Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 202 Jedi Knight

Chapter 202 Jedi Knight
Otokawa never thought that he would be able to toughen that local emperor Jabba on his own now.

In the vast universe, in the Galactic Republic, he was indeed a pirate, a gangster, and a dull slug.

But the premise is that two words must be added in front of these titles-"Interstellar".

This is an interstellar civilization, not a tiny Earth.

If Jabba's forces are thrown into the solar system, the earth's civilization may be cold in a few days.

Just like the Trisolarans only sent out one drop of water, they destroyed 1993 warships of the human space armed forces, and blocked the sun's radio wave amplification function.

In this world, there are too many high-tech weapons, even gods, if they are not careful, they will fall.

It's not that Jabba doesn't have high-tech weapons, but he doesn't have the technology to build high-tech, so he can only be a pirate.

If he wants to go further, he must have the ability to continue the war.

But technology is not omnipotent. In many cases, in many ways, extraordinary power is stronger.

For example, peeking into the future.

"The Force...should also be an extraordinary cultivation system, and I don't know if Jabba hired Force Warriors..."

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the small figure on the martial arts training field, his gray eyes flicked slightly, and he felt that a Tai Chi diagram was practicing Chinese martial arts.

After gradually adapting and exploring, the current way of looking at Qi is not like when I first saw Anakin's fate, almost blinding my eyes.

With a protagonist from heaven and earth by his side, constantly deducing and calculating, the ability of physiognomy will naturally rise upwards.

This is the reason why ancient fortune-tellers chose to serve emperors and generals.

It's not just for the glory and wealth.

Telling fortunes to civilians is all liars, making money to fill their stomachs.

Only when calculating the fate of the ruler can one glimpse the real fate.

Times change.

Heaven and earth change.

In many cases, it is a few people who are leading the trend of the times.

Their fate is almost connected with the fate of heaven and earth.

To put it simply, the real hero of great luck is a huge experience bag. If you find the right target and peel it off, you can predict the future and change your destiny.

As for Yi Xiaochuan, step by step peeping and deducting from Anakin, he is not far from the completion of the sequence of "Psychographer".

Eyes raised slightly, he had a real glimpse of Anakin's fate for the first time.

Immediately, he found an eye appeared in that pitch-black fate, a huge blood-red eye!

Thick blood-red blood vessels are densely covered around the eyeballs, and the giant eyes have no whites, but the fist-sized crimson pupils are as deep as the endless ocean, and the glare from the other half of the fate falls on them and is completely crushed. Devour!
Under the gaze of this evil giant eye, Otokawa could even feel very clearly that if there were substantial spiritual power ripples around it, this kind of spiritual power ripples were extremely cold. The pupils of the giant eyes spread out, making people freeze from the soul to the body.

He slightly moved his eyes away and looked to the other side.

It was also an eye, a hot pupil, like the sun, which made people unable to look directly at it.

In just a moment, Xiao Yi looked away, and his eyes returned to normal.

During this short period of looking at each other, it seemed as if they saw the destruction of countless planets, and they seemed to see the rebirth of countless planets.

Become a god, or become a demon?
It seems to be in a thought.

At this time, Anakin Skywalker, who felt the master's gaze, also showed all his strength.

Stride towards the martial arts training robot on the opposite side.

He is only nine years old, but he is already a master of martial arts.

Oto Xiaochuan hasn't figured out what the original force is, but he can be sure that it is definitely a powerful energy body.

Just like what the little princess Tushan said about true energy, only with true energy can one be regarded as a real practitioner.

And so is the Force.

I saw that the robot's thick metal arm waved, and as soon as the two fought, Anakin stomped slightly, as if a spring hole had opened under his feet, the metal floor was wet, and even a clear mark was branded on the high-strength alloy floor. footprints.

This is the alloy of the spaceship, not the floor, not the rock.

It can be seen how violent the spiral leg force is.

Although there are many schools of Chinese martial arts, when practiced to a high level, they all lead to the same goal by different routes. The appearance of the moves may be different, but the way of exerting strength is always the same.

This kick is based on the most exquisite "screw shaking feet" in Bagua boxing. The feet are twisted horizontally, the inner thigh muscles, and the tendons of the calf are twisted hard when the soles of the feet are slightly lifted, and then violently stomped down in an instant. , The vigorous drilling of the two legs is like a large drilling machine, and the drill bit suddenly drills hard towards the ground.

