Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 315 Red Emperor, Flame Flames

Chapter 315 Red Emperor, Flame Flames

Chi Biaonu, the Chi Emperor, is recognized as the once-in-a-thousand-year genius of the Fire Clan. With a fierce fire spirit, he surpassed all heroes in his early twenties and became the No. 1 in the clan.Relying on one's own strength, Megatron Nanhuang and revitalize the Fire Clan.

In the 336th year of the Great Wilderness, the inspiration came out of the pass, thinking that the world was invincible and arrogant.After Dou Jian won the throne of Qing Emperor, Ling Lingyang immediately went straight south to worship Red Emperor with martial arts.The two fought fiercely in Chiyan Mountain for three days and three nights, but they could not tell the winner.Unwilling, he made an appointment to fight again in the coming year, and the two went back and forth, fighting together for more than ten years.

In the 560th year of the Great Wilderness, Chi Biaonu decided to enter the Glazed Golden Light Pagoda to practice in seclusion in order to practice the highest level of Chihuo Immortal Technique and Chihuo True Qi. For 30 years, he did not hear anything outside the pagoda, devoted himself to practice, sensed the spiritual power in the pagoda, and absorbed the primordial spirit of all emperors.

Chi Biaonu has been in power for more than 200 years. He has repeatedly used swords and conquered the southern wasteland. Although his martial arts are outstanding, the people complain constantly. For more than 200 years, although the territory of the Huo tribe has been continuously expanding, it is not as peaceful and happy as the Tu and Jin tribes, nor is it as prosperous as the Shui tribe.On the contrary, during the 30 years of his retreat and practice, the elder of the Fire Clan, Lie Biguangsheng, gave both kindness and power to pacify the southern desert, and made great efforts to control the water, reclaim the land and open up wasteland.

This is a powerful martial artist, a strong man at the peak of the Great Wilderness.

"Chi Biao is furious...but I want a fight..." The rumbling voice came over, deafening and disturbing.

Yi Xiaochuan frowned, not because the person who came here was too strong to fight, but because the experiment was at a critical moment, so there was no time to fight with you.

"Two-headed Demon God, go, just block him..."

Not long after, bursts of scorching heat and thunderous noises came from outside.

Tian Wu was debugged in the laboratory for a day, and no one knew what happened to him except Oto Xiaochuan.

Even the concubine Yu Shi could only see bursts of enthusiasm and extremely painful roars coming from the secret and closed steel house.

Fortunately, Tian Wu, as one of the Ten Gods of the Great Wilderness, practiced the Eight Great Powers, and was first transformed into phagocytic cells. His adaptability was so strong that it was unparalleled in the world. After being injected with nuclear energy blood, he still survived abruptly.

However, compared to the original eight heads, now the whole body is full of tumors, which looks horrifying. The seven heads have been modified, which made him a little uncomfortable. He said with a hoarse voice in a strange tone: "God Yi ,Did you make it?"

While carefully checking the experimental data, Otokawa said: "Well... the first stage was successful, do you feel a strong energy surging in your body now? No matter how familiar you are with those radiation-induced organs, you should Immediately produce powerful attack power..."

Tian Wu was silent for a while, not because he didn't want to check his body immediately, but because he couldn't control his body for a while, he took a few breaths, and slowly, he felt his body became conscious, and then he could do the preliminary work. To look down at the hands.

It was no longer a human hand. Due to the high-intensity nuclear radiation, it was covered with necrotic tissue and bone spurs. The powerful radiation destroyed his body into a shapeless shape. With the concentration of attention, the blood containing strong atomic energy gradually gathered in his body. His hands, like magma, flowed dark red light, exuding powerful radiation, and the nuclear blood flowing through the veins gradually gathered in his hands, making his palms look like burning lava.

With the gathering of the powerful energy of the nuclear blood, Tian Wu's modified energy-phagocytes were stimulated. The nuclear-energy blood has two sides. On the one hand, the radiated atomic energy crazily destroyed his body; The powerful blood continuously collects energy and repairs the cells destroyed by radiation.

