Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 322 Fantian Seal, 2 Jinxian Guangchengzi was born

Chapter 322 Fan Tianyin, Twelve Golden Immortal Guangchengzi was born

"The Great Wilderness Classic" has detailed records of the Great Wilderness World.

The south of Dongting is the territory of the Fire Clan. There are hundreds of thousands of mountains, and there are many fierce beasts.

The red copper plate in the Chiyan Mountain seals the fierce totem beast Chiyan Jinyi, which was surrendered by the Fire Clan thousands of years ago. It is one of the top ten beasts in the Great Wilderness.

Thirty-six top masters including the Red Emperor of the Fire Clan fought fiercely with it for nine days and nine nights, and finally subdued it, sealed it into the red copper plate of the Fire Clan artifact, the Red Copper Fire Jade Plate, and placed it in Chiyan Mountain.

Even with such a ferocious beast, Yi Xiaochuan couldn't catch his eyes, so he didn't even have the desire to take a look.

Twelve hundred miles to the northwest of Dongting, there is the hill of Lingshan, which is recorded as being transformed by the great god Fuxi after his death.Strange beasts come and go, and hundreds of medicines are there.There are ten witches in Lingshan, who were born in Fuxi's ten fingers, with infinite supernatural power.

In fact, it is ten elves born from the spirit tree, which are the branches of the demon.

Demon—birds and beasts open their minds.

Essence—the vegetation absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, and turns into essence by chance.

Strange - rocks and utensils absorb the aura of heaven and earth, or gather pure beliefs to become spirits.

The ten witches of Lingshan belong to the fairies born in the vegetation.

It's just a chance from heaven and earth, and the superficial knowledge of biochemistry can cultivate spiritual plants, graft plants, detoxify and cure diseases, and even graft biological limbs.

This is miraculous in the eyes of the people in the wilderness, but in the eyes of Oto Xiaochuan, it is only mediocre.

It's just rumors that the ten witches of Lingshan have the ability to refine the "undead medicine", which arouses Yi Xiaochuan's interest.

To the west of Dongting is the Kunlun of the Jin family.

The "Little Nine Flowing Light Sword" rejected by Baidi Baizhao of the Jin clan is composed of nine pieces of cold gold and sharp iron.It is said that when he accidentally killed his friend with this sword, he threw the sword into the Kunlun Mountains in grief.Watching the stars one day and night, I suddenly had an epiphany. I used nine meteorites as a sword, called the "Dajiu Liuguang Sword", and created my own "Meteorite Flowing Light Break".

This is the most advanced method of magnetic sword control. It is really not easy to comprehend such a sword technique in such a wild civilization, and the understanding is amazing.

There are Nanyuan and Langgan forests in Kunlun Mountains.

There are many rumors about Nanyuan and Langgan Forest circulating in the Great Wilderness. It is said that Nanyuan is three hundred feet deep, shrouded in clouds and mists all the year round, and the bottom cannot be seen. From time to time, strange roars can be heard from the bottom of the abyss...

Many rumors are either mysterious or absurd, and there is no consensus. The only thing that can be confirmed is that all the white emperors and saintesses of the Jin clan have come here to sit here and become immortals.

The Langgan forest stretches for three thousand miles, and is densely covered with exotic flowers and precious trees. Rare birds and animals can be seen everywhere. Together with the Lingshan Mountain in the Central Plains and the Pimu Hill in the East, they are called the Three Wonderful Mountains of the Great Wilderness.Although it is not a forbidden place, it is mysterious and dangerous, and no one would dare to enter it rashly without the guidance of the guards of the Jin clan.

And the Undead Tree in the forest is said to have been transformed by Pangu's index finger, and it has been tens of thousands of years.In addition to the branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, and rhizomes of this tree can be used to make "undead medicine", it also has the magical ability to penetrate the heavens and earth, and sense gods.

All the witch doctors in the wilderness thought of picking branches, leaves, flowers and fruits under the most strange tree in the wilderness to refine the magical medicine.

But the elixir is only the fantasy of ordinary people after all.

No one can live forever, even Shen Nong, the Great Desolate God Emperor. If he hadn't met Yi Xiaochuan, he would be nothing but a handful of loess now.

Leaving from Lingshan, there is nothing Oto Xiaochuan wants there.

Chisongzi went to the Fire Clan, his obsession was incomprehensible, and his cultivation was difficult to advance.

But Yi Xiaochuan and his party went to the Tu nationality.

The night was dark, the surroundings were pitch black, and there were faint glints of waves. Two big rivers ran silently from west to east, sandwiching Yangxu Mountain.Although Yangxu Mountain is only two to three hundred feet high, the mountain is extremely steep. The west side of the mountain stands straight and slanted, as if cut by a knife, and it is extremely difficult to climb up. flies down.

At the foot of the mountain is Yangxu City, the holy city of the Tu nationality.

Gao Pei is near and far, the city tower is steep and the area is quite large.Outside the city is a four to five zhang wide, bottomless fissure that wraps around the city wall and extends all the way to the west cliff of Yangxu Mountain.

