Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 212 Vampire

Chapter 212 Vampire

The original meaning of mai is a blood vessel, and it is extended to mean something as continuous as a blood vessel.

The dragon's body is mostly taken from snakes, which can be said to be characterized by its length.

Then, literally, the dragon veins are the long and continuous blood vessels of the dragon.

Dragons come from nature, but they do not live in nature. Their value and meaning are mainly expressed through symbols. Therefore, all long and continuous things can be called dragon veins. Conversely, dragon veins can symbolize those long and continuous things. coherent stuff.

Feng Shui Kanyu refers to the continuous mountains as dragon veins.

The Huaxia Dragon Veins originate from the Kunlun Mountains in the northwest, and extend to the southeast with three dragon veins. The North Dragon enters Shanxi from the Yin and Helan Mountains, starts from Taiyuan, and crosses the sea.

Zhonglong enters Guanzhong from Minshan Mountain, and enters the sea from Qinshan Mountain.

Nanlong runs from Yunnan, Guizhou and Hunan to Fujian and Zhejiang into the sea.

Each large dragon vein has dry dragons, branch dragons, real dragons, false dragons, flying dragons, potential dragons, Semperosaurs...

To investigate Feng Shui, we must first figure out the ins and outs, and follow the direction of the dragon veins.

The land of the magic capital is where the head of the dragon king of the Yangtze River is located. It can swallow the water of the vast ocean, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, straight to the sky.

Oto Xiaochuan took a helicopter to watch the sea outside Shanghai for a whole day. Mapping the sea is much more difficult than on land, because except for the sea level, the underwater terrain cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Even with sonar detection, the underwater topography can be detected clearly and accurately, but the measurement by instruments is different from viewing with the naked eye, and ocean currents and other ocean factors must also be considered, so the difficulty rises sharply.

More importantly, there must be an island in the place where spiritual energy gathers, at least an island reef, otherwise how to build a base, directly driving piles from the deep sea to the seabed, this technology exists, but it is not cost-effective.

I drew several circles on the chart, but they were all unsatisfactory.

I can only go back temporarily and search slowly.

From the outer seas of the magic city to the East China Sea, they are all within the scope of Otokawa's consideration.

Don't rush, take your time, and building a base also requires national resources in place.

Helicopters flew back from the sea and shuttled among the high-rise buildings. It was as prosperous as ever. Compared with other countries in the world, this place is a paradise.

Where there is contrast, there is contrast.

Therefore, there are also a large number of foreigners gathered in Shanghai, as well as the increasing number of immigrants and the wealth that comes with the immigrants every day, and among these people, there must be awakened people.

Looking at these high-rise buildings, Xiao Yi was idle and bored, so he took a look at it with the "method of hopefulness". Although the huge magic city is under the control of the dragon group, there are always some loopholes.

If you can, filling the loopholes is just a matter of effort.

The fate of all living beings emerges in the eyes, this feeling is like a god who dominates all living beings.

Xiao Yi looked through the cold winter wind, tilted his neck slightly, stretched out his right hand and began to flick in the void in front of him, as if he was playing a piano.Although you can't touch the thread of fate, this feeling is really beautiful.

"Hey! Xiao Zhou, fly to the left, there is something strange over there, such thick blood... a little conscious!"

The helicopter immediately turned around and flew towards a building with the noise of the propeller.

"Mr. B, is it the Citibank Building?"

"Well, it should be, stop in front of the top floor..."

The helicopter stopped in mid-air at a distance of tens of meters. Through the window glass, you can see that the curtains of the French windows on the top floor have been pulled open. An elegant young Caucasian man is holding a goblet and looking at him with a slight frown. Looking at the red five-pointed star painted on the fuselage of his own helicopter, he frowned even more.

"Mr. B, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with that person? Do you need to inform the Dragon Team?"

"No, I'll take care of it, you let the people from the dragon team finish it..."

With a shake of Xiao Yi's palm, a steel object fell from a high altitude, and he followed suit.

"B...I'll wipe it! This is 200 meters...it will be smashed into meat sauce!"

That elegant white young man drinking red wine also looked puzzled, jumped off the plane and committed suicide?
What are you doing?

Before he could look down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, a black and red steel mecha shot up from the ground.

"MMP, I'm so scared to death... so awesome! Mecha!" Xiao Zhou, who was driving the helicopter, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and didn't immediately call the dragon team, but took out his mobile phone, Kaka Took a few photos.

"Black Storm" suddenly stopped in front of the white young man, stretched out his right hand, and hit the floor-to-ceiling glass wall with his iron fist without hesitation. A bulletproof glass immediately shattered, and a large number of glass shards splashed into it.

This blow was really unexpected. Although the elegant young man holding the goblet swiftly made an evasive movement, he was also cut by the palm-sized tempered glass shards, leaving blood on both arms.

With a scream, this pale young man immediately lost that elegant expression, his face became extremely ferocious, his body changed drastically, the nails on his ten fingers were as sharp as knives, and the fangs in his mouth were clearly visible.

"Heh... what a vampire!"

Oto Xiaochuan strode away, not paying much attention to the young vampire, but looking into the depths of the luxurious room, the rich blood aura he saw before was not something this vampire could do.

The torn tuxedo fluttered suddenly, and the vampire rushed towards the Black Storm mecha close to the ground, like a huge bat flying close to the ground at high speed, full of evil, weirdness, and a bone-chilling chill.

His voice came over coldly: "Oriental, you are too much..."

"Oh, is that too much?"

With a sound of "buzz", a blood-colored lightsaber unfolded in the palm of his hand, and then it was a simple slash at the vampire, without any fancy movements, the simplest, fastest, and deadliest sword slashed across .

Nothing can stop a lightsaber, one sword cuts two.

There is no suspense.

Amidst the shrill screams, the strong life-saving ability of the blood race was most manifested.The corpse that had been split into two pieces suddenly exploded with a "bang", turning into hundreds of black furry bats, about to fly away in all directions.


Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, the vampires still have such skills?
Such a strong life-saving method!

Are you born immune to certain kill skills?

Immediately, he stretched out his left hand towards the flying bats, and there was a slight vibration in his palm. The tractor beam formed a beam of high-density graviton flow, which produced high-intensity gravitational waves and gravitational fields, restraining most of the bats, It attracts.

Grabbing and pulling, those little bats gathered together again, returning to their adult form, and then throwing them, the white young man covered in blood recklessly smashed on the leather sofa.

Sensing the strong blood, Xiao Yi cut open the lead safe with a sword, and inside was a tall metal cup filled with blood.

"Put down the sacred object, or we will be buried with us for a thousand kilometers, Orientals, don't force us to be criminals..."

"Oh, holy things?"

Yi Xiaochuan held this extraordinary sealed item, and said with a sneer, "Do you dare? As long as an ordinary person dies, I will let you know what hell is!"


Covered in blood, the half-dead vampire rolled down from the sofa and said in a hoarse voice, "Ahem, Joe, we confess... Orientals, we have not violated any laws, we are legal citizens, we are asking for humanitarian assistance , the East is a civilized country, I..."

"Don't talk nonsense, throw away the weapon, squat in the corner, and explain where this stolen item came from?"

(End of this chapter)

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