Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 303 Great Wilderness, Here I Come

Chapter 303 Great Wilderness, Here I Come
"I'm not dead?"

The vitality of the old man was really extremely strong, and he woke up a quarter of an hour after the medication was over.

At this time, the sun just rose from the sea, shining brightly, sweeping away the darkness and giving people hope.

Today is bound to be a fine day.

Yi Xiaochuan just packed up the surgical equipment, and a little hot flame was born between his fingers, burning the discarded packaging bags, needle tubes, and gloves into ashes. With my last breath left, I can also rescue you from the gate of hell. Of course, there is not much left of your terrifying strength now. There is no way, your internal organs are too bad. What should be cut and replaced In other words, I installed a stent and a bridge for your heart. Fortunately, you don’t need a pacemaker. In my opinion, for a long time, you can only be an ordinary person, and you can’t do anything with others. It’s best not to move."

The old man touched his chest, looked at the neatly stitched wound that looked like a centipede's leg, and showed a pure smile on his face, just like the morning sun.

"As the saying goes, it's better to live than to die. I never thought that I, Shen Nong, could live on..."

"Shen Nong? Hehe..." Yi Xiaochuan is really not mocking, but compared with Shen Nong, one of the three saints of Huoyun Cave in mythology, this one can only be regarded as a low-end version!

But the word Shen Nong, if other people hear this name, I'm afraid they will jump up immediately.

This old man is the son of heaven and the emperor of today, Shennong.More than 200 years ago, Shennong was invincible in the world, slaying demons and demons, and was regarded as the emperor by the five major clans.

After 50 years in power, the world is in great order, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.In the 480 cities of the five ethnic groups, everyone returns to their hearts.

In the 402nd year of the Great Wilderness, Shennong left the city of God Emperor and traveled the world alone, gathering herbs to find the medicine for longevity. After that, for more than a hundred years, his whereabouts were erratic, and the dragons started and tailed.

From time to time, there are rumors that the gods and emperors gave medicine to save people.

As long as Shennong is still alive, the world will be peaceful and governed by doing nothing.

Last night, if Xiao Yi hadn't made a move, he would have been poisoned by now and turned into a stone statue.

"You don't believe it?" The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he said with resentment on his face, "That's right, God Emperor of the Great Desolation, the strongest man in the wilderness, the number one medicine god in the wilderness, how could he be poisoned to death? My medical skills, It is indeed very different from the benefactor, I don't know what clan the benefactor is the strong man?"

"My surname is B, and I'm from overseas. I just came to the Great Wilderness."

"Tang Gu?" When Shen Nong said the name, his expression was a little off.

Xiao B shook his head.

The low-profile Shennong didn't ask any more questions, cupped his fists and said, "Miraculous Doctor Yi, now I have lost all my mana, and I am no longer able to balance the disputes among the various tribes in the wilderness. There is one matter that concerns the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. I don't know if the benefactor can..."

"Don't be in a hurry!"


"Old brother has the five virtues, and the merits in the luck are immeasurable. I can't help but admire..." Xiao Yi pouted at the young man who was still in a coma, and said: "This young man is also extraordinary, with great luck, and The spiritual root is transparent, the body has the five elements and five virtues, the same physique as the old brother! And I saw you open up and healed your wounds before, and thought I was going to harm you, but I rushed over without hesitation, and my character is pure and good , can be said to be a disciple who fell from the sky, what do you think?"

Shennong looked over and saw a ragged young man about thirteen or fourteen years old, with a dusty face and a green bamboo flute stuck obliquely in his waist.

After a moment of silence, Shennong seemed to realize something.

Oto Xiaochuan immediately waved his hand, the young man's fingers moved slightly, and he gradually woke up.

"Wicked man, stop..."

The young man suddenly jumped up, first roared at Yi Xiaochuan, then saw Shennong, stopped, scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "You are fine! I thought...hehe..."

The old man looked at the young man, his eyes sparkled, and he had a decision in his heart. He asked, "Boy, you and I are very destined. What's your name, and who are your parents?"

The boy said: "My name is Tuobaye, and my parents died very early."

Shen Nong had already guessed that he was an orphan, nodded and said, "It's not easy to travel the world alone at a young age."

"Senior, what is your last name?"

"My name is Shennong."


There was another "Oh", Shennong smiled wryly, it turns out that I am nothing more than that, what kind of god emperor, what is the most powerful person, what is the first medicine god, it is nothing but vain.

It turned out that behind these lights, I was just a poor old man, a loser.

All of a sudden, Shen Nong, who came back from a circle in front of the gate of life and death, felt his heart suddenly open up.

Perhaps, this is the disciple God gave me!
But the world...

After Pangu, Kyushu was divided, and the twelve kingdoms were in endless wars. Fuxi and Nuwa unified the whole world, changed Yuan Taiji, merged the twelve kingdoms, re-divided the five clans of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the world was peaceful.

