Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 300 Power of Technology, Death of the Brood

Chapter 300 Power of Technology, Death of the Brood

Time passed by every minute and every second!
Sometimes waiting is a torment, but now, this waiting is a process of increasing excitement.

The longer the time, it means that the Zerg cerebrum in front of him has not collapsed because of this, which means that the Zerg gene and the gene of silicon-based life have been fused.

A brand new Zerg is about to be born in front of our eyes.

This is god-making, and it is worthwhile to spend some time waiting in the midst of busy schedules.

I'm a little tired of waiting with a big head. With an ordinary person's physique, it's not tiring to bear a huge head all day long.

So, I didn't dislike it, and sat cross-legged on the sticky creep blanket, holding my head in my hands and looking at the evolving brain worm.

Cerebral worm, that is, the big fat bug that Eva's clone seized.

Ability is somewhat similar to the existence of the queen bee and queen in ants and bee colonies. Its ability is completely focused on controlling the development and evolution of the entire insect swarm. It has a very powerful mind ability. To put it simply, it belongs to the entire swarm brain.

There is only one mind worm in a bug swarm nest, if there is a second mind bug, then the two mind bugs will either devour each other, or the entire bug swarm will split into two parts.

Of course, all cerebrates are under the control of the brood, and all orders from the supreme brood are communicated through the cerebrates.

As for the brain worm, it is called the planet-level brood as the master.

Master, Dagoth!

Otokawa looked at the small arms and legs of the big head, and said, "Dr. Radiation, with your current physique, how can you carry out heavy scientific experiments? I think it's better to carry out a little transformation! My craftsmanship is still good. Are you going to transform into a Is it mechanical or biochemical? If it is mechanical, I will make a 3D print based on your skeleton and replace the skeleton with special steel..."

"This... I'm still very satisfied with my body..." Big Head stood up tremblingly, stretched out his hand to show his biceps, and said, "Look, my physique can keep up with the experiment of the process..."

"If you are afraid of hurting your brain, installing a simple mechanical tentacle is just a minor operation. In theory, one tentacle can lift a weight of 8 tons. It is easy to operate, completely resistant to radiation energy, strong in strength, and more accurate. It's extremely high..."

"No, no need..." Dr. Radiation shook his head violently, and said, "Doctor, look...she has reacted!"

The brain worm giant pupa controlled by the Eva clone has slight cracks on the body surface, as if covered with a layer of spider web.

Soon, there was a steady stream of cracking sounds from the surface of the giant pupa, and a large number of broken black pupa shells could be seen continuously scattered, from which a new shape of the brain worm emerged.

Although he is still as fat as before, with a big belly, but there is an extra layer of bright black carapace on the surface of the body, which has a feeling of being as bright as a diamond. At first glance, the defense power has increased several times compared to the previous plump appearance. times, and also grew six thick giant legs, which looked quite similar to the dung beetle magnified hundreds of times, and its mobility must be greatly enhanced.

"Master, the brain worm Eva underwent the first evolution, absorbed the silicon-based gene chain, obtained the silicone outer armor, and the skeleton was greatly developed..."

A series of data was transmitted through spiritual power, and overall, the evolution was successful.

But not enough.

She didn't break away from the category of the brain worm.

Therefore, a qualitative change has not yet been achieved.

Need more strong genes and time.

But war cannot wait.

Otokawa never put all his eggs in one basket. While studying the Zerg to build his own Zerg brood, the original plan to detonate the hydrogen reactor was also proceeding simultaneously.

Of course, this requires the strong cooperation of "Jabba".

Science and technology is always a grand system. It is rooted in a world and formed in a grand production system. Every science and technology system is a big tree with deep roots, and its branches and leaves spread to all aspects.

Although the earth has already entered the fifth industrial revolution, the time is too short after all, and what we have learned is only a drop in the ocean of civilization in the interstellar era.

However, with Jabba the Hutt and the Hutt People's Congress, there is no need to worry about the lack of high-tech equipment.

Several super electromagnetic orbital star destroyers and spaceships were built, camouflaged with quantum camouflage, and then projected into space with gravity wells.

Entered into the orbit of the planet, and approached the preset location with the help of gravity.

In order not to attract the attention of the brood, the engine was not started.

The first goal is the energy source of the brood.

No life can violate the rules of life. The energy source of human beings is the synergy of internal organs, and the energy source of the brood is the four hydrogen reactors.

