I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 266 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 266 The Unexpected Incident
The battle in the morning ended quickly, but the impact it caused was like a small stone thrown into the water, and it spread rapidly.

The whole city is boiling, everyone is discussing this matter, and topics related to it are everywhere.

Some people were amazed that Xiao Yan was already a genius who appeared once in a hundred years, and the young generation was overwhelmed. It was really unimaginable what a genius stronger than Xiao Yan would look like?
There are also people who are happy, sincerely happy for it, thinking that this is a symbol of the outstanding people in Wuyuan City, and thinking that Wu Tancheng will rise rapidly, and his reputation will be at the forefront in the empire.

Naturally, there are also some people who feel fear, thinking that their family will be suppressed for decades or even hundreds of years, and it will be bleak.

Beneath the hustle and bustle, undercurrents are also surging. In various small dark rooms, big figures from two or more forces gather together to discuss some things that are not suitable for public...

No matter how many people feel jealous and unhappy, on the surface, they maintain a harmonious and cheerful situation.

Not long after the incident happened, representatives from many forces came to visit with a lot of gifts.

Many requests to visit Henry Zhang were all blocked by the Great Elder, but the gifts were accepted without any omission, and they were sent to Henry Zhang after handing over.

At night, Henry Zhang walked out of the room, and his injuries had healed seven to eighty-eight.

Henry Zhang clapped his hands to summon a few servants who had just been arranged to come over, gave a casual order, and walked out of the courtyard.

Behind him, there are dozens of guards responsible for protection work, following unhurriedly not far away, hanging at a safe distance that can rush up at any time, and at the same time will not disturb Henry Zhang.

In the residence of the Great Elder, a servant hurried over, knocked on the door respectfully, and conveyed Henry Zhang's words in a somewhat restrained manner.

"Master, Henry Zhang just sent someone over to invite Mr. Xiao Ning to gather at the Zuihua Pavilion to learn a mysterious martial art." The servant who has accompanied the Great Elder for decades, regardless of the fact that the Great Elder's family is having dinner, He likes to be disturbed by outsiders, so he just broke in and reported.

The face of the great elder who had just sunk turned into joy in an instant. This young man is very knowledgeable, much better than Xiao Yan.

The Great Elder glanced at Xiao Ning, who had already turned into a flower with a smile on his face, and looked eagerly at Xiao Ning, and scolded with a smile: "Go, go!"

Xiao Ning cheered, didn't even bother to eat, and rushed out the door, within a few seconds, the figure had disappeared.

Mysterious level fighting skills, the entire Xiao family only has one!

This scene happened many times in the Xiao family.

But all the descendants of high-ranking and powerful families were invited. Other than that, only those who were talented and worked hard enough were invited, except for Xiao Zhan.

Zuihua Pavilion is located on an artificial lake, with a distance of five acres, and the scenery is beautiful. It is quite delicious to have a meal here.

Although it was newly built in recent years, it has a good reputation in the Xiao family, which can be said to be well known by everyone.

It's just that most people think that the Zuihua Pavilion was built for decoration, but few people know that it is a scenic spot specially built for Xun'er.

The reason why Henry Zhang chose to be here is very simple, it is close enough to Xun'er's place to have a clear view.

When the last person rushed over, he realized that there were already dozens of people sitting in the Zuihua Pavilion, so he hurriedly found a seat and sat down.

Henry Zhang coughed lightly, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the audience was silent.Everyone looked at Henry Zhang enthusiastically, with admiration, fear, and joy in their eyes.

Henry Zhang smiled lightly, and slowly took out a book of fighting skills from the ring, and placed it on the table.

"After all of you have finished reading, let's discuss this high-level Xuan-level Hundred Stone Fist and make progress together."

"Brother Yang is really polite, I need your advice." Xiao Ning said politely, but the reaction in his hand was not slow at all. Wan's treasure, carefully, slowly flipping through it with a pilgrimage.

Someone took a step too late, and could only curse in his heart for his handicap, looking at him helplessly, pitifully.

There were also some people who couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't wait for so long, so they ran to Xiao Ning and stretched their heads vigorously, wanting to take a quick look.

Soon, everyone crowded next to Xiao Ning, pushing and shoving in a circle inside, while those who couldn't see outside were jumping and jumping anxiously.

Henry Zhang moved a stool, sat on the edge of the railing, and looked at Xun'er, like a knight silently guarding the princess, or a pervert waiting for an opportunity.

By the way, will Xiao Yan come tonight?

