Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 286 So It Was Silicon-Based Life

Chapter 286 So It Was Silicon-Based Life

"Gravity field... bondage... see how you escape..."

Yi Xiaochuan immediately turned into a master of gravity, the fine gravitational aperture restrained the stone man, and released a lifeless second-generation anti-gravity combat robot from the imaginary space.

First of all, there is the thing named "Mechanical Bee Swarm" by Otokogawa. The shape of a single one looks like a large flashlight. Of course, it looks much more sophisticated, especially the high-energy ion shooting in front of it. The weapon will shoot out clusters of light blue energy rays from time to time, and when it hits the ground, it will cause a series of explosions.

A single mechanical bee is also an ion gun, but a group of mechanical bees is a bit creepy.

Just like a wasp is nothing, but a swarm of wasps flying over is a bit scary, otherwise, how could "stab a hornet's nest" become a folk saying.

What's more, as an expert in using poison, Lu Yue felt quite at a loss as to what to do with this lifeless steel creation.

Moreover, he has just woken up, and he has two magic weapons, but his supernatural powers have not yet been achieved.

But as Emperor Plague Huang and a well-known leader of Jiejiao, how could he not have a few cards in his hands.

Pointing to the void, a talisman came at his fingertips.

It seems that they are all crooked and ghostly symbols, but in fact, they imply mystery.Immortals integrate their understanding of the way of heaven into the seals, use different line combinations to communicate the power of heaven and earth, and maximize the power of magic weapons, formations, magical powers, etc.

Lu Yue's comprehensive strength is super strong, he has repeatedly called himself the No.

In terms of heads-up, Lu Yue is not as good as Mistress Sanxiao, Kong Xuan who will appear later, and even Zhao Gongming.However, he has his own supernatural powers. Once cast, he can cause fatal damage in a large area, and he can harvest millions of souls with a wave of his hand. It can be called a masterpiece in ancient times!
One, of course, is to use poison.

The second is to make talismans.

"The wind is blowing!!!"

But Yi Xiaochuan's ears suddenly heard a whistling sound, the sound seemed to be the bleak wind blowing with the harshness of winter, and the vast forest was all around, and the leaves were all withered and yellow in an instant. Under the strong wind, there was a loud noise of "哗啦" and "哗啦"!

Even if it is just to summon the wind to blow away those machines that look like bee swarms, it is unconsciously poisonous.

"You should learn physics! If you have a physics teacher, he will definitely be willing to talk to you-gravity..."

Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air flow, which is closely related to temperature, but is most directly related to air pressure.

For example, at one point, the gravitational force pulls around to form a short-term vacuum area. It doesn’t need to last for a long time. As long as the vacuum is there for a moment, it is enough to form a huge wind tunnel. A drastic weather change.

When multiple wind tunnels appeared behind Lu Yue, his wind talisman naturally broke down without attack.

"The power of technology, even an ant, can destroy the sun by pressing the button of destruction! Come and taste the power of the combination of technology and Taoism!"

In an instant, the situation changed, and a thundercloud shrouded it.Suddenly, a terrifying thunderbolt as thick as a bucket appeared, striking down with a tearing blue-white light! !
At that moment, Oto Xiaochuan was wrapped in thunder light, like a ball of spherical lightning.

Under the pull of the gravitational field, the thunder and lightning entwined around his body roared like a dragon and snake around his body, bursting out with blazing electric light.

The two light blades, engulfed by a huge amount of electromagnetic ions, turned into giant blades several feet long, like the wings of lightning.

The true face of the lightsaber in the force world is that a mass of plasma is bound into the shape of a sword by a strong magnetic field, and this is the indestructible power.

It is true that Otokawa cannot manipulate the magnetic field with mental power at this stage, and it is difficult for the brain to perform super-speed calculations, but all of this can be precisely controlled with a few simple devices and Eva.

The invisible particle light blade cut through the space in an instant.

The stone Taoist who was bound by the gravitational field raised his eyebrows coldly, endless light and heat overflowed from the vertical pupils on his forehead, and the gravitational field suddenly felt like it was collapsing.

But the particle light blade has arrived. The previous nuclear fission laser was extremely terrifying, and this particle light blade is also extremely dangerous.Immediately, Taoist Shitou's head and right hand flew up and folded shoulder-to-shoulder!

However, the stone Taoist's neck and arm sections did not spurt out blood, but were as smooth as glass.

Otokawa also knows that this kind of life that can use the body to carry out controlled nuclear fission can be said to be very different from carbon-based life.

But in an instant, dozens of particle blades rushed towards the Taoist stone, like a hot knife cutting through butter, dismembering the Taoist stone and the surrounding rocks, and the whole barren mountain became a mass of ruins, even in the There is a tendency of magmatization at high temperature.

Lu Yue, who was far away from a certain range because of the stone priest's casting, felt powerless when he saw this scene.

Compared with his heyday, his strength now is not even one thousandth or one ten thousandth. His body has just set foot in cultivation, and that talisman has already consumed most of his mental power. What can he use to resist it?

The two instruments are useless!
Escape and can't escape!
"I, Lu Yue, the Great Emperor Wenhuang, have fallen to this place..."

Then he could only watch the mechanical bee swarm swarming in helplessly, and could only be submerged in the overwhelming ion beams.

However, at the moment before his physical body was destroyed, his soul passed through the barrier of the real dimension and returned to an unknown dimension.

Waiting for it to come again.

Or maybe, you will be completely lost in the dimension of nothingness that doesn't even have time.

"Handsome! Gravitational field restraint, electromagnetic particle light blade cutting, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!"

Before the magma was completely solidified, several robots dug out the stone Taoist, and at first glance, it was completely composed of jade and flesh.

It can be said to be very special, just like sliced ​​watermelons, the outside is white, but the inside is gradually turning red, and even blood vessels and muscles appear!
But there is still a glimmer of jade-like light shining on it, which looks doubly confusing.

Yin Hong is as weird as flesh and blood, but it feels as smooth and cold as jade to the touch.

The gravitational field swept the surrounding area and the ground, and found no abnormality, so Otokawa didn't care, and took out the instrument to observe the flesh and blood.

The essence of gravity is that mass affects the folds of space. Things with large mass and energy cannot escape the detection of gravity. It can be said that ordinary people may be able to fool the detection of the gravitational field, but awakened people and extraordinary sealed objects are absolutely impossible.

"It turned out to be a silicon-based life... Where's the head! Where's the eyes! Perfect..."

At this time, several auras approached quickly from the east of Changbai Mountain.



(End of this chapter)

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