In the short time that Tian Wu stared at his hands, a demon-like claw had grown out of his palm. He couldn't help but raised his head and roared in grief and indignation. He tore it apart, and the powerful radiation blasted out with countless rays. The dark red claw marks easily tore the high-strength steel plate of the laboratory, leaving a deep mark.

The spells of all races in the Great Wilderness are divided into three types: "Book of Heaven and Earth", "Book of Man", and "Book of Beasts", each of which has six branches: illusion, soul-hunting, object control, alienation, assimilation, and sealing.

Transforming into a beast body is one of the most important methods in the "Beast Book Assimilation Dafa". Usually, people with strong thoughts will assimilate themselves with ferocious beasts, use their thoughts to control the beast body, and combine the two souls with true spirits. Qi merged into one, thus exerting a terrifying power that most matched the characteristics of the beast body, but was more powerful.

This kind of animalization is equivalent to transforming. After withdrawing from the animalization, one can still return to the human body.

But the scene in front of him is different.

This is really turning into a monster.

A monster more terrifying than his eight-pole body.

"Is this transformation? Is this what you call transformation? Isn't the True God of Beihai still the same? How did he become this kind of inhuman ghost?"

Tian Wu's heart is extremely tenacious, otherwise how would he accept the growth of eight heads, or how could he have endured hardships for decades, but at this moment, he couldn't help but feel grief and indignation.

Yi Xiaochuan glanced at him indifferently, and said without emotion: "It's a very successful biochemical radiation transformation. You should be happy. This kind of improvement in strength may not be able to grow even if you spend a hundred years!"

Tian Wu moved his body, pointed to the reflection on the ground that was burnt into glass by radiation, and asked, "Is this success? I have to thank you for becoming like this?"

"To gain great power, you have to pay something! You have been a slave for decades, and even grew eight heads. Can you be regarded as a person alive all these years?"

Tian Wu gritted his teeth and said, "You're right, I've been living like a ghost and a ghost for decades!"

Yi Xiaochuan said: "You are looking at you now, whether the power is flowing in your body, think about killing the candle dragon with your own fists, and taking revenge with your own hands, what kind of pleasure it is, how happy it is... ..."

"Besides, you are still in the adjustment period. The carbon-based carrier still contains too many human traces, and the conflict with the radiation energy is serious, so your body will appear distorted and mutated. Wait until your body's energy-phagocytic cells instinctively adapt to the nuclear-energy blood. After planting high-energy substances, your body will gradually transform, and it is also possible to adapt to the high-concentration radiation energy and return to the human form. So, don’t rush, take your time.”

For the experimental body Tian Wu, Xiao Yi still cares a lot, and plans to collect more data, and even plans to further develop and transform, so it is still necessary to care about the mental health of the mouse, otherwise it will be useless if it has a mental breakdown.

The short-term experimental mice are fine to play with, but the long-term experimental mice should be taken care of carefully.

"Oh, by the way, the two-headed demon god outside has long been unable to stop the Red Emperor Chi Biao's anger, you go and change him back, and learn about your new body and new supernatural powers by the way..."

Yi Xiaochuan turned on the light screen, and various data lines on the screen were constantly fluctuating, recording the changes in Tian Wu's body data.

"The Red Emperor Chi Biao is angry?"

The radiation intensity around Tianwu instantly increased, and the nuclear blood in his body tended to boil.

"Okay, I'll go now!"

After leaving the shielded laboratory for radiation protection, I happened to see Concubine Yu coming to greet her.

"Stop, don't come here, I can't control the energy in my body now, I will burn you to death..."

Tian Wu immediately stopped her from approaching.

Now that Wu went out today, the radiation intensity was terrifying, much more terrifying than the desolate land within a thousand miles. The drought was only a little hotter, and the heat radiation was higher.

As soon as Tianwu came out, it radiated thousands of miles, the nuclear power cut off the world, and bacteria did not grow.

