Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 191 The Damaged Spaceship

Chapter 191 The Damaged Spaceship

The huge spaceship is crawling in the desert, like a dead prehistoric monster. Although it once ruled the sky, the sea, and the earth, it can only be worn away by time. After thousands of years, everything will be destroyed. Become that fine gravel, and everything will cease to exist.

The exposed part has been polished by the wind and sand, and the armor of the spaceship is about to peel off. It only takes a few blows, or a black storm, and the soft part inside the spaceship will be completely exposed to the ruthless nature. under the attack.

Otokawa climbed in from the explosive hole, and without hesitation, he scrambled and crawled into the depths of the spaceship.

Then the crisis of the sixth sense came in an instant, and his hands tightly blocked his ears.

Just a second later, the sound of eating mulberry leaves was heard in my ears, which was amplified countless times.

As soon as the sound sounded, Xiao Yi completely lost his hearing, and then his head "buzzed", the snowflakes in front of his eyes were white, and he fell down on the dusty steel floor in a whirl.

After an unknown amount of time, Yi Xiaochuan finally woke up, opened his eyes blankly, his eyes were blank, his ears were buzzing, and his mind was empty.He was in a daze until a long time passed, and his dull eyes gradually cleared up. At this time, his five senses recovered, and he was able to clearly convey what he saw and heard to his mind, and then he was able to think about the current situation.

Natural disasters are always infinitely more terrifying than man-made attacks, and a black storm can destroy everything it encounters.

And the spaceship that has persisted for countless years in the black storm can even see how powerful the civilization that built such a spaceship is.

At least a few blocks away from the current civilization of the earth.

Compared with the previous state, Xiao Yi's physical condition at this time is completely two extremes.To put it bluntly, that is the difference between an old bicycle and a Ferrari with the gas pedal pressed to the bottom, and it is also the difference between the civilization of the earth and this spaceship civilization.

After taking a bottle of water from the "imaginary number space" and pouring it down, although the expression is still dazed, the brain has resumed its work, just like a rusty machine that has not been running for a long time. After shaking off a lot of rust, it can still work smoothly.

"Does that mean there is no danger?"

"Old Heavenly Master, are you cheating on me?"

"The other person is now a meat paste..."

In Xiaoyi's heart, countless alpacas rushed past, leaving unparalleled footprints on his body and heart.

"Phew, I scared the baby to death. Why are you dying every day? Can't you just find a place to practice? Jiu'er, I have just retreated, and I have cultivated to the most critical place. I was almost driven into obsession by you. I... I... ...I don't want to scold you anymore..."

In his heart, Mr. Tu Shan said weakly, his voice was soft, as if he had been wheeled seven or eight times.

"I don't want to either! It was agreed to be a porter of nature, and now I have become a porter of Mount Tai... The black storm should be gone. Don't rush to retreat. I don't think this place is too safe. The old Tianshi cheated on me Ah! This Tianluo is not easy to take..."

Xiao Yi let out a long sigh helplessly, since it came, it will be safe, and it can't go back empty-handed, after all, it's just a natural disaster, it's unexpected, and it's over when it's over.

Moreover, after such a natural disaster, man-made disasters will never appear in this desert in a short time.

No one can be safe and sound in such a black storm.

You can safely attack this spaceship boldly.

Opening the imaginary space, a dozen modified spider robots were summoned.

This is a spider robot developed by the military industry. It is made of new materials and powered by high-efficiency lithium batteries. It can work continuously for more than ten days at high intensity. It has electronic eyes with high-definition probes and is even equipped with light weapons.

Coupled with Eva's tailor-made system, each one is only the size of a basketball, with eight metal legs, and is sensitive to movement, which is very suitable for detection activities.

Otokogawa has high hopes for the dozen or so spider robots, hoping that they can complete the initial exploration of the spaceship and eliminate some dangerous things.

"...What's the use of this kind of thing? Any illusion can solve it, and there is no way to solve it when you encounter something sudden! It's not as good as a beast slave..."

Tu Shanjiu'er said very dissatisfied, and unceremoniously made a poisonous criticism.

"It's better than nothing, it's good to have it... How about you come? Besides, this is a damaged spaceship, not the underworld, and there is no fog... Although it is true that an electronic pulse can solve it..."

According to the task given by the old celestial master, first, obtain some metal alloy fragments of different sizes and bring them back to Earth for technical analysis.

The first three Tianluo had searched the outer environment of the spacecraft and some areas of the spacecraft, but found no metal fragments.

Although the explosion-shaped hole is very large, but there is no debris around it, it is obvious that the spacecraft has been floating in space for many years before it fell.

According to the photos taken, as well as the analysis of the environment and the damage of the spacecraft, the spacecraft should have been buried underground for countless years, and it appeared on the surface only in the last few hundred or decades due to geological activities.

Then, due to environmental factors such as the black storm, the metal fragments that could be brought back to the earth and successfully passed through the time and space gate could not be found at all.

As for breaking off a few pieces of suitable size from the spaceship armor, for the awakened of Sequence 8, the difficulty is not ordinary, and it is impossible to complete without large tools.

Even bringing over the large-scale cutting equipment from the earth may not be able to do anything to get this high-tech metal.

Seeing that this spaceship has survived countless black storms and still stands proudly, you will know how awesome it is.

Moreover, according to the analysis of experts in materials science, these metal materials may be like bulletproof glass, which will still stick together after being broken, so there are not many broken pieces...

Therefore, the state arranged for Xiao B to come.

As long as those huge metal fragments that others cannot take away are brought back, it is likely to bring new inspiration to the material science on earth!

The material science of human beings is still weak, and the benefits of new materials to human beings are obvious. Whether it is spaceships, various weapons, or space suits, they all need the support of new materials.

If Xiao B's storage space is used to bring back some future technological equipment, then the value will be high.

This is also the reason why he, a scholar who has shown super potential, came here. Even before the old master came to Jiangcheng, the headquarters held a meeting for several hours.

At the end of the meeting, Little B's strength assessment was determined to be at the level of Sequence 7.

From the corpse fox in the mine in Tongshi, to the misty incident in Chaoxian County, to the demon bone ship in Chicheng, Xiao Yi has fully demonstrated his strength in addition to his ability as a scholar.

If it is really a scholar sequence with a combat power of 5, the country will not agree to a potential unit going to such a dangerous different world.

Awesome people are awesome in every way...

(End of this chapter)

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