It's a pity that time didn't last long, and after 200 years of good times, two emperors turned into feathers one after another, the rule of the eight elders of the snake clan was unpopular, undercurrents surged in the world, burnt beacons rose one after another, and the great wilderness fell into division again.For the next 1000 years, there were few days of peace and happiness, and the common people seemed to live in an abyss.

In the first year of the Great Wilderness, the five clans joined forces, formed an alliance and competed swords, and jointly promoted the God Emperor as the leader of the Great Wilderness. Only then did they live in peace and stability intermittently for hundreds of years, but...

Nowadays, there are continuous internal strife among various ethnic groups, disasters, and wars are overlapping, and there are tragic scenes of brotherhood everywhere.

Chaos is about to start!

There is no hurry to accept apprentices.

But as long as he is accepted, I will definitely train him to be the mainstay in the troubled times and help the world.

Shennong looked at Yi Xiaochuan expectantly, his strength was gone, how to balance the various ethnic groups, how to save the people from the fire and water.

"Okay! I happen to be traveling around the world too. What's the matter, brother? I'll drop by."

He took out a purple wooden sign from his waist, with three large characters on the front: Shenmu Order.

There is a line of small characters on the back: Seeing this divine decree, it is as if the emperor came in person.

"Miraculous Doctor Yi, this matter is very serious. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people depend on you."

As he said that, Shennong tore off a piece of clothes, bit his index finger, wrote a few lines in blood on the silk, then wrapped the wooden sign in the blood book, folded it and handed it to Xiao Yi, saying: "The doctor Yi only needs to take this wooden sign, Send the blood book to Yuping Mountain in the southwest, and give it to a man named Qingdi, and let him rush to Mirage City within seven days."

"What if I can't find Emperor Qing, or he's not here at all?"

"In this case, you can rush to Mirage City within seven days and hand over this wooden plaque to Qiao Yu, the city lord of Mirage City."

"It's so simple? I don't need to kill someone or an army? And where are Yuping Mountain and Mirage City?"

Shennong smiled slightly, and took out a parchment book from his pocket. The book was only the size of a palm, but it was more than two hundred pages thick.Three large characters on the cover: The Great Wilderness Classic.

It is full of densely packed small prints, and there are many maps inserted.

"If Dr. Yi is interested, he can mediate the conflict between the Mirage City and the Shui tribe. I have been governing by doing nothing all these years, and the conflicts among the tribes have become more and more serious. I have been in a high position, but I have traveled the world for 200 years, but I have also written this book. Description There are more than 480 mountains in the Great Wilderness, the geographical locations of [-] cities, exotic flowers and plants, monsters and spirit beasts. If you want to go to any place, or look for anything, you may wish to consult this book."

"Well, that's exactly what I need."

Seeing him as if he had found a treasure, Shennong was also quite happy in his heart. When all kinds of poisons came out last night, he thought that he would return to the West after his death, and this book would never be handed down to anyone. He didn't want to be like this, but he was relieved.As for the disciples, the knowledge in the book is in the mind, and the dictation is enough.

He took out two more parchment books from his pocket, handed them to Yi Xiaochuan and said, "These two books are a gift for my benefactor, let's talk about my heart!"

One cover is "Herbal Notes", and the other is "Five Elements". The handwriting is the same as that of "Da Huang Jing", which is also written by him.

As he spoke, he untied another sheepskin pouch from his waist, handed it to Xiao Yi, and said with a smile, "There are sixteen Shennong Dan here. If you are injured and poisoned, one is enough to save you from danger. Every time you take one, you can Accumulate qi and refresh your mind, increase your skill, but don't take it too often."

Yi Xiaochuan took one, and gave him the rest, and said, "I'll study this pill with one..."

Shen Nong smiled, put the sheepskin bag away, and said, "That's right, Doctor Yi is several times better than me in terms of medicine and medicine. These elixirs are indeed more common."

"Then I wish my elder brother a speedy recovery. With your medical skills, it is not impossible to recuperate quietly and recover your strength. Then, see you in the wild..."

"See you in the wild!"

Yi Xiaochuan jumped down from the Wanren cliff, his body moved with the wind, but he didn't walk away.

Because he sensed a monster with extremely powerful vitality in the cold pool at the foot of the mountain, and he just surrendered it and used it as a mount.

To walk around the world, you always need a good means of transportation.

Don't you see, Lao Tzu rides a bull, the Antarctic fairy rides a crane, and Zhao Gongming rides a black tiger.

A high-end mount is the standard equipment for the strong.

Standing on the edge of the cold pool, staring at the bottom of the water, it is a white monster, which looks like a white deer, except that its body is covered with fish scales, and there are a pair of gills on its gills, opening and closing.There is only one antler on the top of the head, the eyes are fiery red, the neck is quite long, and the two dragon whiskers on the lips are constantly dancing.