Henry Zhang murmured in his heart, he could save a hand this morning, and he didn't make a heavy hand. Xiao Yan just looked miserable on the outside, and it didn't affect his actions at all.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if Xiao Yan doesn't come tonight, Henry Zhang has some patience and some time, which can be spent slowly.

Moreover, it is possible to wait with a lot of people, Henry Zhang looked back at the group of people, anyway, he has a lot of martial arts and fighting skills.

The moon came out and the moon set.

Henry Zhang ended his explanation of fighting skills with some disappointment, and with a smile on his face, he announced that the first discussion meeting was successfully concluded, and the second auction will be held tonight, and everyone is welcome to continue to come.

Of course, Henry Zhang did not forget, "In order to keep it secret, to prevent some people with ulterior motives from coming to make trouble, I hope everyone can keep it strictly confidential and don't leak the news here. Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to tell the world, and I won't Stop it, let alone settle accounts after the fall. Next time, just don't come."

Everyone nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and replied unanimously: "Don't worry, don't worry, God knows this matter, you know it, I know it, and there will never be a third person to know."

Xiao Ning even stood up and threatened: "If anyone tells this to others, Brother Yang is magnanimous and will not care, but I am very narrow-minded, hehe!"

Although these people are still children, the filth between children is not less than that of adults, but because of the lack of destructive power, some humans and animals seem harmless, and it is easy to be regarded as a play between children play.

Seeing that all the leaders of the younger generation of the Xiao family are here, except for the three sons of the patriarch and the two or three people who are very close to them.Even the dullest people can understand that this is Chi Guoguo's isolation, Chi Guoguo's exclusion!

Henry Zhang was very satisfied with Xiao Ning's act of understanding, he gently pushed the fighting skills over, and said lightly: "Let this book of fighting skills be left to you first, if others still don't understand, go to Xiao Ning All right."

"Thank you Brother Yang, thank you Brother Yang!"

Xiao Ning almost lost his mind, hugging Dou Ji in his arms, he never closed his mouth.

Looking at the eyes of envy, jealousy and regret shown by other people, Henry Zhang couldn't stop talking, and then came up with an explosive news, which directly blew everyone into a daze.

"Tonight, we will discuss another fighting skill, which is also of the Xuan rank."

Leaving the shocked crowd behind, Henry Zhang strolled out of the Zuihua Pavilion, brushing off his clothes without leaving behind his name.

Alas, coaxing a group of children to squeeze out other children, I feel that my style has been lowered, Henry Zhang sighed silently.

It was still the residence of the Great Elder, Xiao Ning stated what happened just now in detail, and handed over the fighting skills very neatly, anyway, he had already learned it, so he didn't feel any pain in his heart, and stood aside respectfully.

The face of the great elder is uncertain, Henry Zhang's behavior is a bit intriguing, this is to exchange fighting skills, and completely suppress the patriarch's lineage!

A Xiao Zhan who has withdrawn from the political stage is nothing, but Henry Zhang's disposition is a bit scary, coupled with his monstrous talent.The Great Elder has almost seen the existence of a giant slowly appearing in the world, making countless people tremble.

"You go, remember, be sure to make friends with him."

Xiao Ning agreed happily, and then went to catch up on sleep. He didn't sleep all night, and now he is a little sleepy.The most important thing is to quickly raise your spirits, there will be a feast tonight!

In the evening, a group of people came to Zuihua Pavilion again for a new discussion meeting.

This night, they had a very fulfilling and full of interest, wishing that the night could be longer.

Henry Zhang was indeed a little disappointed, why didn't Xiao Yan go to attack Xun'er at night, it's not a big injury, what are you doing at home all the time.

In other words, when Xiao Yan stopped this kind of behavior, the original book does not seem to explain it. Could it be that after being reduced to a waste wood, he became disheartened and decided to spend the rest of his life with the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng?
Fortunately, Henry Zhang's worries did not come true in the end, and on the third night, Xiao Yan finally came over.

"Ahem," Henry Zhang interrupted their discussion and debate, waved his hand, and the invisible soul power spread out, covering everything here, preventing others from discovering that there are still a large group of people here.

Xiao Ning was puzzled: "Just now, did we make a mistake?"

Others were also flickering with doubts, and looked at Henry Zhang puzzledly. The first half of the night should be for us to memorize and discuss with each other, and it was only in the second half of the night that it was reduced to his explanation.

Could it be that what we were wrong just now was really outrageous, so that he couldn't stand it anymore?
"Shh, someone is coming."

