I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 289 318 Young man, practice burning formula!

Chapter 289 318 Young man, practice burning formula!
A skill stronger than the heavenly rank?
Xiao Yan was very suspicious and refused to believe that the highest cultivation technique in this continent was the heavenly rank?Where is it higher?Lie to children.

Xiao Yan asked straightforwardly: "Since you have such a miraculous technique, why are you still being killed and turned into a ghost, relying on absorbing my battle energy to maintain your existence?"

This is awkward.

Lucifer laughed out loud, the cultivation techniques that surpassed the heavenly level, even when he was still at the peak, were extremely rare.For any scum of the Dou Zun level, even if there is the breath of Dou Di's blood in his soul, it is just a delusion to want to come up with such a kung fu.

Yao Lao was so stunned that he had nothing to say, and instantly remembered the bad things in the past, and the pain of betrayal.

"This technique can evolve. If it grows up, it will be enough to surpass the heavenly level!" Yao Lao threw a big bomb. If it wasn't because he wanted to be resurrected, he would have to rely on the Fen Jue to achieve it. Locked in the ring, forcing myself to take her blood when necessary...

Hmph, this miraculous skill won't be spread to the outside world.

Pupils shrank sharply, Xiao Yan stared at Yao Lao without blinking, and shook his head after a long while: "Impossible, I've never heard of it, there are still exercises that can evolve, it's not Warcraft pet, are you lying to children?"

"There are so many strange things on the mainland. If you don't know, it doesn't mean they don't exist." Yao Lao sneered at his reaction, and the miraculous skills that he brought out with great painstaking efforts by Venerable Hefeng back then would be suspected by this kid , is really annoying.

"Has anyone ever practiced?"

Xiao Yan was a little ready to move. If he really had such a miraculous technique, it would not be difficult to explain why the other party was so powerful, a rare venerable, and an eighth-rank pharmacist with a transcendent status. In the end, he would end up with a ghost It's over.

"Not as far as I know."

"Then how do you know it can evolve?"

Xiao Yan was a little disappointed, as expected, it was still a lie.

"That's how it's introduced in the exercises."

"Hehe, you just believe what others say? I also said that I am the heir of Emperor Dou, do you believe it or not?"

Xiao Yan's eyes showed more pity, seeing that he was so naive at such an age, no wonder he ended up in such a miserable end.

"Back then, I and a few Dou Zun friends went to a Dou Sheng ruins and beat them until blood flowed like a river, so I got this exercise."

Yao Lao calmly broke out a piece of news.

Xiao Yan was fascinated by the Ruins of the Fighting Saint, imagining the scene where the strong fight each other together, causing the world to shatter...

"Remains? Could it be that the cultivation method will cause death!" Lucifer jumped out again to show his presence.

"You." Yao Lao glared at each other angrily, wishing to tear him apart.

Xiao Yan woke up with a start, cold sweat appeared on his head, his eyes were wary, yes, is there such a big benefit?How could there be no danger?

"This technique is very dangerous, the kind that kills people?"

Yao Lao's face was slightly stiff, and after a while, he nodded with a dry smile.

"Well, it's a little dangerous, but you have to know that there is no such thing as a free banquet in the world, and if you want to become a strong one, you have to pay something."


Xiao Yan took out several books of martial arts and fighting skills from Najie, and explained them one by one.

"This is the Hundred Blood Return to Origin formula of the low-level earth, and the life span after practice is comparable to that of a monster."

"This is the method of one body and two bodies at the middle level of the earth level. It can have an extra clone. If the main body dies, it can be automatically resurrected on the clone, which is equivalent to an extra life."

"This is a high-level earth-level burning blood tactic, with unparalleled combat power, and can easily attack across levels, or even fight across levels!"

Xiao Yan squinted, and said unceremoniously: "I have so many choices. If no one makes trouble deliberately, each of them is enough for me to become a strong person. Why do I need to cultivate a dangerous technology? Its authenticity is unknown. technique?"

The medicine is old and dumb.

"Hello and goodbye!"

Xiao Yan wanted to leave, but felt that the other party was too unreliable, completely treating others as guinea pigs.

"Wait, it's okay if you don't learn this technique. You can learn medicine refining first, and we'll talk about the technique later."

Yao Lao hurriedly chased after him, planning to stay by his side for the time being, planning to spend time with him slowly until he agreed.

Not only because he needs to absorb his battle energy to restore himself, but more importantly, a certain woman needs him to be by her side.

"Haha, shameless, I've only seen women who stripped naked for nothing and rushed to the bed of rich people. It's rare to see a woman who wants to be someone else's apprentice, and then takes the opportunity to kill him."

"Shut up, what qualifications do you have for a tool?"

"My Sun Ruzu, you dare to be so arrogant with a soul body. If you are placed at the peak of labor and capital, and you have been practicing for 1000 years, you are not qualified to stand in front of me."

The two didn't like each other, because the people who had a competitive relationship immediately turned on the confrontation mode.

Xiao Yan walked forward silently, feeling as if his head was about to explode.

Even though he already knew the root of the problem, Xiao Yan didn't intend to change his goal. He still decided to go to the Black Horn Prison, go there to practice, and after he has enough cultivation base, he will return home in good clothes and blind their dog's eyes.

The most important thing is that if you want to practice the blood way, you need to sacrifice a lot of life, take a huge amount of blood, and kill and poke at will in other places, which will easily arouse public outrage and be considered a big devil.

It's better to go to the Black Corner Region, no matter how you slaughter them, nothing will happen.Even, the more you kill, the more applause you will get from the outside world, which is simply the best place for blood practitioners.

All three creatures have extraordinary origins, and each has its own special features. They embarked on the westward journey noisily like this. When they return, they will definitely be the envy of others!
So, from this day on, strange things began to happen on this road. Prisoners in prisons in many places always died inexplicably and turned into mummies.

A month later, Xiao Yan, who was besieged by travel and dust, finally arrived at his destination, on the great plain of the Black Horn Region.

After this month of practice, Xiao Yan's strength has finally improved, and he has taken a big step forward. From a scum of the third stage of fighting spirit, he was honored to be promoted to a scum of the fourth stage of fighting spirit scum.

There was no way, Yao Lao hadn't recovered yet, so he had to absorb Xiao Yan's vindictiveness. Unfortunately, Xiao Yan had no way to stop it, he could only watch this happen, feeling very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan is still very good at psychological self-comfort. After comprehending the essence of Ah Q's spirit, comforting himself is like paying the tuition for learning alchemy.

But there is also a happy event, Xiao Yan no longer needs to supply Yao Lao, a vampire, not long ago, Yao Lao finally recovered, and he can maintain his own existence without fighting spirit.

After all, in the original book, Xiao Yan was absorbed with fighting qi for three years. That was because his efficiency was too slow. Even if he persisted in practicing every day, the amount of fighting qi transformed from the aura of heaven and earth was still very small.

But now, with Xiao Yan's blood path skills, the efficiency has been increased several times, and the amount of fighting energy transformed into is very large, finally feeding Yao Lao.

(End of this chapter)

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