Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 277 Beauty and the Beast, the Prelude to the Great War

Chapter 277 Beauty and the Beast, the Prelude to the Great War

Facing the bloody countess, who is charming, elegant, angel, and witch, with all kinds of faces integrated into one, Jabba the Hutt, the "son of the blood god", wriggled out of the darkness.

The big reptile in front of him was as ugly as ever!
In stark contrast to the celestial Countess.

Beauty, Beast, very distinct.

However, the current "Jabba" is no longer a big slug covered in mud. Even though his appearance has changed drastically from before, he is still ugly!
The wide, toothless mouth grinned grinningly on the monotonous face, and there was an extremely cruel meaning contained in it. From the huge head, two orange reptile eyes greedily watched the bloody countess in the sky.

There is an urge to rub and abuse.

With a sudden force from the huge tail, the muscles instantly twitched, and then it slapped the ground, making a loud noise, and the gravel flew, and then "Jabba" was seen shooting towards the countess like a cannonball .

In Otokawa's view, he was really impatient.

With a "buzz", a lightsaber appeared on his short left hand, blood red.

Then, there was another "snapping" sound in the night sky, and a dark red snake's head whip was pulled out, and it was thrown towards the countess like a poisonous snake.

At the same time, the muddy "Jabba" has now turned into a Hulk. Compared with the target countess, she is Beauty and the Beast!

"Excellent, isn't it?"

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the sky, feeling eager to watch blockbuster movies, and couldn't help but take another sip of the water in the thermos. The bitterness of the thousand-year-old ginseng and the elixir wolfberry bloomed on the tip of his tongue, and gradually appeared A little bit of repentance.

There is a lightsaber for close combat, and a snake head whip for long-distance combat.

Plus that crazy, bloodthirsty, violent state.

When the "Blood God Son" started fighting, he took his own life lightly.

Madness is terrible.

Not everyone has the ruthlessness to tear a piece of flesh from your body even if you die.

"Where did the lunatic come from..."

The Bloody Countess looked as if she had been bitten by a dog.

This scene was really not what was expected in the plan!

Simon Peter's table knife and lightsaber stiffened twice, and the countess became more and more cautious.

The viscount's resilience and the ability to transform into a bat are indeed not afraid of simple sword slashing, but that is the bottom of the box. Even if he really reaches the earl's realm, he will not be able to achieve true immortality.

You came and I fought for several rounds.

Otokawa watched coldly, and had no intention of intervening.

They are all the strength of Pseudo-Sequence 5, so why bother.

Just after Otokogawa withdrew his eyes from the dark sea, he saw the body and arms of the bloody countess stabbing out in a twisted way that is absolutely impossible for humans, and the silver knife pierced into it like a broken bamboo. When it reached the top of "Jabba"'s chest, a touch without a trace of fireworks was done.

The wound was as fine as a hair and could be ignored.

However, the whole body of the blood god child who was recruited was stiff, and the rough skin immediately showed a clear dead white.

It condensed into a block of inorganic matter like concrete.

"Jabba" let out a howl of a wounded beast from his throat, and the snake-headed whip in his hand instantly tore the countess's back, and bloodstains immediately appeared on the white jade body, and the snake-headed whip's edge The sharp barb cut through her skin, and traces of blood flowed down her back, which was quickly absorbed by the snake's head whip.

Smelling the smell of fresh blood, with a roar, "Jabba"'s body shook, and the surface of his body that had been frozen and petrified was shattered, revealing the bloody wound inside. The wound was the size of a washbasin. !
At this time, I don't know whether it was the severe pain, the stimulation of the countess's tempting blood taste, or the combination of the two. All magnified.

And the blood vessels on his forehead swelled with excitement, looking like twisted and spiraling water pipes.

At this moment, the rich blood energy on the Countess's body was slightly controlled by the "Blood God Son", and there was a tendency to bind herself, turning into blood-colored ropes, which were knotted continuously, forming a tortoise-shell bondage.

In the moment of being restrained, the countess's delicate, graceful, and charming body was split in half by the lightsaber!
There is no such thing as pity for the fragrance and pity for the jade, for the Son of Blood.

What he longs for is blood...

"Blood... blood... blood..."

Each is louder than the last, and crazier than the last!
This blow was a one-shot break, but for a vampire in the viscount realm, it was not a fatal injury, at most it was a conventional attack.In this blow, the powerful life-saving ability of the blood race was fully demonstrated. The corpse that had been cut into two pieces by the lightsaber exploded suddenly, and turned into hundreds of blood-colored bats, about to move towards Flying away in all directions.

And at the same time, the communion knife of Simon Peter slashed across the chest of "Jabba" again.

But at this time, "Jabba" was already taking a deep breath, the blood-red force was spreading, and a huge black hole seemed to be formed in his mouth, and then he saw bright red blood overflowing from the blood-colored bat, and all of them sank into it. In his huge black hole-like mouth.

And his body was unusually burly and strong, after a short swallow, it looked like a cube from a distance, and it was still expanding rapidly.



The Bloody Countess recovered from a place far away from the Blood God Son, still wearing a long flowing dress, her long black hair fluttering in the air, her two beautiful jewel-like eyes stared with a breathtaking light, the fiery red dress was like a flowing Like a raging flame, she enveloped her slender body like white jade.

But at this moment, anger and violence had filled her heart, turning into raging anger.

"You are still waiting..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the Son of Blood came to kill him again, without giving him a chance to breathe.

At this time, a ghost ship appeared in the night on the sea surface. At first glance, the hull seemed to be made of white bones, and the countless cables, like countless black tentacles, danced in the sky.In addition to the black and white, there is only a small stained glass window painted with nightmarish colors, outlining an undead in flames, a symbol of evil.

Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge appears off Penglai Island.

Immediately afterwards, another ghost ship appeared in another direction. On the deck stood a tall and burly Scottish man, about 40 years old, with a red face, a smooth beard, and a crab-like tattoo on his thick and exposed right arm.

Just like some Hong Kong gangsters holding a golden birdcage to pretend to be masculine, this big man is holding a transparent pocket glass fish tank in his left hand. Inside the fish tank is a small off-white octopus. Excitedly waving tentacles in the water...

And the darkness is still surging!
(End of this chapter)

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