However, the monster's neck was tightly locked by a white steel chain as thick as a baby's arm, and it could only walk within a radius of three feet.

The monster also looked at Yi Xiaochuan, very excited, rushed towards him non-stop, was restrained by the steel chain, raised its head and hoofed, roaring endlessly.

"Would you like to travel with me in the wilderness? Horse ride the world!"

In an instant, the monster stopped struggling and knelt down on its front legs.

"Very good!"

With a touch of a finger, the white steel chain as thick as the baby's arm shattered in an instant.

The monster jumped up from the bottom of the water, and ran towards the sea like a joy, and it had the ability to tread water.

Yi Xiaochuan glanced at the corner of his eyes, and suddenly found a few feet away, in the darkness, there was a strange light flashing away, but the glare was stronger than the pearls everywhere at the bottom of the water.

It was actually a blue-gray iron sword, inserted obliquely into the soft mud at the bottom of the pool, from the outside, there was nothing unusual about it, but I don't know where the previous glare came from the sword.

With a slight lift of the gravitational thread, the sword was pulled out. The sword was actually an ordinary iron sword that was no more than three feet long. It had been submerged in water for a long time and was full of rust.

Only the word "Wufeng" is engraved on the hilt.

"Good sword! Huh..."

Two small characters were engraved on the body of the sword, it was actually the word Shennong!
Turning it around again, there are two words faintly on the other side of the sword: Kong Sang.

Smiling, he threw the sword back into the bottom of the pool, no matter how good Yi Xiaochuan was, he would not use other people's sword of love.

I looked through the chapter on strange beasts in "The Great Wilderness Classic", and it turned out that this unicorn deer is the white dragon deer, a spirit beast of the water clan.

This white dragon deer caused many harms along the coast of the East China Sea decades ago, and was subdued by a strange man who passed by here with seventeen mixed gold ropes, and was trapped in the Longtan.For decades, the White Dragon Deer has killed many spirit beasts at the bottom of the Longtan. The surviving spirit beasts, except for a few stubborn ones, have all moved far away, even the cold pool dared not approach.

The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Yi Xiaochuan shouted, and the white dragon deer came on the waves, and the sea water slipped off its body, reflecting the sunlight, revealing its vigorous muscles.

"Let's go to Yuping Mountain!" Stepping up his back, he took out Shennong's book and began to read it.

From Nanji Mountain, a high mountain in the East China Sea, to Yuping Mountain, the journey is more than two hundred miles.

The two hundred miles is not the two hundred miles on earth, at least ten times more.

In the middle, there are plains and some hills, and there are very few people.Only when passing by the foot of a mountain, there are several farmhouses.A peasant woman was washing clothes by the river with her daughter, when she saw a strange beast whizzing by, she was stunned and took a long time to recover.

The white dragon deer walked very fast, and about two hours later, he saw undulating hills and rivers in front of him, and several high mountains in the west of the river stood tall.

"Da Huang Jing" records: (Nanji Mountain) is more than [-] miles southwest, and it is called Yuping Mountain.There are four peaks in the mountain, and the river runs across the east.There are many pines on it, and there is a sky lake in the middle peak, which is the residence of Emperor Qing of the Mu clan.

Inspired by the Qing Emperor, he practiced the formula of longevity, and created the Jade Fire and Golden Light Saber, the Veinless Body, the Aurora Qi Saber, and the great method of planting gods.

As the emperor of the Mu clan among the five clans, he naturally has a cultivation level that reaches the sky.

As for how powerful it is?

In the 326th year of the Great Wilderness, the young and vigorous inspiration met Shennong in the woods on the top of Nanji Mountain. In the 390th round of the fight, Shennong wrote the word "young hero" on his back with leaves, making him give up his sword and admit defeat.

For the next ten years, Inspired practiced in retreat.

In the 336th year of the Great Wilderness, the inspiration came out of the pass, thinking that the world was invincible and arrogant, and at the top of Yuping Peak, he instantly defeated the eight immortal-level masters in the clan with the "eleven lights of the cold moon", and split the main peak with one palm. At that time, the wood god Meng Tuozhi couldn't fight against Liubaihe, and his sword was held between his eyebrows, so he couldn't move.In this way, Ling Lingyang ascended to the position of Emperor Qing, and everyone said that apart from Shendi and Chi Biaonu, there is no one in the world who is his opponent.

In a certain year 490 years ago in the Great Wilderness, because of a disagreement with the Heidi of the Shui Tribe at the Pantao Festival, Emperor Qing swung his sword in anger and cut Leyou Mountain into a huge ravine as deep as hundreds of feet, which led to The fierce battle between the water and wood tribes lasted for 50 years.Therefore, there is a proverb in the Great Wilderness, "When the Qing Emperor is angry, the sky and the earth will be torn apart."

Today, it is already 586 years of the Great Wilderness.

Yi Xiaochuan visits Qingdi Garden, wanting to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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