Of course, the nuclear energy blood in his body is now at its peak. When he no longer replenishes nuclear fuel and has energy-phagocytes to absorb it, this radiation will become lower and lower.

When it's time for battle, eat another tube of enriched uranium, and this peak state can continue.

In Otokawa's view, this kind of transformation is still unrefined after all, and only that kind of clean nuclear fusion energy is his goal.

In fact, Concubine Yu didn't recognize Tian Wu at first, so she was no longer a person at all.

As soon as he opened his mouth and heard the tone, he immediately froze, and said in surprise: "Brother, you... what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I did it voluntarily... You can watch it, I will defeat Chi Biao's anger first, and then I will kill the old thief Zhulong... I, Tianwu, must avenge the 160 Tianwu people who died tragically. , pretending to be a son of man!"


The Red Emperor practiced in the glazed golden light pagoda for 30 years. He was originally a strong man at the level of "Taishen".

But Yi Xiaochuan came to this world, and Zhu Jiuyin was reincarnated in his previous life. If he has the opportunity to make a breakthrough again, he may also become a second-rate.

Seeing a monster striding forward, the heat waves hit his face, the sea water was steaming, the Red Emperor roared loudly, "Boom" and then exploded, and seven crimson red lights suddenly shot out from the top of his head, limbs, chest, and back. He hovered and circled up and down, the light was brilliant, drifting and changing.

The two-headed demon god then retreated, and the body that was about to fall apart retreated again and again.

He is immune to and absorbs physical attacks, but he is a bit weak against attribute attacks. Fortunately, the defense power of the vibration gold cells is sufficient, and the tough Chidi is not afraid, and he has survived until now.

Seeing Tian Wu Fei coming, Chi Biao raised his right arm obliquely upwards in anger, clenched his right hand, the seven purple rays of light on his thumb and ring finger suddenly danced around his arm rapidly, flew up into the sky with a bang, and turned into a huge purple fire dragon above him, roaring fly.

Concubine Yu and Fairy Gushe, who were watching from a distance, lost their voices in unison: "Seven glows of purple light!"

Among the Fire Clan, there is a magical art of controlling qi called "Purple Light Seven Luminaries".

The so-called "Qiyao" refers to the sun, moon and five planets in the sky.

When the Chihuo Zhenqi has reached the highest level, it can transform the Zhenqi into light fists in the seven astrological shapes of sun, moon, phoenix, Taurus, wood, water snake, fire dragon, and earth, which can be changed arbitrarily with gestures and formulas , every kind of astrological light fist is rigid and fierce.

Therefore, this "Purple Light Seven Luminaries" can be called the most powerful and domineering boxing technique in the world.

Throughout the ages, there are only 16 members of the Fire Clan who have practiced this boxing.

Tian Wu originally wanted to use a subtle move to deal with it, but his body was still in an unfamiliar stage and he couldn't perform as usual, so he could only forcefully strike a palm.

In an instant, a dazzling arc of scarlet eyes was set off, and it swept towards the Scarlet Emperor with a shocking momentum.

What is this glare?
It is enhanced electromagnetic radiation!

It's a stream of high-energy charged particles!

It's a plasma cloud!

In short, this is an ultra-small solar storm.

Scarlet Emperor was startled, this kind of fire-type supernatural power is difficult for even a strong member of his fire clan to display it, and immediately shouted: "Purple Light Fire Dragon Yao!"

The fire dragon in the "Qi Yao" hissed and roared, and flew out angrily as his fist pointed.The purple light of the huge dragon's head danced furiously through the air, and crashed into the monster-like Tian Wu like lightning.


The entire night sky seemed to suddenly become turbulent, a group of orange-red light waves exploded violently at the moment when the two giant dragons collided, and strong purple light ripples spread layer by layer and spread rapidly.

On the surface of the sea, the many spies of various ethnic groups who are always watching Otokawa, only feel the purple light is dazzling, and can't open their eyes. Suddenly, they feel a series of powerful shock waves rushing down in the air, colliding one after another.