Destroying the energy source is equivalent to a war between the two armies, and one side will run out of food.

The high temperature of the hydrogen reactor determines that it cannot be hidden inside the planet, which gives Otokogawa an opportunity.

Directly above the brood, in the skin that is disgusting like the internal organs of a creature, the light and heat inside can be clearly seen.

"Representatives of various countries, now I will carry out the first wave of strikes on the brood and destroy its energy source. Many people say that I take money and don't work, is I like that? Don't look at the fact that the Zerg is blooming everywhere now, almost occupying Most of the planet, but if the energy supply is cut off in one fell swoop, these bugs on the ground are just minor illnesses."

Xiao Yi looked at the people from the Holy See, the people from the fallen angels, the people from the United States, the Nordic countries, and Japan... and said with a smile: "The first goal is about to be completed, and the second goal is to push that brood into the stars... Everyone knows , this is a binary star system, the destruction of one star will lead to changes in the gravitational field of the entire galaxy, so build a few more gravitational wells. This, I don’t want more resources from you, I will pay for what is not enough, I just want to tell Everyone, I have not wasted resources at all... I hope the next cooperation will be happy!"

"Yitianluo, can we start now? Resources are just a small problem, we can still afford it, we just hope that this world will not become a meat grinder, our battle with the Zerg...is not easy!"

Said an awakened man who was clearly a politician.

"Okay! Not much to say, a huge firework, I hope everyone likes it!"

Oto Xiaochuan clapped his hands and said, "Explode me!"

Hidden in the darkness of the universe and covered by quantum camouflage in the spaceship, the fully charged super electromagnetic orbital star destroyer was launched, and along the targeted trajectory, it directly penetrated into the atmosphere of the planetary nest.

In the next second, a mass of light and heat boiling like a star exploded...

Hydrogen Polymerization Reactor...

Three left!

Before everyone could react, three more explosions appeared in front of them.

A vast fireworks appeared in the universe.


Destroying the energy source of the brood in one fell swoop, although Yi Xiaochuan didn't have much excitement on the surface and was as calm as ever, he let go of the stone hanging in his heart.

The first goal, which is also the most important goal, has finally been successfully completed.

Without destroying the energy source, there is no way to proceed to the next step.

In an instant, the detection devices arranged in space fed back a lot of information.

He didn't hide it from this group of Awakened people, whether they were watching the excitement, checking the situation of the war, or acting as the background wall.

[A high-energy reaction occurs inside the mother nest, and the hydrogen polymerization reactor is being shaped. The scale is a medium-sized hydrogen polymerization reactor, and the shaping time is 46 minutes...]”

[The ultra-giant particle propulsion device is expected to hit the inside of the mother nest in 16 seconds, thirteen...twelve...eleven...the impact is completed, the super-magnetic growth field is activated, and the super-giant particle propulsion device is fully advancing...]

As the super-giant particle propulsion device from far away blasted into the brood, almost instantly, the entire brood boiled. Yes, the planet-sized meatball started to boil even on the surface. As if goosebumps appear on the skin of a person in an emergency, the same is true for this huge meat nest. All the structures of its whole body completely disappear, and the cells and muscle tissue in groups begin to boil and condense, as if It's dying...

[The plan is progressing smoothly, the particle propulsion device is advancing at maximum power, the gravity well is running, and the target... the star! 】

Everything is going according to plan!

Compared to the mass of the mother nest, the super giant particle propulsion device cannot propel it straight to the star at all.

This is impossible.

Even if it is ten times stronger, it is impossible to do it.

This is a planet, not a glass ball.

How vast is the power of gravity.

In the plan, it must rely on the gravity of the planet and the gravitational well for cycle acceleration, and then throw it to the star through the acceleration of centrifugal force.

With this amount of calculation, even Eva with a large optical brain stopped all experiments, and all CPUs were devoted to calculations and fine-tuning of the gravity well.

The entire acceleration process lasts for two hours and 10 minutes. In fact, according to Eva’s calculation, the first two hours are the most important time. Once the time exceeds two hours, the acceleration generated by the particle propulsion device orbiting the planet and reaching At that time, the speed will be irreversible, and no matter what the mother hive can do, it will not be able to break free from the gravitational range of the star.

Of course, during these two-plus hours, a precise strike must be carried out on the hive to prevent her hydrogen fusion reactor from rebuilding.

As long as it is captured by the star's gravitational field after two hours, no matter how many hydrogen fusion reactors are built to slow down, it will not be of much use.

