Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 253 Taoist Temple

Chapter 253 Taoist Temple
The sky is blue, the lake is blue, the clouds are white, and the snow on the mountains is white.

The ancients said that this place of peace of mind is my hometown, and the whole Kunlun is a place of peace of mind.

Oto Xiaochuan walked in the Daxue Mountains for many days, without purpose or direction, walking, watching, listening, and feeling by instinct...

The Tao follows nature, which is simple to say, but it has no clue in doing it.

Even if Xiaoyi's brain is already developed at LV4, it still doesn't have substantial help for this kind of talent that depends entirely on understanding.

It is impossible to increase your strength by traveling around famous mountains and great rivers.

The wind was biting, and the mountains were blocked by heavy snow.

Feng Xu Yufeng, although it is not a real flight, but it is also a way of light body, can jump mountains and rivers.

Suddenly, Xiao B stopped.

In a valley, colors other than white appeared.

With such heavy snow and such a high altitude, there are actually buildings exposed to the heavy snow.

In this case, being able to see the building naturally surprised him, and it was more exciting than encountering the awakened beast, so he quickly glided over.

This turned out to be a Taoist temple, not magnificent, without pearls and jade embellishments, it was completely made of ordinary stones, unpretentious, but it gave people the feeling of boundless avenues.

This stone Taoist temple is not simple.

This was Xiao B's first reaction.

I don't know how many years have passed, but Shi Leicheng's Taoist temple has not collapsed, but is still standing upright.

"How can there be such a stone Taoist temple deep in Kunlun?"

Xiao Yi took a step, instead of going in directly, but walked around several times, seeing nothing unusual, then walked into the ancient temple without a door, looked around, his expression suddenly froze.

The stone temple has obviously been abandoned for a long time. There is a stone man in the middle, knotted in a bun and wearing a Taoist robe. The two-week wooden building has turned into nothing.

This is not surprising, Xiao Yi was surprised by the writing on the wall, a strange font, a bit like the pre-Qin seal script, but different.

"Let me see what was written..."

With great excitement, Xiao Yi watched these ancient texts carefully and asked the system to translate them.

Pre-Qin refers to the historical era before the Qin Dynasty in China, starting from the time when human beings were born in ancient times, and ending when Qin Shihuang destroyed the six kingdoms in [-] BC.

Inside the Taoist temple, on the mottled ancient walls, there are lines of big seal characters engraved, which are powerful and majestic, with dense and dense air circulation, and a dignified form.

Xiao Yi concentrated on his expression and carefully identified five ancient characters. There are 360 ​​ancient characters here. His brushwork is strong, his body is thin and tendon-like, and he seems to have life.

The system appraisal is over, this is not Taoism, nor scriptures, but an insight.

The general meaning is "viewing Kunlun Mountain has a feeling"!
Slightly disappointed.

It turned out to be just an afterthought.

As night fell, it was icy cold, and ordinary people would be frozen to death.

Yi Xiaochuan looked up at the starry sky, maybe I don’t know how many years ago, the same person walked Kunlun Mountain, came here at the same night, and wrote down this feeling.

I should also leave something behind.

Otokawa is here for a visit?
It's also tasteless!

"Keep the cleansing mantra and leave it to those who are destined!"

Using your finger to write, I began to write: "I wash my body with the sun, refine my shape with the moon, lift up the fairy, and accompany the jade girl..."


It was okay at the beginning, the words were clear, but after a while, the stone wall fell like dust and fell away from the next large area.

Is it too old, or something else?
Yi Xiaochuan's heart moved, and he swiped lightly with his fingers, and the stone chips flew away. This piece of stone carving completely disappeared, and a thick layer fell down.

With a soft bang, a dull metal box was revealed from the decayed stone wall, dull and ordinary.

"Dig out the baby?"

Yi Xiaochuan looked around, all six senses were fully activated, there was nothing but the sound of the wind, and he didn't feel any dangerous murderous aura.

Quickly cut open the wall, and took out the metal box. It was in the shape of a long strip, made of bronze, more than three feet long, one hand wide, tightly fitted, and tightly sealed.

The bronze metal box was heavy, and there was a hint of coolness spreading out, and there was a kind of spiritual energy contained in it, sealing the contents of the box.

Yi Xiaochuan instantly understood that the wall was originally sealed, but due to the age, the divine power leaked and a lot of stone chips fell off, which exposed the bronze metal box.

At this time, the chest trembled slightly, and the little princess Tushan woke up.

"I sensed something very familiar..." Jiu'er's voice was as pleasant as ever, like a silver bell.

"It was found in this Taoist temple, do you know what is inside?"

"I don't know, it just feels very familiar. It seems to be something from the third era. Open it and have a look..."

"I just tried it, it seems to be sealed."

"Use vitality..."

I saw light beating between Oto Xiaochuan's fingers, knocking on the long metal box continuously. After a long time, the bronze box cover was lifted, and there was no precious light blooming, no auspicious color lingering, or even A little spiritual fluctuation.

Inside the metal box, there is a piece of wood, which is simple to say the least, but a piece of rotten wood at worst.

"It's... Jianmu!" Tu Shanjiu'er said with certainty on the chest area.

Jianmu is a kind of sacred tree worshiped by ancient ancestors.

Legend has it that Jianmu is a bridge between heaven, earth, man and god.

Fuxi, Huangdi and other emperors traveled to and from the heaven and earth through this sacred tree.

On the bronze sacred tree unearthed in Sanxingdui, Guanghan, there are branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, birds, animals, hanging dragons, divine bells, etc. The prototype of this sacred tree is Jianmu.

Oto Xiaochuan asked practically: "What effect?"

Take out the wood, there is nothing miraculous about it, and even throw it on the ground, you will definitely think it is a piece of rotten wood.

"Jianmu has no other function. It has only one ability, which is to communicate between the two worlds. It is the main material for building the fairy gate of the two worlds."

"En?" Otokawa's hand holding the piece of wood froze, and asked, "You mean, there is a world behind this piece of wood? Is this a gate of time and space that can pass through? But it's not a gate!"

"Who says a door has to be a door?"

"Isn't the door in the shape of a door? It's me..." Xiao Yi was gearing up and said, "Since it's something from the third era, does it mean that the world behind Jianmu is a world of immortality? I This Taoist sequence has to be played and digested, it seems a bit difficult on earth!"

"I don't know! Why don't you try it!"

A pure white furry fox tail protruded from the chest, touched the rotten wood, and in an instant, Xiao Yi felt a huge suction force emerge from the Jianmu in his hand.


In the stone Taoist temple, Yi Xiaochuan and the piece of rotten wood disappeared, only the copper and iron box fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Outside the stone Taoist temple, the wind became more and more shrill.

I don't know when, a stone man sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Taoist temple seems to have opened his eyes...

He stared at Feng Xue indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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