The audience was silent for a while, and everyone turned their suspicious and hostile eyes to the left and right, wondering who leaked the news?

Xiao Ning jumped and shouted angrily: "Who, who leaked it, stand up for me if you have the guts, dare to do it or not? Coward!"

The others responded one after another and scolded together, for fear that they would be a step too late, and they would be suspected if they scolded softly. The top pot is gone.

"Shh, don't worry, let's see and talk."

Henry Zhang didn't look back, his eyes were fixed on something.

Others gathered around one after another, wanting to see who was coming, and found out in embarrassment that the night was too dark and they couldn't see anything.

"Brother Yang is a cow, with sharp eyes, he can see through thieves at a glance." Xiao Ning squeezed to Henry Zhang's side, flattering, no money anyway.

Henry Zhang patted his head and felt that he had miscalculated. Being able to see the distance clearly through the darkness does not mean that other people can do it too.

Henry Zhang snapped his fingers crisply, and a force was quickly instilled into the eyes of others, at the cost of consuming some blood, in exchange for short-term clear vision.

Now, other people can also see things in the distance.

Everyone could clearly see that a figure was approaching Xun'er's courtyard furtively.


At this moment, I don't know how many people jumped up against the crime, cursing angrily and wanting to get up to protect Xun'er.

It has to be said that even if she hasn't grown up yet, Xun'er's looks are excellent, and she has fascinated many little kids.

So, it's still useful to look good.At least when you are in danger, someone will willingly come to save you, you have to try another ugly one, let alone save, it will be good if you don't bully you together.

The world has heard of heroes saving beauty, but who has heard of heroes saving ugliness?
Henry Zhang stopped their actions in time, and let them wait and see, in case they didn't have plans for Xun'er, wouldn't it be embarrassing then?
The most important thing is that an attempted crime and being caught on the spot during a crime are two completely different concepts, and the punishment they face is also different.

In this society, no matter how many dangers you nip in the bud, few people will be grateful to you, and some will even scold you.

But when the danger has already caused a certain amount of damage, and it is about to cause damage to everyone's interests, if you come out to save the situation, even if you are deliberately supporting the enemy, you can still win everyone's gratitude.

These are the reasons why the protagonists like to appear on stage at the last moment in novels and movies. If you appear early, who the fuck is you? Maybe even because you broke the glass, you will be arrested just like that!
Under Henry Zhang's deliberate connivance, under the gaze of everyone, under the gaze of these pairs of eyes full of anger, that figure sneaked into Xun'er's courtyard sneakily and familiarly, and disappeared.

"set off!"

Seeing that the time is right, Henry Zhang smiled with satisfaction, it is worthwhile for me to wait for so long, waved my hand vigorously, and took a group of howling wolf cubs to hunt.

Under the protection of Henry Zhang's limited soul power, ordinary people can't see their figures, nor can they hear the movements they make, but the strong can ignore this obstacle.

Seeing this scene, the two Dou Huang powerhouses who had been hiding in the dark to secretly protect Xun'er couldn't help frowning.

Their job is to protect, not spy or watch, to protect their subjects' every move.

Therefore, they pay more attention to the objects that may pose a threat, the outside world, and Xun'er herself, but when she sleeps, this attention is directly withdrawn.

Otherwise, with Xiao Yan's insignificant strength, how could he have molested Xun Er for so many years under the protection of two Dou Emperors?

But now, they still didn't pay attention to Xun'er's room, they just paid attention to the actions of these children.Once it caused disadvantages to Xun'er, he could strike at any time, kill them all in the shortest possible time, and then pretend to be the enemy's revenge.


Walking to Xun'er's courtyard, Henry Zhang once again called everyone to stop, with a cautious expression on his face: "Be careful everyone, if you dare to barge into my Xiao's house in such a way, there must be some people with a few brushes, maybe even me None of them are opponents. Guards, call for reinforcements, and we will fight together after the reinforcements arrive, to see who is so bold and dares to break into my Xiao's house."

Hearing that even Henry Zhang didn't have much confidence, everyone calmed down a little, and temporarily suppressed the restlessness in their hearts.

Xiao Ning scratched his ears and cheeks beside him, but he didn't dare to go alone, he jumped up and down anxiously, his eyebrows were on fire.


A string of fireworks was placed above the night sky, the color was monotonous, just a touch of blood red, but the sound was so harsh that it could disturb the people for hundreds of miles.

(End of this chapter)

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