Chapter 288

Smecta doesn't have long legs, nor does he have a handsome face that makes little girls scream.

Yi Xiaochuan was speechless, as if no one else was around, he packed the remains of Taoist Stone and threw them into the imaginary space. As for those robots, the mechanical bee colony, they had already been put away long before these Smectas arrived.

Looking at the ugly Smectas who have already set up their weapons and completed the fortifications, Xiao Yi's eyes fell on these three giants who are at least four meters tall and have a thick and thick upper body that is almost deformed. Among them, they are of great quality.

The giant's body shape and skin color, at first glance, looked very much like Jabba who had trained all his muscles.

It is also somewhat similar to the group of giants in northern Europe.

But there was no grass on their heads, and their faces were squeezed beyond recognition by the muscles spreading from their necks, making them extremely hideous.The shape of the sternum and ribs can be seen on the chest, and the scales of reptiles can be seen on the back.

"Give up resistance, this is North Korea's inherent territory, you have violated our territory...Give up resistance! Give up resistance!"

It was said in English, with a taste of Smecta, and I almost didn't understand it.

"I even chased after San Fatty's house. It seems that when I saw a message saying that North Korea and South Korea have reconciled... This it the South Korean radiation giant sequence?"

Just as he was about to leave, he glanced at the three radiation giants out of the corner of his eye. The X-ray perspective device controlled by Eva had finished scanning, and after analyzing the information, Xiao Yi frowned slightly: "138, 351, 217? The serial number is secretly branded." , for the convenience of labeling or something...biochemical technology?"

Seemingly feeling good about himself, Gauss' weapons and equipment were ready, and one of the giants strode towards Otokawa with a grinning grin.With every step forward, a deep footprint was stepped on the ground, and he was showing off his strength.

"Heh... Overestimating one's abilities... Just a lack of experimental subjects, are you automatically sending them to your door to be a guinea pig?"

With a sudden step on the ground, the rocks under his feet burst, and his body shot out like an arrow from the string, straight towards the hating giant.

Not all cats and dogs are qualified to be guinea pigs. If you choose the wrong experimental subject, you will not only lose all kinds of precious medicines, but also more precious time.

Wasting other people's time is tantamount to murder.

Therefore, usually, Xiao Yi would personally test whether the subject is suitable for the experiment, so as not to allow others to murder him.


The ugly giant snorted coldly, and punched out.

The air in front of him shook slightly, and there was a loud bang in the air, causing obvious vibrations in the air.

Seeing the radiation giant's punch, it can definitely make anyone think that this is definitely not the power that a human body can erupt.

The power of this punch is about as strong as a car driving a hundred yards and hitting a person head-on.

Yi Xiaochuan sneered, in that case, don't blame me for being rude.

A storm blew up on the flat ground.

The Radiant Giant was immediately a set of eight punches. Although there was no technical content, but because the giant's punches were heavy, they were really powerful.

Oto Xiaochuan flashed his fist when he seemed to be in danger, and kicked hard, hitting his knee.

In an instant, the giant let out a sharp roar, and the kicked leg knelt down heavily, cracking the rocks and embedding them into the ground.At the same time, he clenched his fists with both hands, raised them high, and slammed them down fiercely, like two huge mechanical hammers, with a thunderous sound of breaking through the air, ramming down on Xiao Yi's head.

Yi Xiaochuan did not retreat but advanced, his whole body was in a ball, and he retracted into the giant's arms.

The giant's fists missed, and only two big holes were smashed into the ground.

At the same time, Otokawa, who has not leaked any murderous aura, suddenly changed, with a murderous aura, a palm with bursting veins slapped his head, and the strong wind was so strong that the giant only saw the shadow, and the breath in his nose could not breathe. Almost suffocate!
An explosion and shock made his eardrums ache slightly, and the air blasted by Otokawa in front of him was shaking, which actually made his eyes a little blurred.

However, he didn't just close his eyelids, but widened his eyes, and a fist rushed out of the blasting air.It got bigger and bigger, and finally covered everything.Immediately, he felt that the sun and the moon were dark, and the chaos was shattered. The opponent's fist was lifted up by the god king from the ancient times and slammed down on him.

With a punch down, Yi Xiaochuan flashed a few feet away with his strength, and stood firmly. The wind blew from afar, shaking the corner of his clothes slightly.

And the giant, without a headshot or even a broken bone, was just dizzy and sat down on the ground. As for whether he had a concussion, it is still uncertain.

"Axi! The head is very iron! It's interesting, and the third-level experiment can be carried out..."

Oto Xiaochuan is very clear about his own strength. The anti-strike ability of this radiation giant definitely surpasses the level of the Sequence 7 warrior "Wu Ji". It is probably only the Sequence 6 "Invincible God" can have this ability.

And you must know that warriors are the ones who pay the most attention to physical cultivation among all the sequences.


Seeing that his teammates were injured, the Gauss cannon that was set up and fully charged fired at Otokawa.

However, Xiao Yi is so cautious, how could he put himself in a dangerous place.

The son of a daughter, can't sit still!
Based on his understanding of Gauss weapons, using gravity to slightly change the positions of several devices would have extremely fatal consequences.

Such as exploding the chamber!

Therefore, those two radiation giants watching the excitement are a bit pitiful.

The upper half of the body was gone, and the death was straightforward, so there was no pain.

But the other one was even more pitiful. One eyeball was pierced by sharp metal, and he pulled it out because of the pain. The eyeball was pulled out together, and the red and white veins behind it were dragged out a few centimeters, dangling on the face. Shaking, and there were several tragic wounds on his chest, even the intestines gushed out, even the food liquid in the stomach began to seep, brown liquid kept flowing out! !

The approximate damage is probably equivalent to seppuku.

He couldn't die for a while, so whether it was visually or painfully, it was extremely frustrating.

There are great horrors between life and death, and these ugly radiant giants are no exception.

Even bystanders are horrified.

Of course, to Oto Xiaochuan, who didn't know how many living organisms he had dissected, this was just a trivial matter.

Blood!Meat!Large intestine!

The more I see it, the less I feel.

He even looked at the past with scorching eyes, and began to distinguish the difference between the internal organs of this radiation giant and humans.

The strong vitality caused the giant to burst out with a strong desire to live. The large fat intestines were hastily stuffed back, so the wound was covered with blood, dust, and a few dead grasses that were stuffed back together with the intestines. outcrop.


This is a cry of fear and pain!

Xiao Yi spread his hands, you really can't blame me for this, if you don't fire, it will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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