I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 294 Chapter 323

Chapter 294 Chapter 323

"Liemeng is amazing, this time we're going to beat the rhythm of the entire Black Horn Region."

"Haha, that unlucky ghost just hit the muzzle of the gun. I was lucky enough to see the fall of a Dou Zong strongman. I can show it off for half my life."

Half excited, half gloating voices sounded one after another, disturbing one after another, forming a commotion.

Many people who eat melons are excited, and their faces are red. This level of battle has always been rare.I didn't expect to be so lucky today, to participate in this auction, to have such benefits.

Those who have status and strength don't look so good, they almost don't write the word "I'm very depressed" on their faces.

Countless questions rose from their hearts, circling around, refusing to disappear.

When does it begin?The power of the Liemeng has grown to such a point that they are able to invite the gold and silver elders who are only interested in profit to dig such a big hole and set up this murderous situation.

Some people felt terrified. If they hadn't held back just now and jumped out, they might have turned into a corpse by now.

"You guys, a group of miscellaneous fish, want to besiege and kill me. You really don't know how to live or die!"

Crazy laughter sounded, Lucifer was proud and fearless, looking like he was not afraid of anything, but his heart was already panicking like a dog.

"Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, do you hear me? Hurry up and give me strength, or I will die."

Lucifer's terrified voice resounded in Xiao Yan's heart, wave after wave, like the tide.

Xiao Yan's teeth itch with hatred, without this strength, why are you pretending to be cowardly when you go out?The most hateful thing is to go down and wipe your ass by yourself.

Even though he was very dissatisfied, Xiao Yan still managed to save him, otherwise his strength would be weakened by half immediately.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and with the help of Yao Lao's strength, he instantly raised his strength to the level of Dou Zong, and then flew up.

Everyone was shocked again, what day is today?Dou Zong experts jumped out one by one.

Xiao Yan's eyes rolled sharply, and he was about to say something to save the situation, but Lucifer had already pre-empted it.

The wild laughter sounded again, echoing in the air.

"Haha, you scumbags, labor and capital reinforcements have arrived, hurry up and capture them, maybe it's okay, let's spare you."


Hearing his words, countless eyes turned to Xiao Yan, some were surprised, some were puzzled, but most of them were faint killing intent.

Sensing dozens of auras at least at the Douhuang level staring at him, the icy murderous aura sent chills down his back, and Xiao Yan was about to cry. What are these things?The pig teammates are not so pitiful.

However, the pig teammates don't know it yet, and are still desperately seeking hatred.

"Guisun, did you hear what Dad said, why don't you kneel down quickly, or labor and management will kill all relatives and kill you all."

"To shut up!"

Xiao Yan's veins popped out, the corners of his eyes twitched, he couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't need to bear it anymore, he yelled at Lucifer, and he didn't stop talking in his heart.

"You idiot, shut up quickly, or you will never get a little bit of physical strength from labor and management."

Threats are still very effective, Lucifer shut up obediently, standing aside aggrieved.

An ugly smile appeared on Xiao Yan's face, and he explained in disbelief: "This child was hit on the head by a durian when he was a child, and has never been cured.

"Hehe, the two Dou Zong powerhouses came all the way to the Black Horn Region, could it be for the sake of healing?"

An Pengfei's face was calm, but his heart was full of doubts. Why is it so uneventful during this period of time?

There are strong outsiders breaking in one after another. The previous group destroyed the Heavenly Snake Mansion. What are they trying to do this time?
The elders of gold and silver, Fan Cheng, what happened to them?After disappearing for a while, he became Douzong directly. Is it so easy to be promoted now?
Sure enough, it's not so easy to fool the past, you still have to dig out some dry goods.

Xiao Yan had the urge to vomit blood profusely, and hated it endlessly. He still had an indescribable smile on his face, and tried his best to maintain the friendship on the scene.

"This is an earth-level fighting skill. Please appreciate it, fellow daoists. If you are willing to exchange that treasure, I can come up with another low-level fighting skill."

Once he made up his mind, Xiao Yan was decisive, knowing that today's matter would not end so easily, he directly confessed, and took out the earth-level fighting skills from the ring as compensation.

Of course, Xiao Yan did not forget that everyone is innocent and pregnant with a jade, this universal and unchanging truth.What's more, in a place like the Black Corner Region, if you don't show your strength when you bring out good things, you are undoubtedly inviting the other party to grab it, inviting the other party to kill and get the goods.

Therefore, at the moment when the ground-level exercises were drawn out, Xiao Yan also secretly grew some physical strength for Lucifer. Anyway, his current strength is maintained by Yao Lao's soul power, and has nothing to do with physical strength.

Lucifer's strength soared a lot in an instant, leaping to the level of the six-star fighting sect in one fell swoop, which instantly made him fall in love with the branches, his hands itched, and he was about to move.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan knew something about Lucifer, and he didn't dare to unblock his full strength, otherwise he would feel that he had a great chance of winning, and he would have started fighting at this moment.

As soon as the ground-level fighting technique was released, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone. In the night, they could see the glittering, like a cat, and like a night pearl.

Xiao Yan gave a wry smile, stroked it reluctantly for a while, gritted his teeth, and sent it out.

The ground-level fighting skill flew out, but no one grabbed it and let it fall.

An Pengfei was secretly worried, but he didn't want to be the first to make a move.

After all, no matter what, the few around him came to help him, and if he tried to snatch it, it would be too ugly to eat.

No way, earth-level fighting skills are useless?Is it possible to kill a bloody road today?

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yan was immediately stunned, and had the urge to shout in their ears, this is an earth-level fighting skill!
Seeing that the ground-level fighting skills were about to fall into the crowd, several strong men couldn't bear the impulse in their hearts, they had already leaped over and were about to grab it, and Xiao Yan was also ready for a big battle.

At this time, a majestic breath appeared that made everyone feel suffocated or stressed, shocking the audience.

The ground-level fighting skill fell, but was caught by a red-haired old man. He glanced around casually and slapped it out with a few palms. There were six Douwang Douhuang-level powerhouses who leaped into the air, all here. With a fluttering palm, the beaten man vomited blood and flew backwards, flying thousands of meters away.

With just one palm, the two Dou Emperors were all seriously injured, fell to the ground, lay in a deep pit, and let them be slaughtered.

And this was already done, the remaining four fighting kings were beaten to death on the spot, their chests collapsed, their hearts and lungs burst, and they fell to the ground motionless.

With one palm, the two emperors were injured, and the four emperors were killed. The audience was silent, shocked by this horrible fact, speechless.

"Old devil!"

An Pengfei blurted out, shocked.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and called out unlucky. Judging by the aura emanating from this old devil, he had already stepped into a high-level Dou Zong. If he wanted to break out of this encirclement today, he would probably have to spend a lot of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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