years, the army guarding here has not slackened in the slightest, and is always ready for a big battle!

Above the city tower, in the sturdy pavilion hundreds of meters wide, there were only two people standing.

One is Jamo, a Dou Wang strongman from the royal family of Jiajia Empire, and the other is Wang Xiaokang, a strong man sent by Yunlan Sect. They are close to each other, but separated by a certain distance. They both trust and guard against each other, silently watching this surging torrent of steel.

When the whole country is not at war, at most one army will have the strong Dou Ling in command and be in charge of everything.

Having two Dou Wang powerhouses in an army is already an extremely large force, and it can run almost unimpeded.

This is in general.

The army is still conducting drills, and powerful crossbow arrows have been fired, forming a daunting net of death, rising from the top of the city and covering the outside of the fortress.

At this moment, the two fighting kings sensed an unusual aura coming from afar, and looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Soon, the drill was temporarily suspended, and all the troops returned to their positions to stand by, and the fortress entered a state of second-level war alert.

"One share, two shares..." Lu Mo silently counted, feeling chills all over his body, that group of strong men who suddenly appeared and were rushing here actually had a total of seven names, and none of them was lower than Dou Mo. Emperor Realm.

The army stood by quietly. The team of 10,000+ people couldn't hear even a single noise, like human sculptures that couldn't speak.

It's just that many people were overwhelmed with doubts and suspended the ongoing military exercise, which hadn't happened in more than ten years.

Soon, they knew the reason for the suspension of the military exercise.

In the distance, three humans and four high-level monsters were flying towards the Black Mountain Fortress quickly. The aura emanating from them was like a sharp blade that had been practiced with a hammer, piercing through the clouds and pressing even harder. The more than [-] troops of the army were out of breath.

Wang Xiaokang spread his fighting spirit wings, floated above the fortress, and asked loudly: "This is an important place jointly controlled by the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire and the Yunlan Sect. May I ask what your Excellency is doing here?"

Originally planned to hide like this, when Chimo saw this and sighed, he had no choice but to fly up.

During this period of time, Yun Shan, Dou Zong of the Misty Cloud Sect, hadn't left the customs, and Jia Ma Empire didn't have a single Dou Zong expert, only a few Dou Huang experts who were leading the charge.

The weakness of the country made Wang Xiaokang not tough enough to speak. Even if the other party broke into this military forbidden area, he would not dare to stop it, let alone expel him.

The group of people stopped and stood unscrupulously above the Black Mountain Fortress, as if they had entered a land without people, as if the heavily guarded fortress under their feet was no different from a barren mountain.

He took a closer look and confirmed again: "Is this the Black Mountain Fortress?"

"Hey, oh, yes." Wang Xiaokang was a little flustered, feeling like his head was about to swell.

He found that among this group of strong men, there was only one person he knew, and that was Wu Qibiao, the guardian of the imperial family of the Izumo Empire, who possessed the middle-level strength of Dou Huang.

Since when did the Izumo Empire have so many strangers?
"Then let's do it!"

Gao Dian took the lead, but instead of dealing with the two fighting kings, he landed rapidly and killed the army below with his five companions.

"How dare you do that?"

Wang Xiaokang was startled and furious, and he shot without hesitation, and slapped downwards with one palm, wanting to stop the massacre.

Compared with other stupid impulses (hot-blooded and kind-hearted), the imperial family's Jamo is much more rational. When he sees that he can't do anything, he immediately gives up, and the wings of fighting spirit vibrate at the fastest speed, and he flees directly to the nearby mountains.

Although the choices of the two were different, the ending was the same. They were all stopped by Wu Qibiao. After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, they were all seriously injured and captured directly.

In the Black Mountain Fortress, Gao Dian and four high-level monsters launched a horrific massacre.

In Dou Qi Continent, the strong come first, followed by kingship! (From chapter 730 of the original book, Great War)

At this moment, this principle is vividly displayed.

Even if one person is separated to guard at high altitude and is determined not to let anyone slip through the net, the strength of the Douhuang powerhouse is still unquestionable.The six Dou Huang powerhouses pushed everything across the fortress, beheading thousands of troops and horses, like killing gods.

Just three hours later, the fortress had become a dead city, and the 10,000+ army was wiped out. No matter who fought hard or surrendered on their knees, they could not escape the fate of being beheaded.

After killing 10,000+ people, the fortress was completely clean, without any trace of blood, and even the corpses disappeared.

After completing the task, Gao Dian sacrificed the magic weapon of the blood path passed down by Gongsun Chijiu, the Ten Thousand Blood Beads.

Using the blood-sucking method I just learned not long ago, I transferred all 10,000+ corpses into the Ten Thousand Blood Beads.

This happened four times in a row.

The Jiama Empire, Mulan Empire, Luoyan Empire, and Orange Empire that bordered the Izumo Empire suffered the same bad luck on the same day.

All the troops placed on the border by the four empires were wiped out by the strong team sent by the Izumo Empire in one day, and even the remains were destroyed, leaving no one behind.

When the news spread, not only the five great empires were shocked, but also spread to more than a dozen surrounding empires, and there was a trend of spreading farther and farther.

In the Dou Qi Continent, the strong can kill the weak as they please, no one will say anything, it is the privilege of the strong.

But the massacre of the weak undoubtedly trampled on the bottom line agreed upon by everyone.

Of course, this kind of bottom line is useless, as long as the strength is strong enough, trampled will be trampled.

Just like in the original book, Yao Lao found out that the little doctor was an Enandu body. In the example given, when the Enandu body appeared again, the old monster Dou Zong also pretended not to see it. (From Chapter 160 of the original book, Enandu Body)
Justice is like a little virgin who bullies the weak and fears the hard. When faced with a stronger person, she only dares to hide aside, condemning a few words in a very low voice, or simply not saying a word.

Those who really want to fight the evil are only those who have been persecuted, and they really hate the evil.

It's a pity that they often don't have much strength, and most of the time they are bullied until they are persecuted to death, and they seldom wait for the support of justice.

Along with the news of the massacre, there were two other news.

The Izumo Empire announced that the Snake People were incorporated into the country and would be protected by the Izumo Empire.From now on, any capture and killing of the Snake People will be regarded as a provocation to the Izumo Empire. Once discovered, the two sides will directly enter a state of war and will never stop dying!

The Izumo Empire announced: The Izumo Empire has sent strong men to subdue all the monsters in the Warcraft Mountains.From now on, the Warcraft Mountains are owned by the Izumo Empire, and no one is allowed to enter. Once discovered, they will face the pursuit of the law enforcement team!

And no matter how sensational other countries are, how they react.But at least, the people of the Izumo Empire understood one thing. Since Poison Concubine dared to attack four empires at the same time, they would not care about one more.

What's more, what Poison Concubine will have to deal with at that time is only a part of the Izumo Empire.

If she continues to resist her decree, no one can guarantee that the tragedies of the four surrounding empires will not be repeated in the territory, or even several times.

Therefore, those who were in charge of gathering, when they woke up, suddenly found that they had jumped from the hell mode to the novice mode as if they had opened a VIP.Everyone has become more talkative, and they don't need to search for it anymore, they will automatically go to the assembly point.Occasionally, a few people who are really in a hurry don't run away directly, but come to the door with gifts to ask for forgiveness for a period of time...

With the active cooperation of everyone, the summoning order went smoothly.Before a third of the time had passed, people from some areas had already started on the road; only half of the time had passed, people from all areas had already set off.

(End of this chapter)

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