Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 317 Heavenly Demon, Quantum Immortality

Chapter 317 Heavenly Demon, Quantum Immortality

High-energy physics, quantum mechanics, mastered, is a god!
There was something wrong in the high-tech instruments that gathered energy, as if there were countless thin rays of light hanging down from the sky, Otokawa pulled one of them through gravity, and felt a strange message, which seemed to be an emotion. When one is pulled apart, it is a picture full of light. These thousands of silk threads seem to be invisible to ordinary people.

There are electromagnetic waves, disturbed quantum information, invisible light, and even radiation.

Otokawa felt these never-before-seen information, and saw a wave of life from a distance, appearing from an unknown time and space, breaking through the barriers of dimensions with the help of energy, and approaching this world.

"he came!"

Oto Xiaochuan took a deep breath, with a hint of excitement and a little cautious.

Tian Wu and the two-headed demon god have been on high alert and sealed off the sea, anyone who dares to get close will be killed.

One is immune to energy, and the nuclear world is flat; the other is physically invincible, and the ultimate vibration!

Tian Wu had already fought against Zhu Jiuyin several times, and he was injured every time, but after replacing his organs, he became a hero again.

Since the arrival of Otokawa, the world has been in turmoil and great changes have taken place in the wilderness.

And that's just the beginning.

Pandora's ink cartridge was slowly opened in front of Otokawa, and the existence that was about to appear in the unknown dimension undoubtedly had an evil desire to seize it.

The aura, molecules, and even particles in the void were all ignited at this moment.

A destructive force erupted, and the whole world melted in this endless light.

It was as if a sun had fallen to the ground, igniting a hot, white flame.

The Chidi Chi Biao suddenly woke up from the coma, his red beard stretched out, his copper bell and blue eyes burst into light, and he roared: "Seize the house? Dare to hear!"

Endless light pierced Chi Biaonu's body bit by bit, under the constraints of unknown energy fluctuations and Otokawa's electromagnetic field and gravitational field, Chi Biaonu was almost powerless to resist. During the struggle, blood flowed from the seven orifices. out.

Strange blood of five colors, silver white, scarlet red, khaki yellow, wood blue, and pure black, oozes out, and then burns into gorgeous strange flowers.

In the light screen, various data are constantly changing.

Recording is one, and the most important thing is capture.

A high-dimensional life, no matter who it is, is of great research value.

As for Chi Biaonu, who was acting as a guinea pig, under the endless oppression, he felt that the demon that had penetrated into his body was growing and excited, and its strength was tens of times stronger in an instant.

"Perform quantum intervention to maintain the balance of will between the two..."

Oto Xiaochuan muttered, and Eva was the one to solve this problem.

The will, even if it is mysterious, is mysterious enough, but if it is embodied in science, it is also the amount of calculation.

The brain has a lot of calculations, so it can naturally mobilize enough consciousness to resist the invasion of foreign will.

And if the brain is likened to a biological computer, then is it possible that quantum computers can also assist in this kind of spiritual and soul contest.

Quantum God!

This is a big research direction.

Before the recovery of aura, the earth civilization has realized the entanglement manipulation of 10 light quanta, and accumulated a lot of research experience.

Compared with photonic computers, the upper limit and potential of quantum computers are much higher than those of classical computers currently used, because its computing power increases exponentially.

The entanglement manipulation of 10 light quanta means that this quantum computer can do 2 to the 10th power operation in each step, that is, 1024 operations.

1024 times, this kind of calculation sounds rubbish, it is not a big deal, even ordinary people's mobile phones have hundreds of millions of calculations per second.

However, as long as there are more photons that can be manipulated, its calculation speed will increase exponentially!

When it rises to 50 light quanta, a quantum computer can perform 2 to the 50th power calculation in one step, which is equal to 1125899906842000, or 1000 trillion calculations, which has surpassed the computing power of supercomputers.

When it reaches 60 photons, its computing power can overwhelm all classical computers!
When reaching 100 photons, the calculation speed of each step is as high as 2 to the 100th power!At this time, the sum of the classical computers of the entire human civilization is also a scumbag, not as much as a quantum computer.

What about 200, 300, or even 1000... 10000 photons?
Two to the ten thousandth power?This is an unimaginably astronomical astronomical figure!

Of course, in theory, the amount of computation of a quantum computer can indeed be increased infinitely, but it is more difficult in practice.

The quanta in a quantum computer must be entangled with each other to work.And the more the number of photons, the worse the stability of the entangled state.

And if you want to entangle light quanta, it is best to be in a vacuum and a superconducting environment, which involves quantum dots, nuclear magnetic resonance, quantum optical paths, superconducting rings, etc...

Even with Eva's assistance, Otokogawa would have difficulty achieving stable entanglement of more than 50 photons.

However, it seems to be more than enough to deal with the situation at hand.

The power in Chi Biao's furious body is stalemate, but it can be detected that a terrifying aura like a prehistoric beast is bred in his body, through the high-strength barrier, shielding and sealing wall, one can feel the life-snatching The energy and consciousness spilling out of the body gave Oto Xiaochuan a sense of oppression like a blade.

"Heavenly Demon, how can you occupy my body of Chi Biao's anger, get out!"

"Jie Jie Jie... You have my blood... Your existence... is my descended body... Your power is my power!"

"I... even if I die, I won't let you take my home..."

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Through observation, the flaming pupils strangely presented a feeling of calm like a deep ocean.

In Oto Xiaochuan's heart, he was full of vigilance and loathing for such eyes. It wasn't an aloofness that he thought was noble, nor was it a disregard for plants, trees, bamboos and rocks. It couldn't even be said to be cold. Divine eyes.

Countless radiance, like the brilliance of the sun, unfolded layer upon layer within Chi Biaonu's body like phantoms.

It is holy, it is light, it is like a god, it is like an angel.

Stable quantum entanglement began to collapse, and experiments began to spin out of control.

"The end comes... Clean up the experimental body..."

The corner of Yi Xiaochuan's mouth twitched, he somewhat underestimated the strength of that alien creature.Just now, he saw the ocean of photons in the void, surging and changing between the particle state and the wave state, and the photons scattered from the sun surged in the void like an ocean, and the waves in the energy sea, in the red Biao Nu's body collapsed into a particle state.

Endless heat, endless brilliance, like the sun descending.

"Light Quantum Entangled Life!"

Looking at the tiny layer of material ashes left by Chi Biao's anger, Yi Xiaochuan's ears still echoed the voice of the descendant "Heavenly Demon":

"We never died!"

"We will be back!"

(End of this chapter)

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