Chapter 99
Thousands of children, guarded by more than 300 elite soldiers, followed four high-level crabs, and quickly fled to the rear, trying to hide in the stone forest that stretched for hundreds of miles.

But before the journey was halfway through, these crabs, big and small, were forced to stop. A wall several kilometers high was erected in front of them, blocking the way.

Seeing this, a high-level elder who opened the way swung his pincers over, trying to break through the water wall, break a big hole, and create a way to survive.

This wall of water that stretched for dozens of miles was unexpectedly strong, and a full-strength blow didn't work, and it couldn't destroy the wall of water.Even if a big hole is made, it will be automatically repaired soon. This short time is not enough for people to pass through.

The team stopped, and the two elders who were scattered on both sides stepped forward, thinking that someone was blocking the road, and they wanted to help out and fight their way out.

The three elders gathered together and jointly attacked, but it barely played a role. The continuous bombardment made the water wall loose faster than it recovered, forming a narrow passage.

The descendants of the strong, the younger generation with outstanding potential are the first to go out, while the children of ordinary people are arranged behind.

The reason is very simple. To continue the bloodline, the revitalization of the ethnic group depends on the elite and the strong. Maybe these people are not sure of becoming strong, but at least, the probability of becoming strong among them is higher than others.

And the first batch chose to let these future elites go out, and they did so only when they saw that there were no enemies outside.

At a critical juncture, at the time of the survival of the group, the rampant crabs made the wisest and cruelest choice!

From that narrow passage, the most gifted group of the younger generation of the Crab Clan passed through in an orderly manner at the fastest speed, lined up outside, and waited for the people behind to flee together.

After dozens of young people had gone out, the people who went out later began to mix with elites of third and fourth ranks, the backbone of the clan.Because it would take too much energy to maintain such a passage, and even if the three elders had the strength of Dou Huang, they would not be able to last for too long.And if only young people escaped, without the protection of the strong, without the inherited exercises, even if they all escaped successfully, it would be useless.

During this process, an old elder who stood guard at the end and was ready to sacrifice himself to be the back of the team also rushed over and joined the team maintaining the passage.

When the four elders consumed more than half of it, they were forced to stop. In order to prevent accidents, all the power could not be consumed here.And the price of this sanity is that only 170 people escaped, plus the last four elders who escaped.

The remaining thousands of people all stayed inside, in a situation where they must die.

Seeing the disappearance of the escape route, some people were dumbfounded and at a loss; some cried in despair and yelled in collapse;

In the end, most of the people chose to fight back, fighting to the death with those enemies, and being delayed by their companions outside, even for a second.

"Let's go!" The oldest elder shouted, telling them not to waste time, escape as much as possible, and not let down the opportunity that their companions bought with their lives.

"Escape? Where can you escape to?" An indifferent voice sounded.

Before the words fell, an elder had already exploded with momentum, pointing his sword at the source of the voice.

The hundreds of people below panicked for a while, a little scared, worried that they would be intercepted and killed here.

An elder looked up, and saw a thousand meters ahead, on a boulder tens of meters high, a young man in a windbreaker was sitting lazily on a chair, holding a wine glass in one hand, looking down at him.

A relatively young elder, who was actually hundreds of years old, was furious. How dare a mere bastard be so arrogant?Tired of life?

This elder was about to rush up and tear the human race apart, but was held back by the oldest elder.

Uh, the elder was puzzled and was about to speak when he saw a scene that shocked him.

"Flee, hurry up and flee with someone!" The elderly elder was trembling slightly, with big drops of cold sweat on his face, and he almost gritted his teeth before he said these words.

In the perception of this elder who has lived for nearly 600 years, it seems that there is a prehistoric sea monster in front of him, exuding an incomparably huge momentum, and is about to choose someone to devour.This momentum can only be possessed by those who have stepped through the mountain of corpses in the sea of ​​blood.I also climbed out of the mountain of corpses in the blood sea, so I could feel this breath, this smell of the same kind that is far stronger than myself.

No one knows why, their seemingly harmless and weak chickens will make the Great Elder, who is second only to the patriarch of the seventh level of strength in this group, so scared that he has already surrendered before the battle, just in Do your best to delay, let yourself and others escape.

In an instant, the three elders led some people and fled from three directions, wanting to escape as soon as possible so that the first elder could leave the battle with peace of mind.

Gongsun Chijiu, with Erlang's legs crossed and a wine glass in one hand, sneered, "You're so naive as a child!" The mere three fighting emperors also wanted to escape from him, which is ridiculous!
Gongsun Chijiu was about to make a move to kill these remnants, to completely eradicate the weeds and roots. Although he thought it was impossible, it was better not to give them a chance to retaliate in the future.

The Great Elder made a move, and the aura of Dou Huang's peak exuded, but the obviously weak aura made people feel that there was a mighty and heavy smell.

The stone under Gongsun Chijiu's seat melted like chocolate, twisted and twisted into a strand and rolled towards his feet, entangled him.The seabed mud with a radius of thousands of meters seemed to suddenly come to life, bursting up from all directions at the speed of lightning, covering the human race in the center.

The Great Elder has already turned into a prototype, turning into a huge crab with a length of hundreds of meters. The outermost covering is not a carapace, but a layer of black mud, which has hardened and fits together with the big crab.

The first hit hit, the Great Elder was not complacent, nor did he stop because of this, but launched the attack more ferociously.All the power was used to control the surrounding earth elements, layer by layer, to seal that human race here.

In just a dozen or so breaths, under the control of the Great Elder, the surrounding soil of tens of thousands of meters turned into layers of extremely thick mud walls, forming a huge ball.The surrounding area has already turned into a big pit, only the earth ball in the middle stands out from the crowd and attracts attention.

Just this once, the Great Elder has already used his most powerful strength, used his own reliance, and output with all his strength, to create such a scene that can be called mountains and seas.

Wrapped in a layer of mud armor, it seemed that the Great Elder was calm and did all this easily.But in fact, the Great Elder has paid a very high price. If the layer of mud is lifted, the crab shells inside are already bright red, as if they have just been boiled in boiling water.

"Huhu..." The Great Elder panted heavily, and said to himself: "Should be able to trap him for a while?"

"Huh? You were trying to trap me just now, not performing for me?" There was a voice from above.

Not only was the person he wanted to trap not trapped, but he ran over his head. This made the elder nervous for a while, thinking hard about how to deal with him next.
As for the enemy running to the head, but he didn't feel it, the Great Elder was not surprised or panicked.After he subdued the foreign land, although his combat power increased rapidly, and he still had this set of strong defensive armor, but at the same time his perception was dulled.But it doesn't matter, anyway, the defense of the armor is very strong, enough to withstand the attack of the seventh-order monster!

Therefore, the Great Elder was not worried about being attacked by surprise.

"Just now you were able to use this kind of skill that even the seventh-order sea tribes may not be able to use. It should be because you have mastered this foreign land? The foreign land of your family is on you!" After Gongsun Chijiu heard the news, he said I have been thinking about it for a long time, even if there is no later incident, the crab tribe will come to the door, collect foreign soil, and slaughter this tribe by the way.

 Call for the names, characteristics, abilities of foreign objects (different soil, different metal, different wood, different water, and some strange fires). Book friends who have fantastic ideas, please leave a message in the book review area, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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