This kind of footwork is extremely difficult to practice. It requires the muscles of the whole leg to be as soft as cotton, as hard as iron, and as vigorous as a steel cable. When the enemy is fighting recklessly, he can dissipate the force of the punching force to the soles of the feet and pass it to the ground, while increasing the explosive power of his fists.

Yi Xiaochuan practiced gossip, Tai Chi, and Xingyi, and Anakin naturally practiced these too.

Moreover, Otokawa admits that he is not as good as him, not because he is not as intelligent as him, but because his physical fitness is not as good as the nine-year-old Anakin.

In other words, not as good as his natural body of force.

Baguazhang strikes horizontally, usually attacking the side door and stepping on the side line.But if it is necessary to rise up violently, it will be an earth-shattering and sure-kill move.

"Spiral shaking feet" is a sharp shock of the spiral force of the legs.

In Baguamen, it is used with hands, which is also called "grinding palms and smashing monuments".

A master who has practiced this kind of leg power often punches people and pushes out with one palm. No matter how fierce the opponent's punch is, as long as it hits his palm and is twisted and pushed vigorously by him, his wrist joint will be inferred immediately.

The power of the fist.

The main thing is to look at the waist, legs and abdomen, not the arm muscles and joints.

Anakin's palm-grinding "Big Throwing Monument" has enough heat. With one punch, the palm turns into a spiral, just like a heavy stone grinding disc, which is spinning at a high speed, suddenly breaks away from the axis and falls violently. hit out.

As soon as the martial arts training robot was handed over, the steel arm couldn't move immediately, and the gears and connecting devices were deformed due to the huge force.

This manipulator has completely lost its ability to fight.

"Master..." Anakin panted heavily. This blow was very exhausting. After all, he was only nine years old. After all, his force was only working instinctively.

"Strength, agility, skill, Anakin, your talent is beyond my imagination. Perhaps, I should find you a Jedi Knight to teach you the Force."

"Master, can't I learn the power of immortals from you?"

"Everyone's talent is different, the Force is your path. Don't you always wish you could be a Jedi Master?"

"But I want to follow Master all the time..."

"Haha... I did a divination last night for my teacher. It won't be long before a Jedi master will appear on Tatooine. This is your opportunity, little Anakin, you have to seize this opportunity..." B Ogawa touched Anakin's head, and rubbed his blond hair into a bird's nest.

"Enn, master, I will work hard, then I will test the performance of the mecha..."



A Republic spaceship, painted red to signify diplomatic neutrality, cut through the starry night sky and headed towards the barren Tatooine.

Among the various types of space battleships collected by Eva, the trade alliance warships are all fortress-like tubular giants, with a fork at one end, and the outer spherical protective cover covers the bridge, communication center and superlight speed propulsion device.The embrasures and compartments are lined with guns, and the alliance's combat spaceships gather around the battleship like mosquitoes.

The style of the Republic spaceship is much more traditional and backward, with three engines, a flat, square cockpit.

As for the relationship between the Galactic Republic and the Trade Union, it is probably the relationship between the United States and the WTO. However, the Republic has declined, and this is the original point of contradiction.

The Trade Federation is a consortium of commerce and transportation, which effectively controls the freight trade of the entire galaxy.Under the scheming Neimoidians, it gained enough power to have a full say in the Galactic Council, as if it were a member of the Council itself.In order to constrain the Trade Federation and increase funding for the overburdened government, the Galactic Republic passed resolutions to impose taxes on trade routes in the outer galaxies.

The huge conflict of interests will inevitably lead to war.

The Republic spaceship heading towards Tatooine was obviously attacked by space weapons and could no longer fly faster than the speed of light.

Perhaps that's why it was flying towards Tatooine.

This huge spaceship landed not far from the Oto-Ogawa base, and it happened to be overlooking the other side from the highest point.

The wind in the desert was blowing the hem of Otokawa's clothes, and there was a sound of hunting. Anakin stood behind him, and the two of them raised their eyes to look at the Republic spaceship in the distance.

The cabin opened, and the first thing to come out was a man with a burly figure and a majestic lion like a lion.

