Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 250 Fatty Zhang is in the Magic City

Chapter 250 Fatty Zhang is in the Magic City
Back in Yangjian, looking at the time, seven days have passed.

In the physical body, glucose has been hooked up, and there are various instruments for measuring the state of the body.

Feeling a little weak, after all, the time spent in the underworld is a bit long.

The balance between yin and yang is broken, which will naturally produce many negative effects.

If it hadn't been awakened, ordinary people would definitely only have half their lives left now, and they would surely be sick for the rest of their lives in the future.

[Master, the super-level spirit stones collected by Zhang Tianshi have arrived, they are wood attribute, fire attribute, water attribute, and the super-level spirit stones of yang attribute are temporarily missing! 】

"Oh, bring it here!"

Although my head is a little dizzy, it doesn't affect it.

Immediately start absorbing.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth correspond to the five internal organs.

The liver belongs to wood among the five elements, and the five sense organs belong to the eyes.

The super-order spirit stone of wood attribute is shaped like a green leaf.

There is a fresh smell of green grass, and after absorption, I feel extra comfortable.

The awakening of the liver god is intuitively manifested in him, that is, his own anti-drug ability has been improved, and his eyesight has been greatly strengthened, and the field of vision has more than doubled.

For Xiao Yi, who has extremely keen five senses, his eyesight has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Among the five elements, the kidney belongs to water, the five bodies belong to bones, the five flowers belong to hair, the five wills belong to fear, the five liquids belong to saliva, the five tastes belong to salty, and the five sense organs belong to ears.

The water drop-like ultra-grade spirit stone entered the body, and after the kidney god awakened, the hearing suddenly soared by two or three times.

As for the heart corresponding to the fire attribute...

After the last fire attribute aura was absorbed, the sound of "Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom" suddenly sounded in Otokawa's sea of ​​consciousness. The sound was from far to near, from small to loud!It exploded like a thunder, as if the entire sea of ​​consciousness was shaking, as if the entire world of the sea of ​​consciousness was being tested by this sound.

Amidst the flashing red light, the "heart" finally emerged slowly.

The heart is located on the left side of the chest cavity, above the diaphragm and below the lungs. It is round and pointed at the bottom, shaped like a lotus stamen. Outside, there are pericardium guarding the heart, the small intestine, the veins, the face and the tongue, etc. to form the heart system. The yang viscera, which governs the blood vessels and stores the mind, is the master of the five viscera and the six fu organs, the master of life, and the heart communicates with the four seasons of summer.

As soon as the power of the heart is awakened, the corresponding tongue is immediately strengthened, and the sense of taste is also extraordinarily sensitive.

Some tomb robbers can tell if there is an ancient tomb by tasting the soil dug out of the ground, and some chefs can push back the recipe by tasting the ingredients.

At this time, Xiao Yi's sense of taste is several times more sensitive than that of ordinary people. If others want to poison him, it is almost impossible from this moment on.

As the five internal organs were purified by the power of the super-level aura, and after shedding the mortal body, Xiao Yi couldn't help but let out a long laugh, shaking in the air like a dragon's chant!

What's even more frightening is that after the five internal organs have been evolved once, they immediately regenerate in an endless stream, playing another role!
That is to remove the chaff and save the chaff, and start the overall detoxification.

The health of internal organs determines a person's physical condition. Otokawa's current physical condition is called foundation building in immortal cultivation.

And the foundation has already been established.

The so-called foundation building, as the name suggests, means laying the foundation.We all know that the key to building a high-rise building on the ground is to lay a good foundation. Only when the foundation is laid can the building be built. If the foundation is not solid, even if the building is built, it will collapse.

Every Taoist cultivator needs to go through foundation building in order to lay a good foundation for the future path of cultivation.

The foundation building of the physical body has been completed, and the last threshold is left, which is the last ultra-level spirit stone of yang attribute. As long as there is an extremely yang energy to balance the yin and yang in the body, one can step into the realm of Sequence 7 in one fell swoop.

Do I continue to wait, or use high-level spirit stones to become a "Taoist priest" immediately?
Xiao Yi felt that he should wait a while, and he had waited until now, so he was not in a hurry.

The improvement of the realm will inevitably make the strength skyrocket.But strength is not just about realm.

"Eva, has anything happened on Earth lately?"

[Master, demons and abyssal species are suspected to have appeared in the primeval forests of South America, and the abyssal plane passage has not been found yet... The blood of the European Olympus gods has been greatly awakened, and the blood of Odin in Northern Europe has appeared... The Holy Knight of Christ is based in the Vatican , and began to eliminate the evil spirits in the European continent... The United States seems to have obtained the relics of the last era, and obtained a number of biochemical technologies...]

After listening to the big and small things, it was as chaotic as ever.

But there is also a lot of good news. For example, the country has begun a large-scale counterattack against Southeast Asia. The use of Gauss weapons, exoskeleton armor, and electromagnetic shields has ensured that ordinary people can also unleash powerful combat power.

The magic organization that the witchcraft invaded the earth retreated steadily.

Moreover, a preliminary negotiation was held with the revolutionary army in the southern border of the voodoo world. A group of voodoo masters came to the magic city with Xiong Fei as the main force to hold the first exchange meeting between planes.

The Huaxia government highly affirmed their actions. The two sides exchanged information on the previous cooperation situation, connected on the direction of the next cooperation, and reached a preliminary consensus.Said that it will further increase investment in combating witchcraft and magic organizations, promote friendly exchanges between the two planes, and make more contributions to the development of the planes.

【Master, your roommate Zhang Lisong called once three days ago, and now he is still in Shanghai!In the hope Gu enlightenment brought by the witchcraft civilization, he identified that he did not have the talent of a Gu master, and the enlightenment was unsuccessful...]

"En! Fatty has come to the magic capital? Call him..." As for whether he has succeeded in opening his mind, it only means that he does not have the talent of a Gu master, and it is not that he cannot become an awakened one. Yi Xiaochuan said that he has enough energy points now, let's test it That's it!

"Beep beep..."

"Hey, little brother B, you are finally back! If you don't come back, I'm going to go... Where are you? Have a drink with me! Don't say, you are now well-developed, so you look down on brother!"

The voice is a little tired, as if a little lost, a little pitiful.

Xiao Yi smiled as he walked, "Don't leave on the Bund, I'll be there in 5 minutes..."

"Well, how do you know I'm on the Bund?"


"Black Storm" arrived directly and landed on the roof of a building.

At the nearby restaurant, Lao Jiang Qingmei cooked two jars of Shaoxing rice wine.

The fat man has gone through a lot of vicissitudes and lost weight. He has dark circles under his eyes. It seems that he is having a bad time in Shanghai these days.

No need for persuasion or anything, just start drinking.

Drunk, thrown into the hotel, collected some blood.

Before dawn, after the system was deciphered, Xiao Yi was slightly startled...

It turned out to be the sequence of "Witch"!

The ingredients for the potion are not difficult, but there seems to be a problem with this sequence. As the strength grows, it will develop in an inhuman direction...

Send the fat man back to Xiangxi the next day, and send the potion formulas of the Sequence 9 ancient pharmacist and the Sequence 8 mutant to his mailbox. How to choose is up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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