Celestial gravity, how vast.

Others manipulated the wind and thunder to control the fire to make ice, but Yi Xiaochuan has directly risen to borrow the power of the sun, this is the gap in wisdom.

Taoism is natural.

It has been upgraded to Dao Fa Universe!

In obscurity, watching this grand scene alone, how lonely it is.

This is also the purpose of Otokogawa inviting these old politicians and scientists who are not strong, but all of them are far-sighted and far-sighted, to come to watch the movie.

Pretending to be aggressive is not the goal, but showing muscles is the essence.

It's the same reason that advanced weapons will be displayed in the military parades of various countries.

Of course, it is also necessary to sell some insignificant small technologies to make a fortune in war.

The mother nest has entered the expected orbit, several scientists gathered together to discuss, and determined that it is impossible to break free from the gravity of the star...

At this time, the red wine has already been opened in the movie viewing hall, and the dishes are also served. A large plate and a small plate are added, and a large table is full.

"The first glass of wine, a toast to this worst and best era."

"The second glass of wine, toast to this war that has not much suspense."

"The third cup of wine, respect the prosperity of the country and the strength of the people. Let's encourage each other!"

No matter how rich or strong a person is, he needs a strong motherland.The motherland is not strong, no matter what nationality the rich become, no matter where they go, they are fat meat and lambs in the eyes of foreigners.

After drinking for three rounds, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather collar walked up to Yi Xiaochuan with red wine, and said in a low voice: "Professor Yi, we have suffered heavy losses in the battle with the biochemical giants, and we have also suffered heavy losses in our exchanges with your country." I am willing to buy some weapons, but...the weapons your country has produced are still a bit inferior to yours...I don't know...may..."

"You are?" Oto Xiaochuan really didn't know him.

"US Secretary of Defense David Peter!"

"What did you see?"

"Gravity Well!"

"Oh...you're welcome..." Yi Xiaochuan drank his red wine, looked deeply at the Minister of Defense in front of him, and said after a long time, "What can I get?"

"Blood of the Demon God!"


"Solomon's 72 Pillars Demon God..."

"Oh! After the matter here is over, we can communicate."

"Then the United States is waiting for the professor!"

All of you who are invited are awakened, why can’t you hear this low-pitched conversation? Immediately, representatives from Japan, the European Union, etc. also came over.

A wonderful crushing battle was staged in front of them today. The mighty power of technology is not inferior to the power of those gods and demons.

What is the most important thing in this era of spiritual recovery?
It's survival!
It's hard to live!
Not every country is Huaxia, and not every country will produce Otokawa.

Even if Bangziguo has a big head and an IQ that crushes all the scientists in history, it will eventually go to ruin.

The strong get stronger and the weak get weaker.

This is an inevitable trend of this era. The weak, those who have no power to survive, and civilizations that run slowly will be eliminated.

For example, Zerg civilization.

She is indeed strong, but she is still not strong enough for the technology mastered by Otokawa.

After all, it is the essence of the last era, the real artificial intelligence, and the crystallization of cosmic civilization.

At this time, the brood captive by the stars began to change its form. In Eva's monitoring equipment, her super transformation began. A terrifying creature far beyond the limits of human imagination. At the last moment before its demise, Showing its hideous and terrifying form...

In just a few tens of seconds, the entire brood transformed into a skin-like creature with a thickness of only about [-] centimeters at its thickest point. It was completely opened up, as if it could be wrapped into a planet. Zhang net.

And such a thin skin, very quickly, even at such a long distance from the Hope, it can be clearly seen that she is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. This thin skin is getting wider and bigger , its quality is almost increasing geometrically.

Not only that, on the side of its thin skin facing the star, small particle propulsion devices like meat balls began to eject, tens of thousands, and even more and more particle propulsion devices were produced, and they attempted to It is far beyond the stars.

This is, deciphering the technology that absorbed that large particle propulsion device.

What a quick comprehension.

In just a few hours, a biochemical particle propulsion device evolved.


It couldn't save her anymore.

At this moment, she is too close to the star, at most only about 5000 million kilometers, the gravity of the star has bound her, and the terrifying high temperature and pressure, as well as the electromagnetic waves carried by the hydrogen fusion and explosion of the star every moment, this Everything... leads her to hell!
Just as Otokogawa calculated, gradually heading for destruction!

(End of this chapter)

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