Otokogawa squinted his eyes. This human had a short beard on his lips and chin, and his long hair was tied behind his head.Tunics, trousers and hooded burqas are roomy and comfortable, with a belt tied at the waist.

Such a face, such a demeanor, is really extraordinary.

At the same time, the majestic human being like a lion also looked towards Xiao Yi, with sharp blue eyes covering a distance of more than ten miles, and the two looked at each other.

What a pair of sharp eyes.

The human led several people down the gangway and onto the land of the planet Tatooine.

The endless desert covers the entire planet like a huge felt, monotonous and desolate, only dotted with rocks and cliffs here and there.

In the distance, the silhouette of Mos Esper can be seen.

Sunshine brings life to this planet, but the scorching sun is like a cruel monarch, viciously trying to destroy all living things.The desert steamed with billowing heat waves, which turned into crystal clear mist under the sunlight.The air was hot and dry, relentlessly sucking the last bits of moisture from people's throats and nostrils.

The members of this team walked towards Mos Espa, forming a strange team that appeared in the distant sky like a mirage, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Original force?" Oto Xiaochuan muttered two words.

"Master, I feel that person is very different. Is he a Jedi Knight? You predicted his arrival..." Anakin's blue eyes had twinkled little stars.

Good worship!
"It should be, maybe you should ask him about the cultivation of the original force..." Oto Xiaochuan spread the copper coins in a straight line on the palm of his hand, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "And he will appear in front of you soon..."


Not long after, Watto's ugly face with a big nose appeared on the holographic image, with a forced smile on his expression.

"Zoro, my god, my lord, I brought you business again, a Jedi knight, just wanted to hypnotize me, but we Toydarians are immune to mind control, I immediately shot The blaster went over, but it didn't hurt him, not even a hair, and then..."

"Say the point!"

"Okay! He wants the T-14 hyperdrive, which I think you should have, and, can you get him to let me go?"

"Bring him here..."

"Alright... Jedi, I'll take you there. If you have the guts, show off in front of Master Zorro and see if he will bomb your spaceship with a railgun..."

After turning off the holographic image, although Anakin was looking forward to meeting the Jedi Knight he had always wanted to see, he found that he was not as excited as he had imagined.

A group of people appeared in the desert again strangely.

Anakin led them into the base.

"Master, I feel a powerful force, a unique force..."

The burly Jedi Knight glanced at his disciple.

A young man in his 20s, his smooth doll face is still a little childish, with a worried expression.

They were dressed roughly the same, but the young man's hair was cropped in the Jedi Padawan style, with a thin braid at the back of his head falling over his right shoulder.

"Obi-Wan, don't worry, this is not the dark force."

Anakin led them forward and asked, "Are you Jedi Knights? My name is Anakin Skywalker..."

"Yes..." The old Jedi did not deny it, and then scanned the mechanical creations with piercing eyes, and said, "It can be seen that your master is a great scholar, or, I should call him Mechanic."

With a proud smile on Anakin's face, he said affirmatively: "My master is the greatest mechanic on Tatooine, there is nothing he can't do."

Along the way, Anakin happily introduced various mechanical creations.

Finally, they walked into the living area divided by the abandoned spaceship.

Otokogawa carefully looked at this Jedi Knight who was coming towards him. A supernatural energy field enveloped him, and elements such as life, justice, benevolence, and light surrounded him.

In searched data and ancient books, the Jedi Knights are defenders of peace, which is their calling and purpose.

They have served the Republic for thousands of years, maintaining stability and order in an ever-changing universe.

This organization was originally a group specializing in theology and philosophy. It has a long history, and the story of its creation has been passed down into mythology.

It was only later that the Jedi Knights gradually realized the importance of "divine power".

They spent years studying it, thinking about its meaning, mastering its laws, and finally developed a set of laws.Moreover, they gave up their isolated and detached life beliefs and lifestyles, and actively fulfilled their social responsibilities.

In the view of the Jedi Knights, to use "divine power", one must first have a deep understanding of it, which cannot be achieved by personal cultivation alone.It is necessary to serve a wider group of people and implement laws to ensure that everyone can get equal and just treatment.

"Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi from Coruscant..."

Looking over like a lion, Otokogawa keenly felt that the space was vibrating under the mysterious force...

(End of this chapter)

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