Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 218 Huaxia Gu Art

Chapter 218 Huaxia Gu Art
Most of the wetland was washed by incendiary bombs, and the flames had just been extinguished in the tide. Dozens of helicopters flew over, and powerful searchlights illuminated the entire wetland into daylight.

Wearing gold-rimmed eyes, the very elegant Tai Chi master and the dragon group also arrived.

"Tianluo, what's the situation now? Is he dead?"

Yi Xiaochuan pinched his fingers, and said in a deep voice, "He's not dead. He's hidden in the underground mud with top-notch methods. Be careful, don't let him escape."

"It won't kill you? OK, leave it to us! Old man Long, watch your performance, and let the Yan family from another world experience Huaxia's Gu skills..."

Ai Yang called out to the person who came with him.

In the ancient customs of Miaoxu, wizards and Gu masters are usually called old men when they are alive, which is a kind of respectful title.

"Okay, leave it to me! That guy who chopped off his head at the wrong time, let's see what I can do..."

A shaggy old man came out, and suddenly, a hoarse, deep voice came from his ears, like a fool's dream, but it seemed to have a strange power to steal people's souls.

This is a curse!

The foreign world has mature voodoo biotechnology, and the southwestern region of China also has this aspect of cultivation inheritance. Although both are the way of voodoo, there is a clear difference.

Even, Huaxia's voodoo technique is crueler in some respects, more like evil ways and demon ways.

According to Chinese myths, folklore, and even ancient records, there are often sayings of witch doctors in ancient tribes. With the development of witchcraft and voodoo, in addition to being used to treat diseases, it is also applied to finding people and things, divination, and psychic exorcism, which is particularly magical.

In the ancient and undeveloped virgin forest in the southwest, there are many differences between the inherited cultivation method and the Taoism of the Central Plains.

Such as chasing corpses, such as Gushu!
Just listening to it gives people a sinister feeling.

But power does not distinguish between good and evil, as long as it is used in the right way, it is right.

When mentioning Gu art, the first thing that comes to mind is the Miao people. The Miao people have raw seedlings and mature seedlings. It is said that everyone raises Gu.

But after the spiritual energy recovered, this statement was true.

The medium of Gu art is nourishment, or the five poisons, or babies, and there are also Gu people.There are wizards and Gu masters of the Miao nationality who say that most of them know how to raise Gu. The raising of Gu itself comes from the variety of poisonous insects and beasts in the mountains. They use poison to make poison, one for prevention and the other for detoxification.

Fat Zhang Zhang Lisong in the dormitory is from Miao Village, and he keeps in contact with him from time to time, saying that he is learning the way of witchcraft with his team leader, Brother Tang.

And further south, there is a more vicious head-dropping technique, which is a bit similar to some evil witchcraft. It will refine medicinal oil to cure diseases, and make some head-dropping cards to protect the master.Just as witchcraft is divided into black and white, there are also two ways to lower the head, either to protect the master and cure diseases, or to harm people's lives.

But now, from the strange rhythmic sound coming out of the mouth of the old man of miscellaneous hair, he knew that this person was a Gu master.

And listening to the dialect he spoke, he probably came from the southwest region.

As the Gu curse sounded, a huge centipede swam out from his neck.

Take a closer look, the centipede is more than half a meter long, with black and red luster on the back of the hard shell, a flat head, black bean-like eyes that are black and shiny, revealing spirituality, and two black and green fangs around the lips. It showed a very ferocious meaning.

As soon as the giant centipede appeared, it swam around the miscellaneous old road.

Then, a green snake came out from his sleeve, although it was not big, it was as green as emerald, swallowing snake letters.

Then, a toad jumped between the centipede and the green snake. It was covered in bumps and covered with warts unique to toads. At first glance, it looked a little creepy.

Another palm-sized snow-white scorpion and fiery red gecko crawled out of the trouser leg.

All five poisons!

Centipedes, snakes, toads, scorpions, geckos.

The miscellaneous-haired old man suddenly widened his eyes, and then shouted loudly: "Shoot!"

In an instant, he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist towards the five poisonous insects.

