I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 300 3302 Paradoxical Flowers

Chapter 300 Chapter 330
Holy crap, Xiao Yan couldn't bear it anymore. Since he crossed over, he has always been smooth sailing. When has he ever been beaten like this, except for that one time.

For a moment, Xiao Yan wanted to call Lucifer for support, full of resentment, did you really think that you would have no trump card if I left you?

But soon, he stopped the thought.

Not far away, ten huge griffin beasts are flying here.

The team sent by the academy to meet them and go to the inner courtyard has already arrived, quickly attracting everyone's attention, and the battle disappeared invisible, Xiao Yan finally avoided the end of continuing to suffer.

After a short introduction, this year's outstanding team stepped on the back of the griffin and prepared to go to the mysterious inner courtyard.

This time, there was no childbirth. After all, the elders of the college are here, and no one wants to leave a bad impression in their minds.

It's just that no one had a good face towards Xiao Yan, and nothing happened. The person riding the same griffin just ignored it very coldly, leaving him with a gorgeous back.

After crossing the vast mountains, blowing the cold wind for a long time, and beheading many monsters who don't know good or bad, the group finally arrived at the destination.

This is a forest, except for a bottomless mountain stream in front of you, there are green shades as far as you can see, and there are no traces of buildings, let alone human figures.

"The inner courtyard is not so easy to enter."

Hu Gan smiled proudly, and was immediately under the gaze of everyone.Slowly walked about ten steps forward.Then his footsteps stopped, and with a wave of his palm, a burst of energy shot out from his hand, and finally shot towards the space in front of him.

Immediately, a strange scene emerged, and the energy was seen passing through a certain empty space.

When it was spaced out, it caused ripples like water waves.These ripples fluctuated rapidly, and the last light silver door, which was seven or eight feet tall, emerged out of thin air.

Looking at the silver door that appeared strangely, everyone was shocked.Obviously, none of them expected it.This seemingly ordinary place actually hides such a mystery.

Xiao Yan at this moment can be considered to have some knowledge. Seeing this scene, he immediately judged that there is at least a strong Dou Zong in Canaan College, and it may even be Dou Zun.

As the inner courtyard, there must be a lot of people, and the territory it occupies is also indispensable. It is only possible for such a vast area to be included in the space shield.

And to be able to maintain this enchantment, it also takes a lot of effort. Every few years, it needs to be maintained by the strong Dou Zong, checking to make up for mistakes and omissions.

When Xiao Yan was secretly startled, the silver door, under the gaze of everyone, made a crisp sound.Open slowly.

The scene behind the gate is also the same dense forest as before, which seems to be no different from the dense forest seen in front of you.

"follow me."

With a wave of his hand, Hu Qian was the first to walk towards the silver gate.

Afterwards, dozens of students followed closely with curiosity on their faces.

Xiao Yan didn't go forward, he stood behind and looked at those who entered the silver gate, and then turned his eyes to the space outside the gate.

But he was shocked to find that those who entered the silver gate seemed to have entered another space.Just disappeared out of thin air.

"It's such a powerful supernatural power. Sooner or later, I will be able to do this."

Xiao Yan was amazed, then walked into the gate, and his figure disappeared.

After everyone, including the ten griffin beasts, entered the gate, the gate was slowly closed, and the last ripple of silver energy spread out.The silver gate gradually dissipated.Finally disappears completely.

At this moment, this area.It turned into an extremely ordinary forest again, even the Douhuang powerhouse couldn't find the weirdness in it.

Stepping through the silver gate, Xiao Yan only felt his mind go into a trance, and his feet were on the solid ground.

Sweep forward.But he was shocked to find that the scene in front of him was still the same as the previous forest.It's just that at this time, at the entrance of the forest, unexpectedly
However, at some point, two young women and several middle-aged men appeared.

In addition, there were nearly twenty young people standing behind them, exuding a powerful aura and standing still.

Xiao Yan's gaze swept over them, and found that they were all wearing a badge with a tower-like figure engraved on their chests.

After Hu Qian simply greeted those people, he called all the top five of this session, hesitated for a while, and called Xiao Yan too.

"These two are Elder Yu and Elder Ye in the inner courtyard. If you have something to do in the future, you can go to them. These people are the top five of this year, and the latter one came in not long ago, and their strength is good. , anyone has the strength to beat the instructors of the Combat Department. Hey, the few over there, you need to focus on taking care of these juniors later."


The two elders were a little surprised and nodded slightly.

