Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 220 The Desperate Blood Race

Chapter 220 The Desperate Blood Race

The headquarters transported over by air several extraordinary materials, including the pituitary glands of extraordinary creatures needed for the "Beast" sequence.

The potion promised to Fei Bin will be refined tonight.

A "monkey".

After successfully advancing, you can throw it into the No. 13 ecosphere to practice like a black girl.

Beasts naturally need to be in a primitive place to grow.

Of course, it was just a matter of passing by to manage the indigenous lizardmen digging the spirit stone mine.

As he was about to leave, he heard a desperate cry from the interrogation room next door: "You can't do this...you can't deport me. I'm a refugee. According to the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, you can't deport me. The secret party and the demon party in the blood clan are persecuting me, I will be killed, I ask for asylum..."

Then came the sound of "clinking" of the shackles.

Immediately, the sound of pounding the table sounded, and a somewhat tired female voice said: "Okay! Since you said the convention, then we will follow the rules. You have been deported to a third country. Let me take a look. Oh, Indonesia is willing to accept you... ..."

"Indonesia? No... I don't want to go to Southeast Asia, it's already hell, you are murdering, murdering a gentleman, murdering a PhD in economics, murdering the vice president of Citibank Asia Pacific..."

"You are a vampire! We cannot shelter you..."

The vampire was so desperate that he cried: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"But you're a vampire!"

"Can you forget that I am a blood race..."

"You are a vampire! Well, at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, you will take a freighter to Southeast Asia..."

"I'll fly back."

"Hmph, illegal immigration, we have the right to kill you, you can do it yourself! Take him to the port..."

Immediately, the miserable young vampire was carried out by two big men, and the weak ones could only be dragged away.

The moment he saw Yi Xiaochuan, the vampire burst out with the last bit of strength, and he broke free from the restraints, crawled to Xiao Yi's feet, and hugged his thigh.

"Sir, my accomplice stole your sacred artifact bracelet, I will be a tainted witness..."

"Oh, rotten bracelet?"

Xiao Yi took a good look at the desperate vampire and said, "Doctor of economics?"

"Well, double doctorate in economics and law, graduated from MIT."

"Oh, cow beer! How about the resilience of vampires? Apart from resisting the damage of a one-hit kill, there are also those skills. Are you patient?"

"Durability, endurance, as long as the blood is sufficient, the heart and head are not damaged, the recovery power of the vampire is the strongest in the same level, I am a bloodthirsty bat of Sequence 8, you have seen the recovery power, it is absolutely durable ...you can do whatever you want!"

The handsome little face was pale, but compared with fate, a little humiliation is nothing, chrysanthemum or something, just bear it and pass it.

It's better to die than live!

There are not no people who can face death calmly, but they are definitely rare.

There are quite a few awakeners in the headquarters of the Demon City, and they are all carefully selected members of the dragon group. Although their hearing is not as sharp as Xiao Yi, it is still much stronger than ordinary people.

Immediately, many people quietly opened the door, and some hurried footsteps also slowed down.

"what a pity!"

Several little girls with short hair cut to the ears let out a long sigh.

"I didn't expect Yi Tianluo to be this kind of person..."

"Alas, biomedical research has shown that the sexual orientation of homosexuals is determined by homosexual genes, which cannot be changed by the day after tomorrow. It is not a choice, nor can it be controlled by oneself. Homosexuality cannot be corrected, and sexual orientation cannot be changed."

This is a female academic bully, and she speaks clearly.

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth twitched. What I meant by "resistance to fuck" wasn't "fuck", okay?
What's going on in the little girl's mind right now?

"Want to live?" Oto Xiaochuan pulled his foot out of his hand.

The vampire nodded quickly, and replied, "Yes!"

"Come with me!"

"Don't you want to register? Just leave like this?" The vampire still understands Huaxia's rules very well.

"No, I'm going to do a small experiment, and I need a very durable life form. I think you should be suitable."

"Is it not dangerous?"

"Aren't you very patient?"

Xiao Yi looked around and shouted: "What's going on in your head? Fuck you? Beware of vampire invasion recently, stay vigilant! The little loaches of the dragon group..."


First, Fei Bin's "Beast" potion was prepared.

A near-miss successful awakening!
The Beast Sequence improves the body's balance, agility, and strength.

However, Fei Bin was a little different. He got the "Monkey King" tattoo first, and was tortured by monkeys for several months, so this awakening was quite problematic.

Generally speaking, it was very successful. Except for the thicker hair, there was no problem. Even because of the perennial parkour and several months of integration, it immediately felt a bit like Tarzan.

"Boss, I won't become a monkey in the future, right?" Fei Bin, who stretched his muscles and bones and felt comfortable all over, asked while holding a mirror.

"It's good to be alive, don't you think so! Cain's brother..."

Oto Xiaochuan looked at the vampire with burning eyes, grinning, showing his white teeth.

Abbe Knightrod, the vampire who didn't get the right name suddenly became a little scared, and the hand holding the blood bag trembled involuntarily, and kept nodding: "Yes, there is an old saying in China, it is good to die. It's better to be alive, in this troubled world, it's good to be alive."

"Well, I have recovered well, and I will have an experiment recently that requires your cooperation."

"Can I ask, what kind of experiment is it? I want to know..."

"In a small experiment, the alloreactive T cells in the transplant recognized the host's allotype tissue antigen and induced rejection against the recipient. Don't worry, there is no major problem."

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth smiled as always, and then went to study with the "Death Note".

Abel let out an "oh", feeling his head was a little messed up. Before going to bed, he took out his mobile phone and looked it up. His memory is still very good. Although the noun is very long, he can find out this word by memorizing a few key words. What exactly is the experiment.

Then, it was a sleepless night.

The long name of the experiment, in summary, is called rejection, and the professional abbreviation in medicine is called graft-versus-host reaction.

This rejection is divided into acute and chronic two categories, acute rejection, chronic rejection.

Currently in medicine, almost all organ transplants can be rejected.

Due to the widespread use of immunosuppressants, acute rejection has been basically controlled.Due to scientific and technological reasons, chronic rejection cannot be controlled and treated.

But no matter what kind of rejection (acute or chronic), failure to control it in time can lead to death of the patient.

Turning over on the bed, Abel, who has a double doctorate in economics and law and is also a top student, murmured, "What kind of experiment needs the cooperation of a vampire? Ordinary people can't do it? It's hard to transplant something from another world to me." ??"

Thinking of the rejection reaction of my body, bit by bit inflammation, decay, and maggots, I can't help feeling a little creepy.

Shaking his head, he drove away his wild thoughts, and said in a low voice: "Professor B is engaged in mathematics, it should be just a small experiment, living...it's really not easy! God... oh no... Cain, shelter Your descendants..."

(End of this chapter)

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