The "Da Huang Jing" records that the moat of the Yangxu City of the Tu nationality is nearly two hundred feet deep, and it is full of wishful men.

This ruyishi is a strange person who imitates the first holy soil of the Tu people, "Xi Soil". It is mixed with other kinds of sacred soil. According to the top secret magic of the Tu people, it can suddenly grow and proliferate, or suddenly reduce and concentrate.Therefore, the deep ditch of the moat can be filled up by the Ruyi at the bottom in an instant and become a flat ground, or it can suddenly become a deep ditch when the enemy attacks.

The city was pitch black, with only a few lights.Looking intently, you can see that the streets are crisscrossed, houses are row upon row, and there is no one on the street, obviously the curfew is very strict.

On the halfway up Yangxu Mountain, towering palaces stretch into stretches, leaning on the mountain and built in the air.The palace was brightly lit, and the figures moved.

Ji Shaodian, the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality, died more than a month ago and was killed by Zhu Jiuyin. His son Ji Yuanxuan refused to formally ascend the throne because the three-year mourning period had not yet expired.The elders persuaded him repeatedly on the grounds of internal and external troubles and the urgent need to stabilize people's hearts and unite against the enemy, so he reluctantly accepted the title of "Prince Huangdi".However, in the temples of the Tu nationality, the tablet of the Yellow Emperor of the current dynasty is still Ji Shaodian.Therefore, there are currently two "Yellow Emperors" among the Tu people.

In the middle of the main hall sits a young man in yellow clothes, eight feet tall, with slanted eyebrows, piercing eyes, calm demeanor, and a calm demeanor, with a faint smile on his face, giving him the air of a king.Although the orange brass long sword hung obliquely on his waist was not out of its sheath, its majestic and domineering aura was already piercing, which was quite different from his subdued true aura.

Fairy Wu Luo, the holy girl of the Tu nationality, stood still in the air, took out a yellow scroll from her sleeve, slowly opened it, and read softly: "The yellow sky is above, and the thick soil is below. Yin Duoshe was reborn, killed my holy emperor, and humiliated my Tu people! This feud is irreconcilable!
Today, the great wilderness has reappeared in Pimu's land, and Gongsun Yinghou broke out of the abyss, bringing chaotic beasts to seek refuge with the devil, and has the heart of destroying the world.Since ancient times, there is no balance between good and evil, and law and righteousness are not empty. If there is anyone who tends to demons and helps them to be torturers, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth, and they will be killed without mercy..."

Her voice was like a jade stone, clear and pleasant, and the imperial edict was read by her, which was particularly mellow and pleasant.

Hearing this, all the heroes of the Tu ethnic group were shocked and moved, only to know the secret of the sudden disappearance of Gongsun Yinghou and Pimu Diqiu.

Unexpectedly, Fairy Wu Luo had a deep love for Gongsun Yinghou back then, but 16 years later, she read this edict by herself.It can be said that the world is impermanent and God's will is unpredictable.After reading the imperial decree, he put away the scroll, handed it to Ji Yuanxuan, and took out a brass secret box from his sleeve. His face was as calm as autumn water, without any ripples, and he said softly: "Wu Luo is ordered by the elders, the special general Submit the 'Spirited Land' to His Majesty, to fill the valleys and subdue demons."

Everyone was amazed, "Silent Soil" is also called "Chaos Heavenly Soil", which is more powerful than "Colorful Soil".According to legend, it is the divine mud left behind when Pangu created the world. It swells in the wind and becomes infinitely large. Once it solidifies, it is stronger than black iron, and it is difficult for any divine weapon to split it.

It is rumored that when Nuwa mended the sky, she borrowed the sacred soil of Xilo, and later felt that the soil was too powerful, and if she was a little cautious, it would cause endless disasters, so she only left three feet square, and there were nine brass secret boxes. Within, hidden among the nine holy mountains.

For thousands of years, even if it was besieged by the floods of the Shui tribe, they did not dare to use this land.Unexpectedly, in order to seal up Pimu's land and subdue chaos today, he would not hesitate to use the number one sacred soil in the wilderness.

Suddenly, a ray of light passed by, and the brass secret box disappeared from Fairy Wuluo's hand.

"Who took away the treasure of my Tu tribe?"

Since Huangdi Ji Shaodian and Huanglong True God were killed by Zhu Jiuyin, the Tu Clan had almost no high-end combat power. Although the new successor Huangdi Ji Yuanxuan was talented, after all, his cultivation time was short and he did not have god-level strength.

No one answered, let alone any abnormalities.


A pile of black oily soil was thrown from the darkness, and was blown by the wind, and suddenly swelled and bulged, and it swelled tens of millions of times in an instant, as if it was going to fill the sky and the earth to the brim!

There was a continuous boom, and the soil rose high, forming a huge black hill, and then collapsed rapidly, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings. Looking down from the top, it was like a black octopus spreading its tentacles in an instant, extending to the lightning in all directions... …

"Damn it...you actually opened the secret box..."

