Chapter 64

Jiao Wang, who was lying on the ground and still red, stood up. Although his movements were slow and wobbly, and he looked weak and weak. He looked like an old man in his dying years, but he still stood up.

Jiao Lei took a step back subconsciously, as if he was facing the brave and invincible King Jiao in his heyday.Immediately, he realized that he flinched, and the shadow shrouded in his heart by the Jiao King still existed, and it did not dissipate because of the current situation.

Jiao Lei was furious, and hysterically roared: "Do you think you can change everything by standing up? You are going to die soon! You will be a dead person soon, everything about you is mine, mine! "

Jiao Wang clenched his fists tightly, and then let them go helplessly. The deep sadness in the blue light surged into a sea, just like the sea where the last hundred thousand elites jumped into at the end of Song Dynasty.

Jiao Wang was panting heavily, not sure if it was because of the injury on his body or something else, his voice was hoarse, like the noise made by the collision of two rough stone plates.

"Did you force it, or..."

When it came to the end, Jiao Wang couldn't go on talking, even if he had fought bloody battles in all directions, he would not be afraid to kill until he was bleeding all over.At this moment, he was also unable to uncover the suffocating scar again, and did not have the courage to face the cruel fact.

Jiao Wang still had the last hope, hope that his wife was forced, so that he would not be completely defeated, and there was still a last hope to rely on.

However, Jiao Lei ruthlessly tore up his last fantasy and said the sentence he least wanted to hear.

Jiao Wang seemed to be falling into an abyss, falling continuously, unable to see the bottom, only the darkness became more and more pure.

When Jiao Lei saw King Jiao, his son looked like a walking corpse, without any sympathy, instead he laughed out loud, wantonly and wildly.

Amidst the refreshing laughter, there suddenly came a discordant sound, like the harsh noise in an ensemble.

"Hey, that idiot, why don't you check with your wife? Don't be fooled by that old thief." Gongsun Chijiu's lazy voice sounded.

Gongsun Chijiu also felt strange, why would he intervene?Wouldn't it be good to help that dragon beast and quietly watch this human tragedy originating from the Japanese pirate island?
Is it because I was hurt severely by a woman in my previous life, so I can empathize and feel the pain.So subconsciously want to avoid similar tragedies from happening again, don't want to see similar scenes again?
No, Gongsun Chijiu quickly denied himself, definitely not because of such a reason.

As the old saying goes, if a bitch's tail doesn't go up, a male dog won't be able to climb up either.I just want to let that dragon beast suffer another blow, and then enjoy the show.

Yes, that's right, that's it!Gongsun Chijiu said this to himself in his heart, trying hard to make himself believe this statement.

Jiao Lei looked at the human race with vicious eyes and malicious intentions, and threatened: "Human race, do you want to die? Why don't you just stay by the side obediently and dare to talk like this."

In Jiao Lei's view, this human race has just experienced a great battle. Although they defeated the Jiao King, they must have consumed a lot of energy.He may even have suffered an internal injury, so he is just holding on for now.

Even if there is still energy, it is not a big threat. On the other hand, I am still in good condition, and there is almost no consumption.If he fights with this human race now, even if this person has weird fighting skills and strong defense, he has a greater chance of winning.

If he huddled aside and kept silent, since he helped him solve a big trouble, he could be spared once.

But since he dared to intervene, especially if he dared to scold him wantonly like this, then he had to teach him a lesson if he couldn't say it, and let this human race know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Jiao Wang woke up and turned around, that's right, what if he lied to himself?

Jiao Wang's eyes glowed again, it was the light of hope, and he turned around.

Jiao Wang faltered step by step, but walked firmly into the hall to seek the answer.

Jiao Lei ignored it, his heart was already shattered, what's the use of pursuing the answer so persistently?

People who are about to die don't need to waste too much energy on him. Jiao Lei looked at the human race, ready to weigh one or two first. If he doesn't have this strength, he will kill him directly, and then force him to find out the powerful defense fighting skills.