The blood mist fell profusely under the moonlight, it was actually jet black.

And at this moment, Oto Xiaochuan felt that the five poisonous insects were shrouded by a mysterious force, and then he didn't see the five poisonous insects going to kill the enemy, but fought with each other.

This feeling, as if the miscellaneous old Taoist has lost control of the Gu insects.


The miscellaneous-haired old man clenched his fists, and let out a beast-like roar from his throat. A black mist came out of his body, and then boiled instantly, and the air seemed to be damp and gave off a cold breath.

The "hiss sizzling sizzling" who started to shake his head made a strange sound, like a madman.

This chanting sounds meaningless, the length changes constantly, without any rules at all, but it gives people a creepy sense of rhythm.

In an instant, countless poisonous insects and reptiles were attracted to the wetland washed by incendiary bombs.

Even most of them are species that have never been seen on earth.

Obviously, when the incendiary bombs washed the ground just now, many of these bugs got into the deep swamp and escaped unharmed.

As the miscellaneous old man continued to sing, the attracted insects became a mess, and even joined in the cannibalism, which was extremely tragic, and corpses were floating all over the place after a while, and the losers had no time to be swallowed by the winners abdomen.

And the five poisonous insects that the old Taoist used as the main Gu were fighting with each other. The gecko and the scorpion had already died tragically on the spot, being swallowed by the centipede and the green snake.

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the translucent bug wriggling in his palm, was attracted by the sound, and had the tendency to join the fight, so he couldn't help saying to Ai Yang: "He can't be making a voodoo! Use a special spell to seduce That Gu Master came out? Is this useful?"

"Old man Long can be ranked within the hands of those who practice Gu in the Southwest. These special five poisonous insects have been raised by him for a long time, and he was going to create Gu recently. Doesn't it... I heard you said that there is a different world. The Gu master here is controlled here, so I am going to try it... Maybe I can attract one or two Gu worms from different worlds, give his baby extra food, maybe I can get some special abilities."

"Oh... it seems that there is a little reaction!"

Xiao B pointed to the swamp, where a mud-like creature was wriggling and devouring among the many corpses, and wanted to join the battle.

With that appearance, one can tell that it is not an earth creature.

At this time, the toad, which was swollen to the size of its head and covered with wounds, shot out a tongue like lightning, rolled up the mud-like creature, and swallowed it into its mouth.

In an instant, a khaki light flashed across Toad's body.

There was a loud "croak".

Seeing this scene, the old Taoist chanted harder and harder, and even bit the tip of his tongue again, spewing out a few mouthfuls of blood.

If this scene is seen in the dark night when no one is around, it will definitely be regarded as a crooked evil spirit.


In the depths of the swamp, a person sat cross-legged in a special small space.

Here, he had already planted a Sagittarius King Gu.

This Gu is a kind of Gu house, it is comparable to a tent or a house, the space inside is small, but it is enough for one person to practice alone.The most important thing is that the Sagittarius King Gu has a deep defense, which can resist external attacks and block breath.

When Xiao Yi arrived, the whole Thicket Fungus King Gu formed a ball and went deep into the ground for a few feet. With the auxiliary effects of Breathing Breath Gu, Shadowless Gu, and Mud Gu, it formed a ball in the swamp with a radius of tens of miles. If you want to find him, you have to dig three feet into the ground.

After the leaf fall Gu turned into ashes, the Gu master was frightened and decided not to fight head-on.

Moreover, he still has a lot of means.

But I didn't expect Yi Xiaochuan to be so decisive, and directly incendiary bombed the ground, breaking all the backhands on the surface.

The inner wall of the ground cyst fungus king Gu is soft and thick, like a carpet.

The Gu master from another world sat cross-legged, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face.

He put his mind into all the Gu insects he controlled, mobilized his true energy, and tried his best to control these Gu insects, preventing them from being affected by the singing.

Natal Gu, the seasoned incantations naturally cannot affect it.

But there is only one natal Gu for a Gu master!

Moreover, he carried too many Gu worms, which turned out to be a big trouble now. The mud Gu and several Gu worms that relied on the incarnation of mud have been hooked away...

(End of this chapter)

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