Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 151 The Land of God's Fall

Chapter 151 The Land of God's Fall (34)

The land of the gods!

This is the name Oto Xiaochuan gave to this weird and bizarre land.

As for what god fell into the netherworld, the system prompted that it was holy blood, which made it easy to rule out some gods.

The god of death in the underworld is obviously impossible, whether it is from the East or the West, it is still very different from the word "sacred".

Unless it is the Nether Sect Master...

But this is also impossible, not to mention the strength of the Nether leader, the hymn is obviously not a Sanskrit singing.

Xiao B looked around, and there was no abnormality. The soil near and far showed a strange purple-black color, and sticky pus seemed to flow out when squeezed hard. There were weird hair-like plants growing on the ground. It will even retract to the ground if it senses a threat.

Looking around, the field of vision is full of such states, and I don't know how big the area is, and there is a feeling of vastness and boundlessness.

Huangquan Road is the way back for the dead. It is extremely strange to have such a vast area.

What kind of devastating war happened in the underworld?

Amon skillfully searched in the dark and greasy slurry, and picked up a dark-looking bead, which was about the size of the marbles he played with when he was a child, without any dirt. Glittering black light.

Amon very politely handed over the black bead. Since he couldn't understand the language, he couldn't understand what he said, but through body language, probably, maybe he gave the bead to Hei Niu!

Xiao Yi finally took it over. It is not polite to refuse other people's gifts.

According to Chinese etiquette, the most important thing is reciprocity. Xiao Yi looked at the black gemstone in his hand, what should I give him?
Oto Xiaochuan didn't think there was anything great about this black bead at first, but after systematic identification and subsequent encounters, he realized that this thing is a special product of the Land of God's Fall.

In the body of the monster that was just killed by the scarab, there are many puppet heads controlled by it, but among these heads, only one is the main head, which is hidden deep in the body and will not appear easily .

This black bead is the extraordinary essence that can only appear in the head of the master.

Contains pure energy.

Just like the energy crystals obtained in the No. 13 ecological circle before, they were also cut out from the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex. The functions of the two are roughly the same, except that one contains the power of life, and the other contains pure yin energy.

This small black bead is not used by ordinary people, but black cats like Hei Niu, who can psychic and master the power of death, are the best cat food.

For ghosts like Lao Liu, it should be a treasure.


The black girl holding the black beads is like a child holding a lollipop, licking and licking, so fun!
Xiao Yi thought for a while, and took out a few energy crystals from the "imaginary number space", and Amon accepted the gift happily.

Two people and one cat set foot on the journey again.

Still silent, because we really can't talk together, the language barrier is a big problem.

I didn't forget that the purpose of my trip was to find the mysterious stubborn stone. Fortunately, this land of gods was on the bank of the Santu River, and I didn't deviate from the direction.

However, there is no clue!
No stones that seemed unusual at first glance were found.

Along the way, I naturally encountered many strange creatures and harvested some pure yin energy crystals.

It's less of a monster of many heads that blinds the senses, more of a mutated scavenger giant worm that pounces from below.

This mutated scavenging giant worm, as the name suggests, can derive its ability and appearance from the name.

The head can be said to be extraordinarily weird, without eyes and nose, only a huge chrysanthemum-like mouthparts are exposed outside, and there are densely packed sharp teeth inside, it seems that any object falling into its mouth can be crushed. tear into tiny pieces.

The longest body length reached seven or eight meters, and the smallest one was one or two meters long.

The blood-colored bug got into the body and could plunder the essence of flesh and blood. If Xiao Yi was forced to be tough, he would not be able to do it so cleanly.

There is also a kind of human-like evil monster, which looks like a human silhouette, but its head is triangular, with a bloody mouth, and its limbs mutate into centipede-like limbs for the convenience of landing and crawling. The tailbone is also elongated strangely, so its body shape looks It grows longer, as if it has an extra tail.

There are faint brown scales on the skin of this monster, which are tightly attached to the surface of the body. It looks much stronger than the slime-like monsters and worms. It even has an illusion like a pattern. There is also a layer of loach-like mucus attached to the surface of the body. It is worth mentioning that the female son on the chest of this monster and the lower part of the genitals both show female signs, so if you want to sum it up, it is like a hybrid between a human and a snake. out of the monster.

This thing is called a snake ghost by Xiao Yi, who is named Difficult Disease.

As for the monster singing the hymn, it is called the magic word monster.

In this land of gods' death, there are few pure ghosts, and all of them have strange flesh bodies. If there is no small bald head, it is really troublesome to rely on a bloody bug with a big appetite.

Gradually going deep into the Land Abandoned by God, the environment became more and more strange, and the strength of all kinds of ghosts became extremely strong. There even appeared a giant mutant scavenging worm with a size of more than ten meters. It was as huge as a hill, and even the ground was It was covered with an extremely thick layer of moss. This kind of moss was strangely blood-red. As always, there were long tentacles on the surface. Some get tangled in shoes and even climb up their legs.

After being violently broken away, corrosive green pus also flowed from the fracture, which can pollute the soul.

Therefore, Xiao Yi collected some on purpose. As for the container, just use the ghost tree that was eaten before and hollow it out into a cup shape.As for the moss skin, it is also very rough, which makes people think of something like the skin of a giant beast.

At the same time, after stepping on certain parts of this place, a large number of blood-red spores rose from the ground immediately, and then scattered down one after another. The falling flowers are colorful, very beautiful, and it looks quite confusing .

These weird vegetation did not cover the entire Land Abandoned by God, but were distributed here and there, covering tens of square meters on one side and hundreds of square meters on the other.

Oto Xiaochuan couldn't help thinking that if a plane could fly to the sky and look down from a high altitude, these weird vegetation would look like puddles of blood.

The sacred blood dripped into the Netherland, and after countless years, such a strange thing has evolved.

The world is so big that there are no surprises.

However, I really want to see what kind of gods have fallen in the Nether Hell.

Xiao Yi's curiosity was immediately aroused, maybe it was an adventure!Maybe the stubborn stone that can stabilize the water of the Santu River can also be obtained smoothly!
(End of this chapter)

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