"Is this going to destroy Yang Xu City?"

"Old Demon Candle is here!"

"My lords, join hands to block Xiyang, and don't let it destroy Yangxu City..."

Ji Yuanxuan stood with his head held high, calm and composed, watching the rapid expansion of the soil with deep eyes.

This kind of change beyond the rules of physics, in Otokawa's opinion, is really more interesting than women.

The conservation of matter and energy is broken right in front of your eyes.

This soil is not the strong force material that Otokawa expected, such as neutron star fragments, because its density is not high, and it is light to hold in the hand.

And in inflation there are slight dimensional fluctuations.

"Pym particles?"

Yi Xiaochuan muttered for a while, he had seen this particle in the materials of the big library, and even studied it, but due to various reasons, the experiment was not successful.

What are Pym particles?
I am afraid that no one can understand this problem better than him. In name, it is a special isolated subatomic particle that can change the size of the biological mass, but in essence, the mass of the object after the adjustment of the Pym particle has changed.

Don't talk about picking the stars and taking the moon in the myth, just say that the human body is reduced to the size of an ant, or the heavy mecha is reduced to the size of a palm and hung on the waist.

If there is no change in mass, the density of the heavy armor will be comparable to the planetary material of a white dwarf.If according to the pressure formula—mass remains unchanged but the force-bearing area changes, the pressure increases positively, then the smaller person will definitely cut into the earth’s core.

For example, Monkey King's golden cudgel is one hundred and eight thousand kilograms. If the atoms are really compressed into the size of a needle tip and hidden in the ear, what kind of strength is needed to do it?
Not at all.

Therefore, this technology of changing the mass without changing the momentum, while reducing the body weight, can also maintain the kinetic potential energy of the mass mass, it is impossible to explain it by reducing the distance between atoms.

Any interstellar civilization that can explore white dwarfs and neutron stars will have in-depth research on the distance between atoms, but no civilization has ever been able to complete such amazing subatomic particles!
So, the Pym particle is actually the interference of another dimensional state, and it can turn the object into a kind of parallel dimension in some way.

Shrinking objects are not shrinking in the physical sense, but are transformed into a dimension parallel to the four-dimensional space-time.

This dimension has the attribute of overturning the size of space in relative time and space!
As many space dimensions as there are, there are as many planes in the dimension.The dimension is infinite, so the dimensional property of matter is also infinite.It is truly a miracle that such a special dimension can be found in infinity.

This is also the reason why Oto Xiaochuan could not overcome this problem.

But now, this Xiyang has proved the existence of this dimension with an example, and exposed this dimension to Otokawa.

Thus, Pym particles are no longer a theory.

Yi Xiaochuan let out a breath slowly, the harvest is not insignificant.

Even ridiculously large.

Mastering the Pym particles is the supernatural power in the sleeve of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy. Picking up the stars and the moon is no longer a dream.

Suppressing his beating heart, Otokawa calmed down instantly, quietly perceiving that mysterious dimension.

At this time, before the Xichuang completely expanded, the sky was raging with a violent wind, and an indescribably fierce air wave rushed towards him, Otokawa Dairin.

I saw a multicolored light arc appearing, which was a big square seal, and an invisible huge pressure suddenly overturned the sky, covering the sky and overturning it, like the tearing of the planet's gravity.

"What a powerful gravitational force..."

Yi Xiaochuan's complexion changed suddenly, and he failed to discover the huge gravitational source before. You must know that gravity is closely related to matter, and a huge gravitational field must be a huge aggregate of matter.

In an instant, he came to the conclusion that although the small square seal did not reach the density of a neutron star, it was actually comparable to the density of a white dwarf.

Taishan Fujun's great seal was once used as the gravitational source of the formation to display the gravitational field.

But it is not as strong as one-tenth of this great seal.

"The magic weapon of white dwarf fragments and Pym particles..." Yi Xiaochuan muttered, his eyes were like sharp swords, and he looked at the figure behind the big seal.

The big seal didn't suck the soil, but quickly smashed towards Yi Xiaochuan's head, like a big brick.


The oscillation waves of the vibrating gold cells rippled rapidly, and within ten seconds of the stalemate, the magnetic force field opened first, and then quickly built a careful gravitational well.

Seeing that the blow didn't work, the big seal immediately closed it.

"The genius doctor Donghai Yi, who has admired his name for a long time, should have visited as soon as possible, but was delayed by the secular world. I didn't expect to meet in such a way tonight..."

The big seal fell into the hands of a middle-aged Taoist priest, with fluttering black beard, immortal demeanor, a long sword on his back, and piercing eyes like cold electricity, he raised his voice and said: "Guang Chengzi, a qi trainer in the poor Taoist Kongtong Mountain, Ask Miracle Doctor B about his supernatural powers!"

"Guang Chengzi? The Overturning Seal?"

(End of this chapter)

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