223 Ghost Ship

Because of loneliness, Cain created his offspring, which is the second generation of vampires.

The second generation of vampires has thirteen offspring.

These thirteen vampires are called the third generation of vampires.

The third generation of vampires are the survivors of Noah's great flood. They established thirteen different vampire clans and rebelled to destroy their parents - the second generation of vampires.

The ability of the third generation of vampires increased with age, claiming to have power comparable to gods, and they became the main leaders of the following generations of vampires.

This is the information in Abel's inherited memory.

In the chaotic ancient times, when the parties were united and the dissidents were defeated, seven weaker vampire clans began to form alliances with each other and formed the Secret Party Alliance.

The Secret Party Alliance established six commandments for vampires, requiring the vampires in the alliance to abide by them forever, which later became the Six Commandments of Blood Race.

The Devil Party, also known as the Devil Banquet Alliance, is composed of two powerful blood clans.

That is, the Le Senbai and Jimiji tribes!
On the ship sailing on the high seas, Otokawa looked through the history of the blood clan sorted out by Abel.

To sum up, the secret party is lawful evil, and the devil party is chaotic evil.

As for how to lure the Sabbat Alliance to come, the Huaxia Dragon Group has notified the US government to repatriate the vampire Abnett Rhodes, and strongly condemned the inaction of the US government. In order not to cause conflict between the two countries and the two races, return The Holy Blood Cup.

As for why not fly over?
Isn't it the same when the Pacific Fleet comes to pick them up?

And more secure.

And according to what Abel said, the Sabbat Alliance has infiltrated into the federal government of the United States, and this information cannot be concealed.

Will definitely come.

The meaning of the thirteen holy artifacts of the blood clan is beyond the imagination of onlookers, whether the blood cup is used with the corpse hand to summon the blood of Cain, or the power of the blood cup itself.

For any blood race, it is a great temptation.

[Master, there is fog on the sea, the red warning of heavy fog, the radar capability is rapidly diminishing, and the voltage is abnormal... Zizi... The backup spirit stone energy is activated! 】

"Well, the fog of the underworld?"

Oto Xiaochuan put away the materials in his hands, turned around and looked behind him, there were rows of neat humanoid creations, if you look closely, these humanoid creations have a metallic texture and an anti-joint shape.

Robotics, it's not difficult. On the planet of Force, Anakin could piece together one from discarded devices at the age of 9.

The hard part is artificial intelligence and energy systems.

At least two kinds of energy supply are needed. For example, in the fog of the underworld, electric energy will lose its effect, which requires Lingshi technology.

The rows of robots behind them are named Wall-E Generation (Land Combat Type)!

Wall-E Generation (Land Combat Type)
Basic parameters
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 157 kg
Energy support system: high-density lithium battery, crystal energy

Standby time: 60 days

Sustainable combat time: 1280 minutes (regular combat)
Sustainable fighting time: 270 minutes (fierce fighting)
Maximum running speed (land combat type): 65 km/h.

Explosive jumping distance: 13.4 meters (with run-up)
Explosive jumping distance: 7.2 meters (without run-up)
Armor: Chromium-cobalt alloy steel exoskeleton

Protection ability: electromagnetic shield (not equipped)

Weapon: Gauss Rifle (equipped, electromagnetic acceleration track, ammunition 8mm "nail bomb")
Weapon: Magnetic Chainsword (Equipped)

Weapon: Blaster (unequipped)

Equipped accessories:
Simple Thermal Imager
satellite positioning navigation system
Combat program loaded:
Mastery of hand-to-hand combat

Light Weapons Mastery
"Execute Battle Plan No. [-]!"

After Yi Xiaochuan finished speaking, the eyeballs of Wali Yiyi lit up, and he walked out of the cabin in an orderly manner, followed by Xiao Yi also walked on the deck.

The huge ship didn't feel too swaying under the huge waves of the Pacific Ocean, but the sea surface that should have been decorated with thousands of stars suddenly became foggy.

It is a very common thing to have fog on the sea, but this fog is strange and mysterious, and it immediately covers the sea area with a radius of several miles.

There is a saying that fate is determined by knowledge. Anyone who has been shrouded in such a fog before will know that this fog is almost exactly the same as the fog in the underworld!
Under such a dense fog, the rules of the Yang world have been quietly changed.

The most direct manifestation is the failure of electronic equipment and the coma of ordinary people.

[Master, I found a mysterious ship, the target structure is similar to a three-masted sailing ship, and it is suspected to be a ghost ship! 】

Without Eva's guidance, Xiao Yi has already discovered the abnormality.

Looking down, a shadow appeared in the thick fog on the sea.

Sea ships are not comparable to ghost ships hundreds of years ago.

Comparing the two, the mast of the ghost ship can only reach the side of the big ship.If there is no dense fog, such a small boat can be torn to pieces with a single shell.

Xiao Yi sneered and retreated into the cabin.

In fact, he and Abel were the only two people on the big ship, and the navigation of the ship was controlled by Eva.

After all, it is an extraordinary battle with uncertain combat power. Nearly a hundred robots are enough. If it is not enough, it is easy to retreat strategically.

There is really no need for a low-sequence evolutionary to participate in such a battle. Little Yi can't even look down on Sequence 8's combat power now.

I still don't feel bad about using robots as consumables.

"Abel, it seems that the devil party is coming! A ghost ship, summoning the fog of the underworld..."

Abel looked at the rough sea through the porthole with deep eyes, and said, "It's the Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that the Devil Party has a deal with the resurrected Blackbeard on the sea. Be careful, there are skeleton soldiers and black magic on that ghost ship." The voodoo rotting corpse that was made. Blackbeard, who is proficient in voodoo black magic..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gray mist on the sea outside the porthole was hazy, and gradually a dilapidated three-masted sailing ship appeared, but the shape of this sailing ship already had the streamlined shape of a yacht. , The mast doesn't look high, the sails are very tattered, the crew on the ship looks a little dull, gloomy in the mist, it seems that even the thinking has been frozen.

"If my perception is correct, the owner of this ship is definitely a Sequence 7 existence. Abel, you should change your name. This name is not suitable for vampires and will bring you a bad fate."

Otokawa has already put on the "Black Storm", at least two Sequence 7s, so it's not like he can't fight.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that Blackbeard would also be involved. If I can escape from death today, I will definitely give myself an oriental name."

"Hey, if it wasn't for the hexagrams that led to the super-level spirit stone, I really don't want to! Eva, tear it apart..."

(End of this chapter)

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