The big waves are raging, and the clouds and mists are transpiring.

The Red Emperor roared angrily one after another: "Purple light sun Wu Yao! Purple light moon Phoenix light! Purple light golden bull light..."

Gestures changed rapidly, sometimes turning into a circle, sometimes bending like a hook, and the purple red fire qi burst through the arms into the air continuously, dancing violently in the red night sky, changing rapidly.

The purple light suddenly turned into a huge phoenix, and suddenly turned into a wild rhinoceros... The purple light burst into a dance, and the zhenqi light fist transformed into seven kinds of fierce beasts, attacking Tianwu in layers.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and the momentum is far better than the wind and thunder.

Looking at it with Tian Wu's dull eyesight, the long purple light burst into the sky, and there were seven huge purple-red fierce beasts coming, and it was difficult for him to avoid it.

Tian Wu roared furiously, barely curled up and flew up, the crimson light suddenly exploded and danced, and the seven purple lights collided with the red light, sending out a tsunami-like hurricane.

The bright light was dazzling, crimson, blue and purple, layers of halo suddenly exploded, and the red night sky suddenly became colorful and bizarre.Even the billowing black clouds rising violently on the Chiyan Mountain suddenly turned into colorful colors, dazzlingly bright.

Amidst Tian Wu's mournful roar, the power of the flames was swallowed up by the phagocytic cells and turned into his own use. The core energy in his body boiled to the limit. After reaching the extreme, a clear white light spewed out from his huge mouth, and the electromagnetic radiation was boundless.

A cloud of charged particles soared into the sky like a comet across the sky. Scarlet Emperor was horrified, roared, turned his right arm, and made a missile with the middle finger of his right fist, using the thickest "Purple Light Earth Elephant" among the "Purple Light Seven Luminaries".

The majestic purple light exploded from his fist, transforming into a huge long-toothed mammoth, but the purple light has not yet fully formed, and the white light has already broken into the purple light like lightning.

With a sound of "嗖", the purple light exploded and dispersed, and the dazzling white light entered from the Red Emperor's chest and flew out from his back, rushing straight into the night sky of phantom lights, swirling in the fiery wind, and spreading away.

Scarlet Emperor shook slightly, stood proudly against the wind, laughed wildly and said: "The sun is really hot! It really is the sun! Seeing this supernatural power, this life is not in vain!"

A bright red light suddenly lit up all over her body, and her whole body seemed to be instantly transparent.

The sound of "噗噗" was loud, and countless blood arrows spewed out from his body, but he stood still, ready to fight.

At this time, Tian Wu's body emerged from the sea surface, as if bathed in magma, like a drought monster.

"So that's how it is! It can still be used like this... Chidi, try my fourteen radiating high-energy laser formations..."

In an instant, fourteen high-energy laser beams shot out from the eyes of his seven heads.

After a full three seconds, one of the biochemically modified eyes burst due to overload, and after seven seconds, the number of damaged eyes had reached five.

But Chi Biao was dodging furiously, his body was shot several times by high-energy radium, and several flame flowers exploded from his body.

Tian Wu gasped roughly, he could clearly feel that his power was rapidly decaying, the conservation of matter and energy, this is the truth in the world, no one can violate it.

Moreover, the eruption just now caused multiple injuries to his body, and it was a devastating injury, which made him not know what to do for a while, and he was panicked.

At this time, Yi Xiaochuan appeared beside him, and comforted him: "It's no big deal, I'll install it for you after it's destroyed..."

This is the shortcoming of transforming people. It does not belong to the power that one has evolved. If it is destroyed, it is really destroyed, and it is difficult to recover by itself.

Watching the robot salvage Chi Biaonu from the sea, Tian Wu finally realized that he really defeated Chi Di with his own hands.

He suddenly knelt down on one knee and said: "Chen Tian Wu, I wish to be a dog and a horse, go through fire and water, and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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