It seems that this year's students are quite good. They have not yet stepped into the inner court, and their fighting power is enough to compete with those mentors.

"Don't worry, Dean, we will definitely take good care of them and love these juniors."

Among the young people standing behind, someone showed a bright smile, like a wolf about to be bloodthirsty.

Ciao, why do I suddenly feel something is wrong?Xiao Yan sneezed, feeling something was wrong, silently backed away, hiding his figure behind the others.

"Congratulations, you have passed the selection competition and obtained the qualification to enter the inner court, but this is not over yet." Elder Yu changed the topic, raised his palm, and a large handful of jet-black chips.It just appeared in his hand.

She threw it casually, and the chip burst out, and immediately seemed to have eyes.floating in front of everyone


Xiao Yan was startled, and stretched out his hand to hold it in his hand.

After holding the chip, Xiao Yan immediately felt a strange heat seeping out from it.

Looking down carefully, he found that there was a transparent mirror on the chip.There is a big red number printed on this mirror.

I don't know if it was fate or a pure coincidence, but the number Xiao Yan got was still five, the same as in the original book.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan felt his scalp go numb, as if he was being targeted by a group of hungry wolves, and they would pounce on him at any moment and bite him hard.

Xiao Yan raised his head, but he saw with some astonishment that the group of young people standing behind the middle-aged man were looking at the black chip in his and others' hands with fiery eyes.In the eyes, there is an undisguised covetousness, like a pervert meeting a peerless beauty, like a militant in the war years.

"Because of some things, it is quite troublesome to explain, and you will understand later. However, you only need to know one thing now, and that is to keep the chip in your hand as a good life. When you enter the inner courtyard . will naturally understand its importance to you.”

Elder Yu finished the long paragraph in one breath, changed his tone, and said to himself arrogantly.

"Hmph, I won't tell you, it's because I'm too lazy to tell, stupid student."

After finishing speaking, she turned around arrogantly and raised her head, refusing to pay attention to these stupid creatures.

Damn it, Xiao Yan was dumbfounded, why did this teacher seem unreliable.

Twice, this guy is sick again.

Elder Ye smiled helplessly, took over her duties, and continued to explain.

"Next, you need to enter the forest and successfully reach the end of the forest. It is best to be alive, otherwise it will be very troublesome for us to find the corpse."

Looking at the student who suddenly changed color, Elder Ye laughed triumphantly, as if he had done a very remarkable thing just now.

The smiling face of a young woman should be an extremely pleasing thing, but on her body, there is a taste of a horror movie, which makes people's hair stand on end.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, young people nowadays really don't have a sense of humor."

Hu Gan looked up at the sky silently, not wanting to talk to these two snake spirits who often had convulsions.

In other words, how did the inner court think about it?Even putting these two people together, isn't it afraid that they will learn from each other, absorb each other's experience, and finally merge into a terrifying big devil, who will overthrow the academy?

"When you travel through this forest, be careful of your respected seniors. According to the rules of the inner court, they can shoot at will in this forest. That is to say, they can attack you, or do other things that are not very good. The female compatriots should be extra careful."

After successfully seeing most of the girls' faces turn pale, they took a few steps back, and there was even a shrill scream, Elder Ye laughed until his eyes narrowed.

For some reason, Xiao Yan suddenly remembered a line of lyrics: "Why do women make things difficult for women!"

"Remember, the number on the chip in your hand is very tempting to them. Therefore, they will use all means except killing people to snatch the fire energy on the chip in your hand, maybe it will be ashamed Oh, the bundle."

"Gays, be more careful, some people are very interested in you."

Has the army of rotten girls already infiltrated into another continent?

It must be the wrong way for me to enter the gate. How could there be such a weird teacher? Xiao Yan thought silently, feeling goosebumps all over his body.

"Now, you are going to avoid him

They, or defeat them, you can also abuse them as much as you want, as long as no one is killed, under normal circumstances we will not intervene. "

When he said this, Elder Ye blushed, as if he was very happy to see some unspeakable scenes.

"As long as you are not caught by them, or beaten to death, or trained, you can reach the inner courtyard smoothly."

"Then, you will have rich rewards, rewards that are enough to make fighting spirits jealous. The sooner you arrive, the richer the rewards will be."

Elder Ye suddenly pointed his finger at the dark forest behind him: "For this forest snatch, our inner courtyard. Call it the 'Fire Power Hunting Competition'."

"Now, I announce that this year's "Fire Energy Hunting Competition" has officially begun."

"Loli, ladies, let's run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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