Gongsun Chijiu naturally sensed Jiao Lei's malice and the vague murderous aura emanating from it.

Heh, I'm really overwhelmed.

Gongsun Chijiu took one step forward and came directly in front of Jiao Lei.

Jiao Lei's face changed drastically, he was inexplicably surprised, he didn't feel how powerful he was when he was watching from the sidelines before, but once he became an enemy, he quickly felt the suffocating pressure!
Many thoughts flashed through Jiao Lei's mind, and when he remembered to defend, it was already too late.

Gongsun Chijiu punched Jiao Lei right in the abdomen, sending him flying backwards with one punch.

Before he landed, Gongsun Chijiu had already caught up, and arrived at the pre-judged foothold one step ahead of time, and kicked Jiao Lei into the air like kicking a sandbag.

Ha, Gongsun Chijiu exhaled a turbid breath, disappeared again, came to the top of Jiao Lei, trampled on his chest, and smashed him down.

"Ah..." Jiao Lei screamed, spat out a little blood, got up from the shattered pit, he couldn't believe this fact, he would be crushed and beaten, completely suppressed.

Fear arose faintly in Jiao Lei's heart. He and that Nizi were also at the peak of the seventh order, but he was able to contend with that human race for hundreds of rounds before losing.

But I was beaten and vomited blood within a few encounters. Could it be that the gap between myself and that rebellious son is so big?Could it be that the rumor is true, that Nizi possesses a combat power comparable to that of an eighth-rank powerhouse?

No, it's impossible!Jiao Lei couldn't believe it, he turned to the sky and roared angrily, in his opinion, it must be because he didn't have time to use his full strength just now and was attacked by surprise.

Jiao Lei made up his mind to use all his strength to fight the First World War.

With a sound of "pa", Gongsun Chijiu kicked him flying, and stuck his head in the dirt.

Gongsun Chijiu put his hands in his trouser pockets, retracted his left foot, and looked calm, as if the one who kicked away just now was not some strong person at the peak of the seventh step, but just an insignificant little person.

Gongsun Chijiu stretched out his hand to fish it out, and Jiao Lei spit out the blood splashed in the soil just now, and it turned into a stream of blood and came to his hand.

Gongsun Chijiu weighed it and thought it over, and quickly judged that it was just mortal blood, although it was relatively powerful, it also contained part of the energy of the dragon beast.

However, compared with his son, it is completely different!It's a heaven and an underground!
Gongsun Chijiu discarded the blood on his hand with a look of disdain, turned around, and walked into the hall.

It seems that the reason why the dragon beast inside is so powerful is that it is far beyond the same level, and even reached the point where it can cross the level to fight.It is because of the extremely rare phenomenon of atavism in his blood that can support his extraordinary combat power.

Tsk tsk, what an unexpected harvest!
An excited smile appeared on Gongsun Chijiu's face, you know, as long as it is a special blood that is different from ordinary people.

Whether it comes from a special physique, or from the ancestral dragon beast in front of me, the colorful sky-swallowing python evolved from the different fires in the heart of Qinglian in the original book, or the powerful blood of Emperor Dou, are all the targets of the blood monarch body. Or more accurately, the chosen prey!
The blood monarch body controls the blood path of the heavens and the world, and is the source of all blood.

The blood king can control thousands of blood, which can make all kinds of strange bloodlines evolve, return to their ancestors, and become more pure and powerful.

Being able to benefit others is also able to benefit oneself, and can use ten thousand blood for one's own use to strengthen one's own body!

After collecting a certain amount of special blood, the blood monarch body can use special methods to grow it.

Finally, with enough special blood, one can grow into a blood creature with a special bloodline!
Since then, he has become a subject of the blood monarch body, and his life and death are in the hands of the blood monarch body. He can only listen to his orders and let him send him around!

In the memory of inheritance, a considerable part of the warriors with the blood monarch body in the past dynasties were obtained in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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